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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I agree... I think GRRM has never killed a main character... it's just that he makes other characters LOOK like main characters. I mean, "A Song of Ice and Fire"... "Ice"=Snow, and "Fire"=Dragons. And maybe Tyrion represents "Song"...
  2. Pretty much. And everyone here LOVED the first episode of Frontier, for being "dark," "gritty," and "military" (in fact, some thought it went too far, in crushing Gilliam). Oh, how that changed...
  3. That's awesome. And, err... can we talk freely now...? Stabbed multiple times... so, uh, alive or dead...? Y'all know what I mean.
  4. It's probably just the fanclub-only single, "イシュタルからの伝言 / ト・ア・ウィアラブル・レン﹣もういちどLove You"...
  5. Errr... link, please...?
  6. I'll take that wager. How much are we talkin'?
  7. And you have no idea how much it pains me that you agree with me on something...
  8. No J9 fans here, huh? I'm surprised... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz5PrnCFTw8
  9. Guess I need to get around to finally watching Sasuraiger... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-04-08/mobile-suit-gundam-writer-yamamoto-helms-original-anime-project The Facebook page doesn't have much yet, but I'm really looking forward to this.
  10. Richard Epcar, yeah. And (weirdly enough), Jan (or, I suppose, *Yang") is Dan Woren... AKA Roy Fokker.
  11. Oh, c'mon, Dude... simple yes or no... did the Gold Book say Kamujin died?
  12. Bear in mind at this point that upon Focker dying by killing Kamujin, Seto said, "He [meaning Kamujin] didn't die," despite a clear caption in the Gold Book: "Kamujin dies." I'm not saying Seto's lying, I'm just saying he may be misinformed.
  13. If you'd like to make a wager there, I'm game. I can't see them (or really, anyone) NOT using 3D mecha. It's just how things are done.
  14. It's WAAAAAAAY too early for that...
  15. Well, the novelization of "Wings of Farewell" calls it a VF-19ADVANCE, and the "Wings of Farewell Official Complete Book" says it's not a YF-19, but just colored like it... (Heck, even a Google search gets a lot of hits.) So, uh... what's YOUR source...?
  16. That's... not an outdated YF-19 at all... It's a VF-19ADVANCE... EDIT: Used "Y" instead of "V"...
  17. The problem with all of the goods is that they generally only sell them at events. There's no webstore or anything like that. And once they're gone, they're gone.
  18. It's one the "Macross 7 PLUS" short films.
  19. Also, the YF-29 was designed specifically as an anti-Vajra fighter. So if they're all fighting Vajra, the YF-29 would win, but if they're fighting each other, who knows?
  20. Where did you hear that...? It's pretty demonstrably untrue...
  21. The Musicalture was really good. And Macross 7 Trash and Macross Generation are okay. Granted, they're not animated, but they are Macross.
  22. I got a little behind on updating everything, but it's all current now.
  23. In fact, the only REAL Macross news (pace Macross II) happens in the last five minutes.
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