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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I started to respond...and then I confused myself, so I'm starting again. I think the reason why I confused myself is because "Anima Spiritia" is clearly, as you say, an ability. And yet, the Protodeviln say that Basara IS Anima Spirita, not that Basara HAS Anima Spirita. In any case, Anima Spirita is the bane of the Protodeviln, not the Vajra. So some form of Song Energy may be part of the MF story, but I doubt Anima Spirita will. And yes, if Sheryl goes out there in a VF with sound boosters, I'll be pretty annoyed, too. But not as annoyed as I'll be if the Vajra start shouting "The Beauty of Annihilation!" as they attack the ship.
  2. Lynn Minmee...? Well, we know that Nyan Nyan chain in MF started from the original one on the Macross (since the CM said that it was celebrating its 50th anniversary), so why WOULDN'T they capitalize on their most famous waitress?
  3. True. They may very well be Anima Spirita, but unless some Sivil comes along and gets freaked out by them, we'll never know. Song Energy, on the other hand, may have something to do with the Vajra.
  4. I wish I had that much space on my hard drive...suddenly, downloading all of Gatchaman, Legend of the Galactic heroes, and every U.C. Gundam series doesn't seem like it as good as idea as it did at the time...
  5. I'm not talking to you until you watch Daicon IV.
  6. I think there's a mix-up here between Spiritia, Anima Spiritia, and Song Energy. Song Energy is what Sound Force used against the Protodeviln (and, possibly, how Sara moved rocks and stuff), Spiritia is just life force (what the Protodeviln ate), and Anima Spiritia is Basara. So, yes. Anima Spiritia has appeared in MF...on Ozma's car radio.
  7. Basic promotional stuff...roughly, The left hand side it says that Mach Go Go Go is now a Hollywood movie, produced by Warner Bros (producers of Harry Potter and Batman) and made by the Warchowski brothers. The CGI effects are overflowing with speed blah blah blah... The right hand side says that the Tomika brand Mach 5 will be out in 2008, and follows the form of the car from the movie. ...What we imagine these things say is always more exciting than what they do say, isn't it?
  8. Yeah...in Cam form...I want something taken from the DVD! No release date for 2.0 yet, but (and this is third hand news, so take it for what it's worth) when I was in Tokyo last winter, I ended up talking to guy who worked for an animation studios that handled a couple of small scenes for 1.0. I asked him if he had any idea when 2.0 was coming out, and he said, "At the rate they're going, they'll be lucky if it's out by Christmas." *sigh*
  9. YOU HAVEN'T SEEN DAICON IV??? Go to youtube NOW and watch it! It's only five minutes long. You'll thank me. Really.
  10. Well, while we're all waiting for MisaForever's Daicon IV-like messy death, that HobbyFan article had me wondering...it clearly says that Meltrandi piloted Q-Raus FORMERLY...So is Klan some kind of RenFaire style throwback, keeping the old traditions alive...? Must be hard to remain an uncultured Zentradi in 2059...
  11. You fool! STOP! You'll incur the wrath of the mech-heads on this board, and not only do they know the EXACT specifications of the GU-11 gunpod, they KNOW HOW TO USE THEM, TOO!! *sigh* You've doomed us all...
  12. To quote Bob Dylan: "Do I understand your question?" Of Eva 1.0, of course! Hell, I can't wait for movie two PERIOD!
  13. No, it's just called Queadluun Rau. Under the gray ones, it says (roughly), "Formerly, the Meltrandi used these battle suits. There's a group of giant on the Macross Froniter Fleet. In the first place, it's unknown whether or not these units are the same type as the ones from Space War I (in the original Macross)." Under Klan's unit, it says, "There is also a unit with different coloring." (Thanks a lot, Captain Obvious! I couldn't have figured that out on my own... ) So there's your answer...maybe they're the same, maybe not. EDIT: typos
  14. Is THAT her problem? Hmmm... What is it with this show and funky Zentradi genetic traits that we've never heard of or seen before...? (Although this one bugs me less than Ranka's prehensile hair.)
  15. Watching it again, I realize I almost totally screwed up my attempt to translate the Luca and Mikhail scene. Luca says, " ." to which Mikhail says, " ." But I'm not sure if he's referring to or to
  16. No, Klan's not gay...BOBBY is gay! And yes, yes this IS Sailor Moon.
  17. Or maybe he died fighting Supervision Army Protopirhana...
  18. Tommy Yune was HERE??? What name did he go under? (I just tried to look him up...couldn't find him, but I did find Tom Bateman: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showuser=3682 ) EDIT: Forgot the word "find"
  19. And hey! I think I'm almost a bridge bunny!
  20. During the beginning, with Alto . It's the rousing, miliary-type song.
  21. Yeah...that makes more sense. And, as you say, I hope he's not doomed...
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