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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well, I think the point is that they allow you to READ it free, not OWN it free...
  2. I'm glad it works! FINALLY, there's some new Macross content available legally in the West! How cool is that?
  3. Just check and see. http://comic-walker.com/
  4. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2014/04/21/digital/mario-returns-wheels-plastic-gun-giant-macross-robot-fits-hand/
  5. Considering that the internet wasn't that much of a thing in '94, and there were few places for discussing this stuff, and that Macross 7 episodes were hard to come by (unless *ahem* you had a Japanese video rental store nearby), I kinda doubt it was widespread...
  6. Wow... and they're finishing the Frontier TV Episode sheets already...
  7. No, it doesn't make any sense. Note also that Ranka in the movie is still wearing the uniform from the elite girls' school that she was expelled from after the Miss Macross contest.
  8. You discount the fujoushi at your loss...
  9. According to Macross Chronicle, Mash is straight. No word on Honey, though... yet.
  10. True story... I talked to a guy a few weeks ago who works at Big West. HIM: Did you hear the news? ME: Yeah. Are you busy? HIM: It's beginning to get busy...
  11. I like the cut of your jib.
  12. Again, TWENTY YEARS AGO. Get over it, People!
  13. M7 is 20 years old. You should probably get over it.
  14. Yes... Indeed.
  15. GodDAMN you...
  16. Oh, that happened, too. But everyone here just ignored that.
  17. Still... the CG was one thing most people DIDN'T complain about...
  18. I like you. I hope you're not Tochiro in disguise (with glasses).
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