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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. You're a stronger man than I, Duke Togo...these days, if someone wants to believe it's spirita, I just let 'em. They'll be proven wrong eventually anyways. Unless the rumor takes on a life of its own, like that annoying fallacy about Asuka, Rei, and Misato all smooshed together in the End of Evangelion...
  2. Yeah...she obviously learned English as a second language...and having a Japanese speaker say the word "warp" is just cruel, I think... Just like the guy in MF episode 1, saying, "Reply to me" in that particularly pleading tone...
  3. Yeah, there's been a link to the songs in the episode talk threads for a few days now...
  4. Hmmm...you make a good argument. Nothing to do but WAFO, I guess...
  5. And let me see if I got this straight... The Vajra are , right...? And I'll say it again...SHERYL MINMAY!
  6. Um...yeah...the first thread I ever started caused something of a stir...I really would just like to forget about it...
  7. After watching episode 5, I'm beginning to lean in that direction, too.
  8. I F CKIN' LOVE THIS SHOW!!! SHERYL MINMAY! Whew! I'm a-gonna go watch it agin. Yee-haw, pardners.
  9. "He used to do surgery for girls in the '80s But gravity always wins..." Don't make fun of the handicapped! It's not Nanase's fault she's hunchfront... And I'm at 97.3%...so I'll be back in half and hour or so...
  10. First off, we don't *know* that it's only going to be 13 episodes. If there will be nine DVDs, it'll probably be 26...and, if it's popular and remains good, I hope they'll add a second season. Second, there's a big Mac Zero reference in Sheryl's last name (although whether it means anything remains to be seen). Mac II references seem unlikely, although some have pointed out that the armored VF-25 looks something like a VF-2. I don't think they've gone overboard with the homages, because the repeated plot points seem more like springboards for different choices and outcomes on the part of characters. It's definitely not a point-for-point remake, that's for sure. And if you can't hack waiting week by week, do what I did...when the waiting became unbearable for me around the end of February, I sat down and watched ALL of Macross, a few episodes (or a movie) a day. It took six weeks, and by the end of it, PRESTO! It was the beginning of April, and MF was about to start. (Also, "Lynn Minmay" is one of my favorite episodes of SDF...how can you hate an episode that shows Minmay's butt AND has a giant tuna? Now, "Global Report"...that's an episode I could've done without.)
  11. I use Azureus...I've been downloading the episode for a little over half an hour, and I'm at 45%.
  12. Ah. Now THAT is true dickishness. (I never got into the toys because I couldn't justify spending the money...and I guess the models were below HG's radar...)
  13. Still waiting for the 704x396 to finish...but in the the meantime, I went to the supermarket... My total? $20.59!!!! Spooky...
  14. Well...I joined Macrossworld in...2000, I believe...? Right after I got the three Animeigo sets. But I wasn't a frequent visitor then, so I must've missed all of this. Still, in Los Angeles, I never had any trouble finding Macross merchadise (Hasegawa, that is). The late, lamented Best1 Hobby in Alhambra always had a full stock. And I got a couple of VF-1D kits from Valkyrie-Exchange at that time, too. So what's the real story? How was everyone's Macross purchasing ability affected?
  15. ...until that fateful "Sankyuu!" But then the English speakers come back for Global's press conference "OH MY GOD!" "They're ALIENS!"
  16. Probably involved the maiming (or worse!) of at least two sound engineers, and an unspecified number of JVC employees...
  17. The operators on the brdige never showed anything more than mild shock...and it was clear from episode one that Max knew who Basara was. So if Basara was really endangering pilots, wouldn't Max have done something about it, like confiscate the Fire Valkyrie? Or was he just being negligent...?
  18. Did I beat Duke Togo...? EDIT: Yes, Yes I did. No "Wu 4 Life," this time!
  19. If you need a quick fix, Ranka's version is (almost) the same arragement of the song that appears on "Mylene Jenius Sings Lynn Minmay."
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