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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. It's not the final chapter of Ulysses, but it counts. Bravo!
  2. I've just trademarked the phrase, "Carl's Vision." CHECK PLEASE, HG!!
  3. 1/1 Low-Viz Lurker... I challenge you to make a one-sentence post!
  4. At least they brought back Zeta Gundam's hamburger vending machines! That's Sunrise... nearly 30 years later, they're still keepin' the dream alive.
  5. No, because I'm not all that into Star Wars. But I easily could.
  6. Ah, sorry... I misunderstood, then. I apologize. (I *DO* see it a lot, though... "Kawamori is a troll" is basically received wisdom at this point, regardless of fact.)
  7. I love it when people who profess to like a show hate on its creators...
  8. True (and there's probably already enough art for one), but there will be ample time to save for it, even if one does buy three Gerwalks.
  9. Whoa, pardner! No new Tenjin book has been announced...
  10. I think it's pretty awful (or, at least, it doesn't work for me), but the robots and (especially) the dragons are cool. However, while I can totally understand and sympathize with someone dropping the series in disgust after THAT scene in episode 1, the amount of additional reasons people (elsewhere, not on MW) are coming up with to hate this show is ludicrous. My favorite so far was an "article" calling it racist. Yep, racist. Against, I assume, Muggles. That said, the overly eager attempts to defend THAT scene also bug the hell out of me, so I guess there's no winning. The only defense that *I* can mount (and it's weak) is that, for the first few episodes at least, the show seemed to be going for a "trashy '70s women-in-prison flick" vibe, and that's the sort of thing that happens in those movies (cf. the evil lesbian commander in ep. 2).
  11. Yeah, the mecha's pretty cool (I kinda wish Miyatake had designed THOSE as well, but I'm not sure "sleek transforming jetbike" is really his bag...). And yeah, the next episode previews always made me think that the writing staff KNOWS they could be making a better show.
  12. Valvrave had a better theme song, though. The one thing that Cross Ange has going for it, though, is that the dragons are designed by Kazutaka Miyatake. I wish they showed them off more.
  13. I don't get it.
  14. DAMN, that rocks!
  15. Kawamori/Tenjin talkshow coming up in a few weeks for Sheryl's birthday! http://tamashii.jp/special/macross_sheryl/
  16. http://www.pakin.org/complaint?title=&firstname=&middlename=&lastname=1%2F1+Low-Viz+Lurker&suffix=&gender=m&shorttype=l&pgraphs=10 Heh. (EDIT: Yes, it's a site that generates automatic ten-paragraph complaint letters. Use it wisely! ) (But yeah... if you REALLY want to know what the new Macross series is going to be like, I suggest looking at what shows are popular NOW and why they're popular, as well as looking at the success of Macross Frontier, and seeing WHY it was successful...)
  17. I think planes that turn into robots are cool.
  18. That joke has already been made. Several times, now...
  19. We did get one like that. It was called "Macross Zero." It wasn't very popular.
  20. I think it's probably someone from /m/ just "contributing a better translation" as a joke.
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