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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Oh, that's not the ONLY Macross news...
  2. It's exactly as slow as waiting for the books before... One or two collected books per year.
  3. Fastest turn around EVER!!
  4. Damn... you've listened to the latest podcast, haven't you...? And Gwyn told me he hadn't finished editing it yet...
  5. (SHUDDER)... I hate Babymetal... give me Momoiro Clover any day...
  6. Oh, just listen to our next podcast...
  7. "Nagoyack Deculture"... Clever. Very.
  8. No, I'm just saying that asking for things that will never happen generally leads to disappointment.
  9. I know nothing about the new series will be about... but I'm POSITIVE that many people in this thread will be disappointed.
  10. Well, THAT happened 20 years ago...
  11. Y'all are forgetting the Protoculture...
  12. Oh, come on...! what country do you think Macross is from...? Sketchley's an honest man.
  13. They were transported to a different galaxy. Sketchley talked about it.
  14. Haven't you been keeping up with Macross Chronicle... The circle is already closed. HIKARU and MISA: "MACROSS!" MINMAY: "ALL-NEW MACROSS" MILIA (SDFM): "Really?" MILIA (M7): "FINALLY!!!" BASARA: "LET'S GO!!!" BRITAI: "Congrats, damn miclones!" HIKARU: "Is it true!?!" MAX: "Keep your eyes on that monitor!"
  15. I'm trying... honestly!! I agree.
  16. You know... I was thinking about leaving Japan and going back home... but now, I guess...
  17. And the Macross Speaker PodCast!!!
  18. Can we PLEASE stay away from the shipping wars...?
  19. Megaprime... not trying to offend you... but maybe you should live inJapan for a year or two before dictating what they like and don't like. If you do so and it works, I for one will definitely listen to you. If you haven't, maybe you listen to those who have.
  20. No, Taksraven is talking about the movie 1984, not the '84 Dune movie...
  21. There are so many things wrong with this argument that anyone would need a post five times as long to address them all. I'll content myself with asking, how niche is Pixar? Do they not have millions to spend on advertising? Did all the people who saw Up suddenly turn into lovers of all animation? And of course you understand WHY Macross is not being marketed in the west, as do we all...
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