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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I know I say this every week, but... DAMN! This show is AWESOME!! This one made me fully laugh out loud three times: 1) 2) 3)
  2. Mine's not as bad as that, but I've been downloading for and hour and eleven minutes, and I'm only at 55%...
  3. To quote the designer of the YF-19: "Please don't assume I'm like you." Yeah, it's クラン クラン. For some reason, this gets transliterated as "Klan Klein." It looks to me more like "Klan Klan," but whatever... PRE-EDIT: Someone's gonna beat me to this, too, I'm sure.
  4. And every time I see yours, I think, "Hey, she's cute!"
  5. We really an "embarrassed" emoticon...
  6. IT'S UP!!! Tokyotoshokan! EDIT: Damn, Duke Togo beat me to this one...I'm batting zero today...
  7. Isn't it obvious? "Tuna" in Japanese is "Maguro," which is almost the same as "Makuro." *sings* MAAA-Gu-Ross! MAAA-Gu-Ross! -DUNdundundundun- MAAAAAAAAGGROSS!!! EDIT: Phil K beat me to it.
  8. You're welcome! By the way, I looked 'em up on Japanese Wikipedia, and it turns out they did six of the Time Bokan series! Very cool. They also started in 1977 and went out of business in 1990. They did about three series after Mospeada; I don't recognize any of them, but let's face it...Tatsunoko's heyday was well over by then.
  9. Look, is it really a spoiler to say that Alto makes a good-looking girl...? We've all seen the OP.
  10. When I was in Tokyo last winter, I went to see a Kabuki show...some of the "actresses" were drop dead gorgeous...
  11. And most importantly, who's gonna hook up with their cousin?
  12. "Anime Friend" is アニメフレンド
  13. Boy, it feels like five A.M. on Christmas morning around here...or maybe it's just me.
  14. I think it's a different mix, as well. The single just...doesn't...quite sound like the OP version...
  15. Ah well, it was a good episode anyway. the "Robotech Trilogy of Pain" (or should it be tetrology...?) was awesome all round. Anyway, it's not quite up to "Robotech III" standards, but this is pretty funny: http://www.scentinels.com/clips.html Some of it's funny, some of it's just lame, but I really, really like Minmei's voice...sounds like she's talking through a killer head cold. And again, I'd rather have this on Blu-Ray than SC.
  16. Yep, that's the one. (Frickin' frackin' spoilin' my surprise avatar grumble grumble...)
  17. "Khyron's Counter Attack"...? Never heard of that one...was it done by the same people who did Robotech III?
  18. Good point. I got the three box sets when those came out, and paid a bit less than $60 for each one. (The comic shop I go to was very, very nice and sold them to me at cost plus tax.) But the early bird ones were pretty damn expensive, IIRC...
  19. I hope so... I've seen no news about this, but after investing a ton of money into restoring Macross, I worry that Animeigo more or less lost their shirt on it. Just from the fact that they no longer sell it, and it's on RT.com for forty bucks...well, that doesn't sound good. Does anyone know if they made a profit or not...? Of course, their latest big project is Yawara, so if they're looking to make some fast bucks, they're not going about it the right way...
  20. Well, yeah...to be fair, a lot of us are unfairly biased against SC. If it didn't have all the Robotech/Macross/HG/BW baggage attached to it, it would probably be regarded as a curiosity more than anything else. It's easy to rip it to shreds if you have half a mind to, just like it's easy to praise it to the skies if you care to. As Ginrai and VF5SS said on their podcast, though, it's not very Robotech-ish, but it does feel a lot like Star Trek. Me, I was annoyed that it even got released, so I was looking for reasons to hate it. I found them, of course, but I will admit that I watched the whole thing. Not all in one sitting, but I never got bored or annoyed enough to turn it off for good. "Robotech 3: Not Necessarily the Sentinels" was WAY better, though. Someone needs to get THAT onto a DVD...
  21. That knowledge of basic human anatomy and form is unnecessary in order to be a popular comics artist...?
  22. Sharon Apple sings in French, too. And "Sharon" sounds a lot like "Sheryl." Coincidence...?
  23. Really? We should be so lucky...
  24. They can't ALL be Tommy Yune posting under fake names, can they? There are probably a few people who quite honestly think that SC is better than MF...hell, Doug Bendo said that he thought Robotech: The Movie was better than DYRL, because DYRL "looks really, really rough." Yes, Duke Togo, there ARE morons in this world... EDIT: Whoops, forgot to quote Duke Togo's post...guess I'm the moron now, huh?
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