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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Shame! SHAME! SHAME for not downloading the broadcast version of the episode! I don't know how AiA-IZ distinguishes it, but if you get Shinsen Subs episode 1b, or the Gattai episode 1, you're getting the broadcast version. It has less mecha porn, but more of Sheryl being snooty and demanding...as well as setting up the "What 'Bout My Earring" subplot.
  2. ...Now all it needs is a little 1/48 Mikhail to recline in the cleavage...
  3. Well...technically, it's not just the Bay Area...some of it is the Shibuya area of Tokyo, and the Griffith Observatory is here in L.A. But whatever city is cloest to the New Edwards Air Force Base was also San Francisco-ish (at least, the Golden Gate was there), and we also know that Basara visited SF as well, judging from the ending credits of Dynamite 7...
  4. Agreed. GERWALK and MOSPEADA are two other Engrishy offenders.
  5. I can't really answer, since they're so different. Sheryl's versions are layered with production and all sorts of little studio touches, Ranka's are either a capella or more spontaneous. What's better, Nirvana in the studio or Nirvana Unplugged? If you're like me, it depends on your mood. It also helps that I like both singers' voices. May'n has a strange, silvery, sometimes gritty quality, whereas Megumi Nakajima has a very pure voice, and brings a lot of enthusiasm.
  6. Not brEAST implants, brAIN implants! The concert footage we saw in episode 2 (where Sheryl realized Alto had her earring), was filmed by Grace, using only her eyes (and the implant). She didn't know that the implants were illegal on Frontier, and figured that Alto took a snapshot of her when her dress fell. (Whew! Glad that wasn't so obvious...I was expecting everyone to jump on me for it...)
  7. That IS interesting...wish I could see it. And yes, according to Anno, he spent four years more or less unable to get out of bed. According to his Gainax partners, though, it wasn't that bad. I'm not sure who to believe here...
  8. Belated epiphany here: After watching this episode subbed (and the explanation of implants), I suddenly understood why Sheryl had told Alto not to spread pictures of her breasts all over the web...that had confused me when she said it...
  9. Again, if they're taking their time so that it comes our right, I don't think any of us should complain. Accuracy > Speed. EDIT: And Batou is dreaming of an R1 MF boxset...I say your dreams are too small. I dream of a series of matching boxsets, all put out by the same company, translated uniformily, of EVERYTHING Macross. If I had several million dollars to spare, that's what I'd do with it...profits be damned!
  10. Never seen Robotech? You lucky, lucky dog! Anyway, maybe I'm the one misinterpreting the Magnificent Mr. Jenius...Hmmm. Maybe I was just taken aback by his deep, suave, Sho Hayami voice (rather than the "aw-shucks, I'm just a goggle-eyed kid" Jimmy Flinders voice), and saw more than was actually there...
  11. Not yet, AFAIK. At least, there's nothing on the Compendium entry about them. Maybe it's Sivilian Military Serivce...? Or Super Macross Sunbathers?
  12. Don't forget Evangelion episodes 21-24...almost completely redone for the laser disk. As for Ozma...I've said it before, but the odds of surviving a Macross series are pretty good, even if you're one of the bad guys. So yeah...Ozma may well live. And yet...I can't shake the feeling that the world of Macross Froniter is a little more dangerous than, say, that of Macross 7...
  13. Dude...you have GOT to hear Tommy February6...I have a feeling she's your undiscovered dream girl... And...um...I'm trying to think of a delicate way to put this...I think you're getting your Max Jenius confused with your Max Sterling...Robotech Max is the deferential and self-effacing one, Macross Max is pretty damn cocky.
  14. I stand by my previous statement. If Ozma's injured, and escapes from the hospital to get to his Valk...he's toast.
  15. According to the liner notes of the first Galaxy Network Chart album, the Daniel Akkerman Orchestra were on the charts with a song provocatively titled "Mark Twain's Lovers." I'm assuming it's an in-joke of some sort, but (unlike another singer listed on the chart, "Tomo Cherry Spring") I don't get it at all. And I like a lot of it, too...although I don't know where a lot of the "Volume Two" music comes from...is it from the "Galaxy Song Batle" albums?
  16. I've said it before...if Macross Frontier were a Scooby-Doo episode, Leon would be the crooked land developer. (And Sheryl and Nanase would be Daphne and Velma...but that's neither here nor there, really.)
  17. That's one of my favorites of the early Tom Baker episodes...mostly because of the "If I asked your friend which door was the right one, what would he say?" logic puzzle in it. I haven't seen it in more that twenty years, but I'll always remember that bit...
  18. I voted for "all of the above," but really...if the story and characters are weak, I don't care HOW good the mecha looks. Whereas an anime with weak mecha but an excellent story will always hold my attention (Zambot 3, I'm a-lookin' at YOU!) And yes, I always give anything Macross as much time as it needs to win me over...and sometimes it takes a while (*cough*Macross7*cough*)
  19. Not just the SDFM soundtracks, but a lot of M7 soundtracks are being reissued as well. And "Macross the Complete" is anything but...the first disc is TV soundtracks I and II, the second disc is the DYRL soundtrack and a bunch of karaoke tracks, and the third disc is prviously unreleased vocal and intrumental tracks. SDFM Vols. III, IV, and V are not included...but those are drama albums, so they wouldn't really fit.
  20. Simple indeed...and I eagerly await seeing all this in doujinshi form.
  21. Haven't you ever seen Chungking Express? Expired canned pineapples...you never even see 'em coming... But okay...let's say someone put razorblades in the pineapples...that might finish him off.
  22. Don't feel bad...on the list of Macross singers, Basara ranks pretty high on my list...WAY higher than the Milky Dolls, Wendy Ryder, Flaschakaya, Bamboo-Road Express, Lark Skybeauty, Panther, the Daniel Akkerman Orchestra, or even Canary Minmay!
  23. Fiddlesticks, I say! At some point, he's going to get injured badly, but he'll break out of the hospital and (still in his dressing gown) get into his VF-25 and do a kamikaze run into an enemy battlecruiser. Well, either that, or Ranka will make him some pineapple salad, but forget to check the expiration date on the pineapples, and he'll die of food poisoning.
  24. And how would Basara and Mylene have been able to have Ranka, considering that she was born two years BEFORE Basara and Mylene met...?
  25. We're not sure yet...there's been some speculation at Japanese Wikipedia that the events of VF-X2 led to some kind of split, but that may be just speculation at this point.
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