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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. If I can live with ASS-1, I can live with both Macross Quarter and NUNS.
  2. I'm way too lazy to put up ALL the links, but just go here: http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=sr_st?__mk_j...rt=-releasedate All of the vocals are on Macross the Complete, including Drama album songs, the Duet version of "Runner," and "Millia's Lullaby." But if you ONLY want the basic Minmay songs, there are cheaper ways to get them. My suggestion is to go to the soundtrack section of macrosshare, check out the albums there, and then buy what you need.
  3. Um...no offense intended, but you're not going to get a whole lot of sympathy here.
  4. Clever, very. But I actually wanna see it do some pounding before I call it that. If it merely gets its ass handed to it by the Vajra, then it'll be more like the Filet o' Lobster...
  5. ...and we KNOW she puts out.
  6. He reminds you of the arcade owner from the original series...right?
  7. Isn't it a little early for a "Frontier as a whole" thread...? We're still hashing it out episode by episode...
  8. First Gundam, man. The Guntank looked pretty silly flying in space, but feet can be used for kicking. Can't you just imagine a flying Destroid Monster kick? (whaddya mean, "no"...?)
  9. I agree that the Spartas was a relatively cool design (as were a lot of the Southern Cross mecha - space helicopters aside, that is...and even they at least LOOKED pretty good, ridiculous as the concept was). And I did like the armor. If some kind of hovertank showed it in Shadow Rising, it might make a neat toy...as long as the transformation was simpler that the Spartas, which IIRC was probably too complicated for its own good.
  10. Spoken like someone who never actually saw Robotech! EDIT: Does anyone else think we should introduce a "Robotech Thread of Hate"? That way we could filter all the rage and poison into there, and try to keep it from erupting all over the place in other threads...? Besides, it would easily be the most fun thread here...especially if we got some Robotech apologists to act as piƱatas...
  11. That might very well be Britai's grandson you're talking about...
  12. I'm very close to the halfway point now... And, um...Global's a Bing Crosby fan. Who knew?
  13. Okay, I've already amply demonstrated my faulty Southern Cross memory, but...how was it post-apocalyptic? Wasn't it a space colonization story?
  14. Oops, you're right. http://www.toyarchive.com/STAForSale/NEW20...oLooseMAT1a.jpg I never had it, either...just saw it in the toy store. I still say it looks crappy, though.
  15. Ditto. With everyone swtiching to h264, I feel like I have a Betamax...
  16. Can not even the M7 rereleases entice you...? Hell, they're even rereleasing "Mylene Jenius Sings Lynn Minmay"!
  17. Wow, you're REALLY going back to the good ol' days, aren't you? How do you even remember stuff that old...?
  18. First off...don't you mean "Super Dimension CAVALRY"...? "Calvary" has quite a different meaning, especially when combined with "Cross"... Second...I really doubt it. Back in the day, I had model kits of Jeanne, Lana, Charles (or was it Aderzej...?), the hoverbike, Seifreit's Bioroid, and some aquatic guy who never actually showed up in the show...from the booklet that came with one of the models, it seemed like the merchandizing push was less aimed towards the mecha and more to the armor, and I don't think a Spartas toy or model was ever produced (except for the crappy Robotech one which could only transform from tank to gerwalk). If Southern Cross, for whatever reason, gained a new surge in popularity, we might see the old models making a comeback (a la Mospeada, or the Bandai Macross reissues), but there STILL wouldn't be any Spartas. And even that kind of popularity seems unlikely, let alone any increase big enough to warrant making brand new toys. Yamato (or whoever) couldn't even really go for the nostalgia crowd, since it's predicated on the "Hey, I remember that!" factor...but no one watched the show in the first place, so who would remember it? Your best hope would be Toynami, but I think it's still a VERY long shot. A kind email letting them know of your interest certainly couldn't hurt, though.
  19. I don't think so. At least, there's nothing at amazon.co.jp about them being remastered.
  20. I take back my earlier comment...your dreams are indeed bigger than mine.
  21. My theory is that he died eleven years ago when the Vajra attacked the 117th Research Fleet. ...Ranka can see dead people.
  22. Really? I'm beginning to wonder if Island 1 isn't merely a mishmash of everywhere Kawamori's visited. I expect that part of it looks like New Delhi, as well...
  23. I'd imagine she could sing pretty well...at least, she's got the lung capacity for it.
  24. As Taksraven said, I hope you meant "loose ends." But...where did you hear this? I read a rumor somewhere that Kawamori said it would tie everything up, but I haven't come across a reference for it. I have bad memories of many people here railing on Macross Zero for not tying into the original series at the end, when Kawamori had never said that it would. Likewise, I'd be pretty annoyed to see people bitching that Frontier didn't solve the Megaroad-01 mystery, unless Kawamori specifically stated that it would.
  25. Hey, I voted for her! EDIT: Oh wait. No I hadn't. I thought this was the same has the "Who's your favorite MF girl." Well...it's difficult with Lucy and Millia there, but for now...yes, Nanase wins out.
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