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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Even if you hate it, it's not the end of the world...a lot of otherwise die-hard Macross fans dislike it intensely. It's pretty goofy, there are giant (but quite un-scary) space demons, it pushes sci-fi pseudo-science to ridiculous extremes, and Battle 7 has BIG HANDS! But the series has fun with itself, you get to find out more about the Protoculture and the Supervision Army, and towards the end, there an all-out Valkyrie assault that's as good as anything in the first macross series (to me, that is...others may disagree). And might I add that the VF-17 is a thing of beauty? As is the VF-22. And the Q-Raus in the bonus episode. And ALL the mecha in Dynamite 7. Yum.
  2. Yeah...Sa-Otome. It wasn't in my regular Japanese-to-English dictionary, but my big-ass Kanji dictionary had it. The "sa" here usually means "Fast," but in this case (according to said big-ass dictionary), it means "young and supple."
  3. You're not far off..."Saotome" means "Maiden" in Japanese, and, yes, Alto means "high" in Spanish...but I think when the creators christened him, they were probably thinking of it in the opera sense...a woman who sings with a low voice. So no matter how you look at it, the Princess just can't catch a break...
  4. You can download good copies of almost every Macross series here...just check the iMacross thread. As for macross 7...I'd watch more than five episodes. The consensus for all but the most die-hard M7 fans (and you know who you are) is that the show gets off to a slow start. I started really getting into it around episode 13, but others' experience varies. But warned, though...M7 is NOT primarily a mecha show. It's a show about a rock band, which happens to feature mecha. If you keep that in mind, you will probably enjoy it a lot more.
  5. It does indeed look cool...but... SPACE HELICOPTERS??? I never understood the logic behind behind THAT one...
  6. Sorry, VFTF1...gentlemen never kiss and tell. But yeah...those hovertanks are pretty cool...someone ought to start a thread about how we need hovertank toys. Actually...if some Japanese toy company were ever possessed to rerelease the Southern Cross kits, I'd probably pick a couple up. I think the armor still looks nice. And did anyone else have the Lana Isavia kit? That one was...surprising, to say the least.
  7. Admittedly, the "Robotech Came First" line is an extreme example...but I've definitely come across some Bizarro-World Robotech fans. Of course, every thing possible to be followed has its share of deluded, obssessive followers...but deluded obssessive Robotech followers bug me more than most others, at least in the realm of entertainment. ("Ayn Rand is God" people irk me the most, though...probably because I dated one for a while.)
  8. When Focker talks, people listen. (Or they should, at least.)
  9. I just wish they had learned their lesson after, say, the live-action Fist of the North Star.
  10. Yes...it works on so many levels that my head may just explode...FROM DELIGHT!
  11. Yes, three of them are indeed still around. However, since they've learned how to create spirita for themselves ("TRY AGAIN! TRY AGAIN!"), they aren't a threat to anyone.
  12. He certainly has a body, but I'm not sure that he has functional arms...
  13. I'm sure that's true...I noticed a lot more romanized (and probably Filipino) names on the end credits for this episode than for the previous ones.
  14. Point well taken. I need to remember that not all Robotech fans are not all of the "ROBOTECH CAME FIRST!" variety. And, as I said before, I'll take Robotech over REAL hackjobs like Battle of the Planets any day. Yeah...it's the swiveling chair that makes me think the design was too complicated for '80s toy standards. Perhaps now someone would be able to replicate the transformation well. But can anyone verify that the transformation "worked" in the first place...? Or was there a lot of Anime Magic involved?
  15. Yes, it did. It certainly wasn't an atrocity on the scale of, say, Battle of the Planets. And I have nothing against Carl Macek, who accomplished quite a lot, despite (or because of) the rather imposing amount of restrictions and regulations necessary to get the show on the air. But I do get a certain childish glee out of bashing Robotech. And bashing Robotech fans (well, bashing the ones who really should know better) is even more fun. It's mean and it's petty, but what can I say? I enjoy it.
  16. I felt sorry for her, too. Although I think that, on some level at least, she knew it was over when Isamu came back to the hospital with Myung on the back of his bike. But don't worry. As you say, she's a sweet girl. Probably happily married with a couple of kids by 2045.
  17. WE ARE??? Since when? Well...that, and the fact that if one likes Robotech better than Macross, there are other forums that will be more receptive to them. Just sayin'.
  18. Christopeher Reeve? Jim Carrey? Brad Pitt? The seal from "March of the Penguins"? Rita Moreno...?
  19. Pretty much, yeah.
  20. Quoted for Truth. Macross is, well, okay...but it doesn't have enough giant spiders or fat kids driving comic relief robots.
  21. Good job! I didn't even think of that...
  22. Defensive? No. More like bemused. And I just assumed that if you watch the first half-hour of a movie and then skim through the rest, you probably find it...well, less than enthralling. Ditto if you prefer a "streamlined" version of a production. (And...just because more people prefer SDFM to DYRL, it doesn't mean they dislike the latter.) But please understand...a lot of Macrossworlders like ALL (or at least most) of the Macross productions over the years. A lot of us also have a rather dim view of Robotech. So when someone comes in praising Robotech and damning much of Macross, it makes me a little suspicious. If this isn't the case, I unreservedly apologize.
  23. Yeah, that struck me, too. Let's see... Robotech = great, and faithful to the original Macross. SDF M = good, then boring. DYRL = boring and angering. M+ OVA = boring. M+ Movie = great. M7 = laughable. M0 = boring. Do we have a troll...? Maybe...?
  24. VF-27 Raphanidou
  25. I'm all for directing newbies to the Q&A thread, except...I don't see a question in VM Tech's posts.
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