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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Thanks, I'd love to have it! Still, I'm thinking that as soon as I move up from "Skull Leader's Lackey" to "Bridge Bunny," I'm going to change avatars anyway...I have a pic of Vanessa in sexy mode that's dying to be seen here. Plus, no one has attacked me for my avatar and sig yet, but soon enough, I'm sure someone with no sense of irony will come along and verbally assault me, and i don't need the grief. Being a Robotech apologist is fun, though...I may try it more often...
  2. Max will forever look young, he can fit a robot into an ill-fitting uniform and actually fool people with it, he can magically launch missiles out of thin air, hell, by touching Miria's chin, he could even BREAK THE LAW OF GRAVITY and float around...being a genius has its perks.
  3. Let's just hope they've figured out a way to get it to walk without leaving "footprints" in the floor.
  4. I don't think there's any real "kid-tested, Macrossworld-approved" fansub. I've seen Shinsen and AonE-Gekkostate-Menclave, and read the Gattai script. They all have points in their favor, and points against...and what those points are depends on what YOU, the discerning Macross fan, thinks is important. My Japanese is okay, but certainly not good enough to decide which is the most faithful translation. Most of us here are in the same boat, I think.
  5. I've never read either of the issues (nor even seen 'em), but I would imagine that they're better than most '90s Robotech comics; I mean, they'd HAVE to be... ...wouldn't they?
  6. Well, of course...Robotech was only a bunch of Dougram, Macross, and Orguss plastic kits renamed and with different paint schemes at that time. http://www.draddog.com/robotech/ Heh...the VF-1D is in jungle camo colors...
  7. For the Triangler single? Yes. 1. Triangler 2. Kotomichi 3. Triangler (Karaoke Version) 4. Kotomichi (Karaoke Version) For "Frontier NOW"? Not yet...
  8. Which of course is what we're all hoping for...aren't we? Uh, I mean...except me. HG FOREVER!!!!
  9. Every time you post a picture from SC, you make the Baby Jesus cry.
  10. It DEFITINTELY came out in '84...I know, because I have the tape, and that's what it says on it. (I assume that Harmony Gold was not given to fudging things like dates and legal rights at that time...) Also (and this is EXTREMELY circumstantial), I remember seeing an ad for it in Starlog Magazine...and the only issue I ever had of that came with a poster with Ghostbusters on one side and Splash on the other. (I put up the Ghostbusters side first, and then, when puberty hit, turned it over. Convenient, eh?). So summer '84 sounds right. And if the Compendium says it was August, I believe 'em.
  11. In case someone still doesn't have the "Triangler" single, I uploaded it to jpopsuki...
  12. Yeah, that's what I meant by the "Rick Yamada/Lisa Hayase" version...it came out in '84, after the original series had ended. I don't know if it came out before or after DYRL, but certainly all of the work on DYRL was finished by that point (maybe. We all know that Macross animators don't always stick to deadlines).
  13. WOW! Shadow Chronicles looked just average before...on Blu-Ray it'll look EVEN MORE average! I can't wait!
  14. Now yet...it'll be out in the beginning of June.
  15. Is the Trianglar RAR I'm downloading WV format...? I'll be quite annoyed if it is... Oops, the seed just disappeared. Great...
  16. This is all going to end in tears, isn't it? No matter what happens, SOMEONE's gonna end up embarrassed...unless Sterne's a hermaphrodite...then, everyobdy's right!
  17. Whoops! Thanks...I guess I rushed things in my enthusiasm for HG...
  18. Well...the HG-Produced "Rick Yamada/Lisa Hayase" version of Macross came out in '84, so they could've bought the rights before the series ended...it seems counterintuitive that they would buy the series before it was finished, though. Anyway, thanks for setting the record straight on Anime Friend. I always thought they did a creditable job on Mospeada, and wondered why that looked okay...clearly, Star Pro wasn't involved there.
  19. ALL RIGHT!! My new avatar! Thanks!
  20. Macross Generation, too. The young, naive girl gets the guy. But the other girl's a backsabbing termagant, so that may not count.
  21. Hey, it'd be better than Ozma saying, "Okay, the truth about the Vajra is..." and then he has a heart attack and dies.
  22. "ACTING!!!" "GENIUS!!" *bows* I've seen opinions like that, too...mostly criticizing MF for being "eye-candy." Which is strange, because eye-candy should be a good thing...it's eye candy WITH NO SUBSTANCE that's the problem. And, three episodes in, I think it's clear that MF has substance. I guess the dedicated Shadow Chonicles fanatic* has to say to himself, "This looks like crap, therefore it must be good for me!" Just like brussels sprouts. As for the mystery of the Vajra, I don't mind if it gets dragged out a bit But I do hope we at least laern SOMETHING about them before the halfway point...I mean, other than the fact that shooting them in the head doesn't work. *I assume there's only one of you.
  23. ...Isn't that what Zero was...?
  24. Dude, Shadow Chronicles is WAAAY better than Macross Frontier! The CG in MF is so detailed and finely rendered that it clashes with the traditional 2D animation...whereas in Shadow Chronicles, the CG they use ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE Anime Friend circa 1983. So it fits better. ... (I better get at least FIVE Obsequious Today Badges now...I feel like I need a shower after saying that... ...but no matter how hard I scrub, I can't seem to cleanse my soul...)
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