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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I am SOOOOOO there!!
  2. Your logic is flawless. I have to agree.
  3. Well... I've only got a partial answer, which is that the "J" stands for Japan, which is where the VF-1J was manufactured. But the VF-19s and VF-25s would've been built on their respective fleets, so the J designation would make no sense. I don't know if A, F, or S stand for anything, though.
  4. I gotta say, as much as this situation sucks for the makers of the Valkyrie Project (and its fans), I'm enjoying watching the hate-mail pile up on Robotech's Facebook page.
  5. So... Tomino was supposed to announce it on the 21st... and it looks like he's working on an (unnamed) animated work and also on an (unnamed) adaptation of a children's book (as live-action). So...yeah... I don't think it's "Hollywood Gundam." http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-01-21/gundam-tomino-to-helm-new-animated-work-by-hollywood-legacy-effects
  6. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3029920
  7. As am I... but yeah, Chie is one of my all-time favorite Japanese singers... to say you don't like her is okay, but to say she's amateurish...? You goin' DOWN for that!!
  8. Wait wait wait... you're comparing a a rather trippy, relatively "alternative" singer to AKB48 and Vocaloids...?
  9. Wow... I was gonna reply, but screw that. Instead, here's a video from a great singer:
  10. Having met both of them, I'd disagree.
  11. No, that's the 1/1 Gundam. It's in Odaiba. You can come see it, if you want. It's pretty great. If Hollywood ever makes a Gundam pic, it'll probably be Wing, since that's the most popular in the US (alas...). Why would Tomino be involved? EDIT: I don't know why it turned out sideways... it's right-side-up in my Picture cache...
  12. I dunno. You tell me.
  13. Well, yeah... but at least it was eye contact.
  14. Who's "you guys"? I *always* say that "I like this show" or "I don't like this show" as opposed to "this show is good" or "this show is bad." It's really not that hard. Hey, HE said it was free...
  15. Yes, because ANYONE can pull off a Kate Bush cover and make it sound good. Let's hear YOUR album, Raptor. Oh, you don't have one...? Funny, that. No, because I've talked to Yoshiki Fukuyama, Chie Kajiura, Mari Iijima, and Tomo Sakurai. And Aya Endo and I made eye contact across a crowded room. R *U* MAD? (I didn't think so.)
  16. So I don't think you've got much of a right to complain. If a restaurant gives you an entree for free, and you complain about it, you just look like a dick. Ditto if you take something from a store ("Hi, I stole this shirt yesterday, but I decided I don't like the colors. Can I give it back and steal another shirt instead?"). At the VERY least, you might want to stop phrasing your opinions as if they were facts. There's miles of difference between "This show was pretty bad" and "I didn't like this show very much." The second sounds like a reasonable person talking, the first is just a troll.
  17. He doesn't read manga. He'll hate Berserk. Is that edifying? Again, how much of that anime did he buy? Because to complain about stuff you just stole is kinda idiotic.
  18. But DuelGundam2099 doesn't read manga. He'll hate Berserk. There's no geting around it. But then, he hated Cowboy Bebop, too, so who cares about his opinon? My question, DuelGundam2099, is, if you've watched so many anime series over the past year... how many of those did you actually BUY?
  19. That's fine. If you miss out on the greatest mecha story ever, no one's gonna cry. Except maybe you. No. Both the series and the movies only cover the backstory. Where the story goes AFTER that is the part that's most interesting. But again, you don't read manga, so you'll never find out about that.
  20. Indeed. Terry the Lone Wolf, this is for you: http://www.collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/veef_show_episode_episode_57_two_shows_are_not_b_c_k
  21. Save is just really tall.
  22. Yeah, I've seen plenty of IGNORANCE, but very little HATE. The "Wow, you use chopsticks really well!" comments get annoying, but they're not hateful.
  23. The manga of Five Star Stories is AMAZING (and will never be finished). You should be able to rustle up the issues pretty easily. Seriously, the anime just covers a couple of weeks in a story that spans millenia.
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