Well, yeah...to be fair, a lot of us are unfairly biased against SC. If it didn't have all the Robotech/Macross/HG/BW baggage attached to it, it would probably be regarded as a curiosity more than anything else. It's easy to rip it to shreds if you have half a mind to, just like it's easy to praise it to the skies if you care to. As Ginrai and VF5SS said on their podcast, though, it's not very Robotech-ish, but it does feel a lot like Star Trek.
Me, I was annoyed that it even got released, so I was looking for reasons to hate it. I found them, of course, but I will admit that I watched the whole thing. Not all in one sitting, but I never got bored or annoyed enough to turn it off for good.
"Robotech 3: Not Necessarily the Sentinels" was WAY better, though. Someone needs to get THAT onto a DVD...