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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Sounds like Gall Force to me...
  2. Why shouldn't they? As someone else has pointed out, a lot of South Pacific islands were colonized by French-speakers. (But I DO think that having "Arkan" be in French kind of takes away some of the mystery...in should be in the Mayan language, like "Yanyan.") But I agree that the whole thing is pretty anime magic-y...if Sheryl speaks French, and Ranka speaks Japanese...how do they understand each other? (Unless they speak "Basic" as well...)
  3. Is it just me, or is all this talk about what they do or don't show of the girls' bodies getting a little...obssessive...? (And, uh...pay no attention to my new signature as you ponder that... )
  4. Dude! She's like Steven Segal's daughter in Gamera!
  5. Are you kidding? That's HYSTERICAL!!! It would be even better if someone tried to pass it off as a teaser clip to Shadow Rising!
  6. In SDFM and DYRL, I got the impression that everyone was meant to be speaking English (the Macross's screen was always in English, the lyrics that Misa translated, etc.). But Sheryl writes in French, Ranka texts in Japanese...MF is turning out to be far more global...
  7. Ooh! A Nanase fan club??? I declare myself "Official Pillow Fluffer"!
  8. Shun...that's a GREAT signature you've got! One of my favorite lines from episode 4...
  9. Thank you! If you want, I'll PM you the artist's site...I would post a link, but a lot of it is *ahem* not safe for work...
  10. Shinsen Subs seemes to be making up for lost time...their version's up now.
  11. Then they REALLY oughta fire the President's seiyuu, because it sounds like he's saying "bi-ru-ra," which sounds nothing like "Wai-ru-daa." But yeah...I'm pretty sure now that's he's NOT saying "burera."
  12. But of course! Don't, uh...hold your breath or anything, though. Even a few pages will take me a while...
  13. THE HORY FROATING HEAD WILL NOT BE IGNORED!!! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...=7041&st=20 Now if I could just find that Yoshinol pic...
  14. ...Says the man with the loli Meltran as his avatar...
  15. I like her too...but I think it's mostly the hair. She's got GREAT hair.
  16. Means they don't have ginormous ta-tas.
  17. Ooh, SNAP! Well...I watched episode 2 again, and the name the President says doesn't sound much like ブレラ...it sounds much more like ビルラ, so Viller/Bilra is probably right. Oh well...back to WAFO.
  18. By that logic, you could also make the argument that Exsedol was a drag queen...sure, it was never shown, but still...
  19. It's probably not..."Aimo" is ending theme for episode 1 (Broadcast Version) and the song she sings in episode 3. So if anyone has a connection with the Bird Man, it's Ranka...
  20. Not in Japanese, it doesn't...
  21. Yes, thank you...all of you. We know it's a difficult series to translate, and we know that having a rabid fanbase ready to bite your heads off doesn't help, but really...we love ya.
  22. Ladies and Gentlemen, WE HAVE FRONTIER O.S.T. TRACK LISTING!!! (from the JVC website) And it looks like those who thought there would be a Mac Zero connection in this show are right... 1. Frontier 2059 2. Welcome To My FanClub's Night! (Sheryl On Stage) 3. What 'bout my star? (Sheryl On Stage) 4. 射手座☆午後九時Don't be late (Sheryl On Stage) [You all know this one by now.] 5. Vital Force 6. トライアングラー [Triangler] 7. Zero Hour 8. What 'bout my star? @Formo 9. Innocent green 10. アイモ [Aimo] 11. ビッグ・ボーイズ [big Boys] 12. Private Army 13. SMS小隊の歌〜あの娘はエイリアン [sMS Squadron Song ~ That Girl is an Alien] (YES!!!) 14. ニンジーン Loves you yeah ! [Ninjiin Loves you yeah!] ("Ninjin" means carrot, but this may be something else... ) 15.「超時空飯店 娘々」 CMソング(Ranka Version)[super Dimension Chinese Restaurant Nyan Nyan CM Song] (YES!!!) 16. Alto's Theme 17. TALLY HO! 18. The Target 19. Bajura (Yep, that's how they write it...) 20. キラキラ [Twinkle] 21. アイモ〜鳥のひと [Aimo~The Bird Man] (!!!) 22. Take Off 23. インフィニティ [infinity] 24. ダイアモンド クレバス [Diamond Crevasse] So it looks like "Sagitarius 9:00 PM Don't Be late" is a different version, so you'll all HAVE to buy the single! And the "Next Episode Preview" music had BETTER be on here...I don't want to have to wait for Volume Two for it...
  23. What about the firefighter guys? They could, um...spray foam on the Vajra. Their dry cleaning bill would be murder... Or just use the tanks. Those were really effective...right...?
  24. Agreed. We've already had one person shout "Listen to my song!" in MF, we don't need two. But I think it's too early for Ozma to die. Not sayin' it won't happen, but...not yet. Based on past experiences, though, the odds of surviving a Macross series are pretty good. Higher than, say, a Gundam series.
  25. I know...is "Sterne" the official Romanization? And where did Klan "Klein" come from? If this is all from someone at Big West, they need someone who actually knows how to pronounce English...
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