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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Have you read Five Star Stories? I know Nagano stated "Five Star Stories is not L-Gaim's rear end!" but the connections are unmistakable.
  2. Which is one of the reasons they were changed before production, of course.
  3. I bet Hideaki Anno really hates this show... http://forum.evageeks.org/thread/15335/Hideaki-Annos-short-essay-on-Gundam/
  4. Quoting me, yeah.
  5. No news yet. Trust me, when we know, we'll say something.
  6. Probably... but it's still a pretty weird thing to say.
  7. Yeah, this is TOTALLY gonna happen... (Where to start with this? First, Robotech cannot be marketed in Japan. Macross can, but HG doesn't have those rights. Second, Macross Frontier might still have a fanbase, but the original series doesn't have a widespread following. Third, it's still better than Golion's following. Fourth, American comics are not terribly popular in Japan. The first point is really the only one that matters, though.) http://www.japanculture-nyc.com/2013/10/12/makers-of-voltron-robotech-preview-crossover-series-at-new-york-comic-con/
  8. I just can't believe it's been a decade since I made this thread...
  9. I just figured that Isamu was trying to avoid spoilers, since he hadn't seen ANY Gundam...
  10. I think you mean "The Beginning of the End." I was so sad when the deaf and mute guy got eaten by the crickets...
  11. The story doesn't really start to get moving until Ep. 10 or thereabouts.
  12. Made later, yes? So they can be viewed later. 0083 isn't necessary for watching Zeta, but Zeta is necessary for ZZ (which itself is arguably necessary for Unicorn). Remember, Isamu said it was getting way too complicated, so we all suggested the core stories. Don't scare the guy off before he's even started.
  13. I think you should wait 'til you get there before planning that part out. Even leaving aside the "Alternate Universe" Gundams, you've still got PLENTY of hours of watching ahead of you.
  14. You're making it more confusing than it needs to be. You said there was too much, and we simplified it, and (amazingly) mostly agreed on 0079, Z, ZZ, and Char's Counterattack. 0080, the 08th MS Team, and MS Igloo are all set during the first series, but they were made later, in some cases much, MUCH later. You can watch them whenever, If you want to watch 0080 and 0083 between 0079 and Zeta, fine. If you don't, fine. And, er... the person who said Seed was best probably saw Seed first. Just sayin'.
  15. If you just want the core story, watch First Gundam (i.e. 0079) (Movies or TV series), then Zeta (preferably TV series), ZZ, and Char's Counterattack. That'll give you a firm grounding in the basics, and then you can proceed at your own pace with whatever else you fancy. (And yes, ZZ is not to everyone's taste... but it does wrap up most of the loose ends from Zeta.)
  16. Myatake's handwriting is too crabbed for me to fully make out, but I *think* he's just saying "Hangar rack" (as Beltane70 pointed out) "aboard Britai's ship. It's a hangar for Reguld use." Again, I *think.*
  17. Yes, it is. I was saying that "Ai: Oboeteimasuka" and "End of Evangelion" are too different... I can't compare them to each other. Both are visual feasts, but in totally different ways.
  18. The two movies are too different for me to really compare...
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