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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well...in the preview, you only see the EVA-02 in silhouette, so "quite accurate" is stretching things a bit...
  2. Agreed. The writers have definitely shown that they can handle characters, plot pacing, AND action...all extremely well.
  3. Maybe...but I can make a circle with my head lasers! Useful for saving girls in Alaska!
  4. That just makes it creepier.
  5. FINALLY! Problem solved. Thanks, Duke Togo, for making us laugh about love...again.
  6. I like Klan in the series, but the Loliklan fan art is...just a touch creepy.
  7. Yass yass yass...Sheryl's a bit of all right, isn't she? I'm sure he did...and it must be tough to gather data on a massive ship that literally appeared out of nowhere AND keep one eye on your surroundings...but it's fun to get on the little shrimp's case about it.
  8. Please don't take my earlier comment as a direct criticism...as I've said before, my computer can't handle h.264, so I've never seen your fansubs (or read the notes). But if someone says that saying Shinsen's "12th" is a mistake...well, that's just plain wrong. As you say, a case could be made for 20th as well, but I really doubt that the Macross 25 would've launched in 2038/9...
  9. Well...I watch a lot of anime (not necessarily NEW anime, though), and I'm also a macross fan...but the animation quirks are a non-issue to me...so what am I? A Gerwalk with just the legs down...?
  10. Dodgy RAW quality aside...I wouldn't say this was the best episode yet, but it's way up there... As others have said, Bobby really got to shine here...the Quarter-Pounder has EARNED that nickname! And yeah...stupid Luca...but the Koenig rocks. (And yes, the new song's called "Infinity. And yes, it'll be on OST 1.) But...we're fourteen pages into the thread and no one's complained about too much boobie? This is NOT the Macrossworld I know and love! C'mon, puritans! I know you're out there! I can hear you drooling...
  11. Agreed. As I said before, I'm 99% positive those are fan-made.
  12. No, it was the twelfth Miss Macross contest (she won the 8th, I believe). So we're still (probably) looking at a 2046/7 launch date.
  13. Nah, you're all way off-base... It stands for New Armed Macross Battle League Armada.
  14. I dunno...I can't quite explain why, but they look fan-made to me...At any rate, I'm suspicious.
  15. Yes and no...in case you don't feel like wading through 20+ pages of the episode 5 thread, I'll repeat it here: When the scene cuts to the school, Sherl says, "Atashi to isho ja, iya?" ("You don't want to be {be seen/go on a date/whatever} with me?" And she says it with almost EXACTLY the same tone that Minmay says it in DYRL, when Hikaru comes to take her out on the town. (the scene is easier to find in Flashback 2012, right before "Shao Pai Long" starts). The way Sheryl's actress reads the line is so close that it MUST be deliberate.
  16. You say that like it's a bad thing. BOMBAA!
  17. Sarcastic? Moi? Seriously, I think the CG has been quite impressive, especially considering it's a TV series. No, it doesn't look as good as M0, but at least we don't have to wait six months between episodes. The 2D hanimation has been ranging from very nice to (occasionally) bad, but nothing that's been a deal breaker for me. I'd like it if they improved some of it for the DVD version, but it's not necessary (for me, at least).
  18. Dude...which Macross story DIDN'T end with the power of love and song overcoming all? If you want a dark and gritty finale, you're probably better off rewatching Ideon...
  19. They lie. It's got one of the best homages of all (it's subtle, though...).
  20. No idea...but the dialogue clearly said "juu-ni," not "ni-juu." Beside, if it had been the 20th, Katherine would've been, what...Nine? Ten? when she was in the 8th contest. Not EVERYONE on board the Frontier is a pedo...(I don't think...)
  21. I still say the ending of this episode felt mournful, as opposed to the "Rah Rah Let's get up and FIGHT!" spirit that a lot of "prelude to battle" episodes have. Made for a nice touch, I thought.
  22. Yeah...I think the VF-171 looks better, too. But I still stand by the VF-22...although that's a case of my fondness for the pilot oversahdowing my fondness for the Valk. But when you get around to watching M7, if you hate it...please please PLEASE don't come back here and accuse it of turning little boys gay (as a rather infamous former member here was wont to do).
  23. It was the 12th...so, point for Shinsen.
  24. You're ALL morons. The animation in Frontier sucks. All of it. No exceptions. Not only is the multi-million-selling Shadow Chronicles in a different class entirely, but Macross Froniter doesn't even come close to the high standard of quality set by Robotech II: The Sentinels (and bettered by Robotech 3000). I tried to watch the so-called "Deculture" edition, and thought the character art was so sloppy that Alto-whatsisname was going to start crying, "My spoon is too big!"
  25. Don't worry, they won't At least, not yet... ESCAPE CLAUSE: I can't really say I love Klan yet...I need to hear more about who she really is. But I can't deny that she's appealing.
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