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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. And the American company saying that it only affects Japan and doesn't affect them or the deal they made years and years ago. So far, it sounds like this: BW: We own Macross. HG: They own Macross IN JAPAN. We own it internationally. BW: *silence* C'mon, doesn't anyone have a quote we can throw in MEMO's face when he comes back...?
  2. Yes, and Harmony Gold claims that that had nothing to do with them. I'd like something CONCLUSIVE AND CLEAR that shows they're wrong. Inferences don't cut it.
  3. Can you direct me to the quote?
  4. Just to play devil's advocate...has anyone ACTUALLY INVOLVED WITH THE SITUATION come out and said HG doesn't own Macross...?
  5. You should've read the next couple of posts:
  6. Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I have no plans for an essay at this point. I *may* put in translation notes, but I really haven't been keeping track too much. Most of the Macross that I've translated so far has been pretty easy to render into English, free of a lot of the idioms and cultural references that make something like, say, "Urusei Yatsura" very difficult to translate. My biggest problem has been making the novelization read well, since the original Japanese book is quite bare bones. Anyway, I have nothing but respect and encouragement for Ichido Reichan's Macross Ace project. A while back, he actually asked me if we could collaborate, but his goals and mine are a little different, since he's just doing the magazine, and I'm trying to fit it all together into the larger Macross story. As such, since Macross the First draws on both SDFM TV and DYRL, it would make no sense for me to release my version until I've finished both the TV series and DYRL (and Flashback). Which means that next year would be the earliest I would release the Galaxy Network translation. I've not even worrying about Macross 7th Chord or Macross F: Secret Visions yet, since those would be MUCH further on down the pike. I'm also not planning on doing the articles and the interviews, and he is, so if that's something you're interested in, you won't get it from me. My project is already ambitious enough, thanks.
  7. I don't know, I was only there the first day. No matter what, though, I blame >EXO<.
  8. Apparently. Giving "great new for Robotech Fans"...at a Macross Convention. I'm surprised Tommy wasn't run out of the room on a rail.
  9. First VFTF1 gave me the horrid mental image of "loving" Basara and Agent ONE at the same time, and then you had to go and bring the gooey doorknob back into it... Yecch...
  10. Predictably, as soon as everyone knows we're being watched, they start hamming it up...
  11. It does, literally, but is that the common name for the bird in English. For example, "turkey" in Japanese is "Shichimencho," which literally means "Seven-Faced Bird," but we don't call it that. If the "storm bird" is commonly known as the "Sea Swallow" or "Storm Petrel," shouldn't we use that, instead of the literal translation from German?
  12. What are you complaining about? That sounds like a perfect world! I never understood what Doug meant by "reinventing itself." If he were talking about Gundam, it would make sense...Wing, Seed, 00...all of these are reinventions of the original. For Macross? No. Unless "reinvention" just makes means "making sequels." In which case, they TRIED to make Robotech sequels...and they failed, until Shadow Chronicles. Ineptness and bad luck should NOT be mistaken for ideological purity.
  13. Hey, it's never too late to start, right?
  14. I hope he got to all the Ohnogi Controversy stuff...
  15. "He is a wonderful girl!" also sounds like something you'd write...about Alto, of course.
  16. GAH! Mirrors reflecting mirrors! I'm getting a headache...
  17. Financial.
  18. It depends on how accurate the GA Graphics site that kresphy linked to is. Since there, it says: "“東京おもちゃショー2009”では、劇場版カラーのVF-25F スーパーメサイアバルキリースーパーパーツ装備アルト機が出展されていた。" Or: "At the 2009 Tokyo Toy Show, the Movie Color Super Parts for the VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie (Alto Type) were presented." So the blog SAYS it's the movie version. The labels on the toys themselves don't seem to say anything one way or another.
  19. Yeah, it was very cool. Fun people, fun times. Tired now. Bed.
  20. If you fly as well as you type, you'd get shot down immediately.
  21. Well, the duet is a fan-made creation...so if you can grab the youtube video, you've got the "official" version. But...you don't have Macross the Tribute...? You're missing out on the awesomeness of Basara singing the SDFM theme? Mylene singing "De•ja•vu"? Ishtar singing "Voices"? "Seventh Moon" done by Mio? Dude, get that album. It's GREAT!
  22. Fair enough. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  23. Most of the time, it's quite clear: the furigana is simply there to tell you how to pronounce the kanji. In rare occasions (mostly in comics or something), they'll be different, and then it's up to the translator. For example, Mobile Suit Gundam Movie III is, according to the kanji, titled "Meguriai Uchuu" ("Chance Enounters in Space") but the furigana over "Uchuu" says "Sora," which would make it "Chance Encounters in the Heavens." The official English title is "Encounters in Space," but they really could've gone either way. Whichever one sounds better.
  24. Unfortunately, by freeing him from the well of Robotech.com, you let him loose on the world at large... Yes, I'm comparing Doug Bendo to Sadako...
  25. Hmmm...none of this is making me eager to see the film. I like the books A LOT, and I thought the third and fourth movies were quite good...but...I don't know. If I do see this one, it'll be more out of a sense of duty than anything else.
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