Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I have no plans for an essay at this point. I *may* put in translation notes, but I really haven't been keeping track too much. Most of the Macross that I've translated so far has been pretty easy to render into English, free of a lot of the idioms and cultural references that make something like, say, "Urusei Yatsura" very difficult to translate.
My biggest problem has been making the novelization read well, since the original Japanese book is quite bare bones.
Anyway, I have nothing but respect and encouragement for Ichido Reichan's Macross Ace project. A while back, he actually asked me if we could collaborate, but his goals and mine are a little different, since he's just doing the magazine, and I'm trying to fit it all together into the larger Macross story.
As such, since Macross the First draws on both SDFM TV and DYRL, it would make no sense for me to release my version until I've finished both the TV series and DYRL (and Flashback). Which means that next year would be the earliest I would release the Galaxy Network translation. I've not even worrying about Macross 7th Chord or Macross F: Secret Visions yet, since those would be MUCH further on down the pike.
I'm also not planning on doing the articles and the interviews, and he is, so if that's something you're interested in, you won't get it from me. My project is already ambitious enough, thanks.