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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. ブレラ・ストーン is the name...I'll have to watch episode one again, but the name the president said only MIGHT be ブレラ. And ストーン is so not pronounced "Sterne"...
  2. It could just be wonky spelling...KK's last name doesn't sound like "Klein," either. Seeing the katakana would be a big help in figuring it out.
  3. Crap, I didn't even put that together...I blame Shinsen Subs: they have a different name for him in every episode: Mr. Habiller, Mr. Viller, Mr. Bilra... But yeah...I think you're right.
  4. Meh...I'm leery of predictions. WAFO.
  5. I'm not sure you can say Ranka's fanservice quotient is higher than Minmay's...we haven't seen Ranka naked in the show. But I wonder if that's the real problem...Look, I was eleven when I first saw Robotech...Minmay appeared indefinably "older" to me. I was twelve when I first saw DYRL. Now I'm thirty-four...about old enough to be a fifteen-year-old's dad. If the average macrossworlder is anything like me (and think you are), I'm wondering if there isn't a little bit of a "Put some clothes on, young lady!" attitude creeping in. Just sayin'.
  6. There also hasn't been a single shower scene, which seemed like a requirement in all '80s robot anime.
  7. Isn't not the voice actress, it's a singer anmed May'n. Her official website is mayn.horipro.jp.
  8. And give me a while to translate it...I'm not fluent, so I have to work slowly, looking up kanji as I go... But yeah! Thanks! EDIT: Oh, and the bigger the scan is, the better. I'm going to need to count the strokes on a lot of the kanji...
  9. Thank you! EDIT: Whoops...Realist Classic's post (which I was referring to) seems to have disappeared...sorry, man. Didn't mean to get you in trouble...
  10. Or Yoshinol! Does anyone still have the Yoshinol pic?
  11. Any chance you could upload a scan of the story...? I would love to translate it.
  12. To paraphrase Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Beware! beware! His flashing eyes, his froating hair!"
  13. Well...Hikaru and Max were both 16...Gamlin was 17...and Mylene DID blast away at the Protodeviln a bit, and did pretty well, too.
  14. How can you WAIT? It won't be relased for, like, 170 more hours!!! (And, um...I did google it...didn't find anything. But there were a lot of Chinese pages I didn't have the patience to wade through.)
  15. Whoa! I don't remember that! When did Basara get someone killed...?
  16. Well, it can't be the real Minmay...she's lost or dead by this point. So, as I said before, why WOULDN'T Nyan-Nyan capitalize on their most famous waitress? And with all the Colonization Fleets looking for Minmay look- and sound-alikes (as shown in Macross 7 Trash and Macross Generation), you'd think there would be at least one willing to take a fake name in order to get her voice on a commercial.
  17. What are you talking about? The pizza's got LOBSTER on it! Just peel it off, and you've got your Vajra toy right there!
  18. I don't have it, but I know what it is...it's a Macross Christmas album, with instrumental music and a few original songs. The only ones I've heard are the two that are on Macross The Complete: "White Christmas Memories," sung by Misa, and "The Jingle Bells are Lost," sung by Kim, Shammy, and Vanessa. Neither of the songs are very good, IMHO, and those are the only songs on the album to be sung by Macross cast members. It also features a short story about Christmas on board the Macross, before they get back to earth. Now THAT I'd love to get my hands on...so if you buy the CD, please scan it and put it up here!
  19. I don't think it was legal action...for whatever reason (i.e. I don't know why), the music tracks never got delivered to create the dub for Volume Four. So if you watch the English version of Volume Four, they just went with Sharon Apple songs from the first three volumes. I don't know if they corrected it for the DVD or not, but apparently bandai Visual fixed it for the English audio track on the remastered Plus DVDs. By the way...I've heard from several people around here that Plus and II are no longer available...is that reallly true? Both of them are still listed at amazon (and available new, not just used) and at Manga's website...
  20. I typed up a script for the Macross Plus Movie for boinger to use...but he needs to time it and make the sub file. He's pretty busy right now, but it shouldn't be TOO long...
  21. No, I haven't read them yet (as you say, there's no English version), but I really want to. My Japanese is passable, but certainly not good enough to read a novel. Still, perhaps one day...
  22. Thanks! I'd order it from Kinokuniya (here in L.A.), but I have nothing to play it on...I'm going back to Tokyo in the summer, though, so I'll try to get it then. (And I have to pick up "Gift 25" while I'm at it...)
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