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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Do they call her "utahime"...? I haven't noticed that... But I'm gonna go all Isamu here and stand by my claim that you can't KNOW that the English in any given scene is the same as the Japanese until you check.
  2. Not unless she was lying when she said she was "all natural." Not unheard of, I suppose...Michael Jackson is, I believe, still claiming that he's had a single nose job and nothing else...
  3. I think 99% of the people here would agree that if you haven't seen the original SDFM, you're missing a treat. I also definitely liked Mospeada better than New Generation, but I haven't seen Southern Cross (yet).
  4. Good. I don't know about anyone else, but it wasn't just brightness/contrast for me on the previous raw. There was also an annoying little visual glitch every five seconds or so, and the sound was tinny.
  5. I had the same problem. "You know you've been watching too much Macross when..." Well...let's be realistic. It's kind of hard to act ANYTHING but dedicated to the job when you're piloting a largish battle cruiser like it's bumper car. Did you really expect him to say things like, "Alto~! When you get your cute buns back in here, you wanna feel MY Heavy Quantum Reaction Cannon~?" Of course not...just like Captain Wilder grabbed Monika's butt BEFORE the battle, not during it...
  6. As Shun said, they weren't clear in the first posted pic. Plus, how would you know that the English is the same? There are quite a few instances of the Japanese being different than the English in these types of things...For example (as Shouta pointed out in another thread), we've got the posters for Sheryl saying, in English, "THE GALACTIC SONGSTRESS," but in Japanese, they call her "The Galactic Fairy." By the way, there seem to be a bunch of new raws up...I'm downloading the new DivX 704x396, and hoping for the best...it's a different file size than the previous one, so I'm hoping it's better...
  7. That wasn't the reason...it was because Exsedol called him, "The man you've mated with." Max's thought balloon probably would've said, "It's a marriage, not a nature documentary..."
  8. Wasn't it a solo deal in VF-X2 as well...?
  9. That Kawamori and his wacky Indian fixation... Doesn't matter...Birla's secret identity has been revealed...and the Macross Universe will never be the same!
  10. "Evils slayer! Slayer! Slayer! Shao Pai Long is a very messiah!"
  11. http://macrossf.com/story/story_list.html
  12. That's assuming they both survive, of course...
  13. Yeah...I was thinking of 重量 ("weight") with 子 as a suffix...thus, "Heavy particle." Damn this stuff is tricky sometimes...
  14. Yes, yes...I'm quite proud of myself for this little bit of mystery solving. Macrossworlders the world over can thank me...with cash.
  15. Dunno about the English, but the kanji says "Heavy particle reaction cannon," as far as I can tell. EDIT: yeah, that last kanji is "cannon." Don't know why I missed it first time 'round...
  16. ビルラ could be transliterated many different ways, including (but not limited to) "Bilra," "Vilra," "Birura," "Virula," etc. "I admit that "Bilrer" is a bit of a stretch...but it was too good to pass up. And in the credits, it definitely gives his first name as "Richard."
  17. I think we've figured out who "Richard Bilrer" is...obviously, he just changed a few letters in his last name: he's really !! Da-DUNNH!!!
  18. Don't forget Mao! ... On second thought...yeah, forget Mao.
  19. Alto looks okay...but Sheryl looks like some kind of nocturnal tree-dwelling creature...
  20. Yeah...if he lost it, I think he should have just blown up along with his VF-25. Better that than face the Wrath of Nome.
  21. Yeah, but it was always the same couple of minutes of recycled footage...VF-11C goes boom, cockpit escape pod flies out, Cannon Fodder pilot gets spirita sucked, then goes "Unnh..."
  22. *sigh* Instant gratification just isn't fast enough... Agreed. I wanted to see more of Bobby shaking his little tush on the catwalk...
  23. No...it's just an educated guess at this point...as someone said a few pages back.
  24. Zero-Raws has a version up at Tokyo Toshokan. It's a 246.1MB, 704x396 DivX. Dunno if it's the same as the previous glitchy one, though...
  25. I guess no one's a big Alice Holiday fan, huh?
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