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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Yes, fair enough. Of course, you know quite well that the M3 is more valuable to them than anything they could offer you in return, right? I'm curious to see how many (or how few) actually DO end up ignoring you...
  2. Oh believe me, I will, too. Although one of the new admins of MG, Wanderer_D, genuinely doesn't seem to understand why. And he's the only one I've come across who has actually come out and asked me why Shaloom should still be raked over the coals, even though he apologized. Anyone bringing that up will get no traction with me. Being an MG member is one thing. Carrying water for Shaloom is a different story entirely. But there will be as many different reactions as there are Macross fans, which is fine. Look at wolfx's post above. Or similar posts from d3v and stray. Some people don't even realize that this was an issue. MG is a smaller community, but still...I'm sure that (just like here) there are those who hang out in the toys and kits section, and never venture into other areas of the site, and have no idea what's been going on. It's not always willful ignorance...some people just have more of a life than I do. I'd like to point out, though, that all of this is currently academic. Shaloom has yet to start making stuff up again. I'm pretty sure he will (because I'm pretty sure he doesn't really know Japanese, but he's told everyone he does...someone's gonna be expecting some kind of translation from him eventually), but it hasn't happened since his faux "apology." But still...he may have been scared straight, and we're currently fretting over nothing. (Yes, it's unlikely...that doesn't mean it's impossible. )
  3. Well, good for him. I didn't mean to say that no one liked him, just no one with any taste.
  4. You're probably right...but I think a lot of the MG community don't really care about any of this; they just want to talk about Macross, and they'll do it wherever they can. If a competing website turns up (as one undoubtedly will), they may flock to it, or they may not. They may continue to post at MG, but they might ignore Shaloom. Quite honestly, if it were us instead of them, I'd probably leave...but that's because I've got the Galaxy Network Translation Project to worry about (the last thing I'd need is to have someone show up and declare that my translations of, say, My Fair Minmay or Macross Chronicle are fake...not that such an assertion could be held up for long, since the material is widely available, and I can provide scans of the pages). I would imagine that you would be in the same boat: the credibility of M3 would override any other considerations. But you and I (and a handful of others, like Sketchley and Seto) are in a different position that most of the members here. If Graham lost his mind and started claiming that, I dunno, Kawamori wanted the VF-17 to be the hero mech for every Macross series, but got shot down by Big West higher-ups, it would be pretty easy for most of the membership here to ignore him and move on to other topics. I think it's similar for MG. The members who feel betrayed will go elsewhere. The ones who don't know or don't care will stay, and they shouldn't be censured for it. They might get razzed by others, but I'm not going to judge them. Wherever they feel most comfortable is where they should stay.
  5. Download count is not a good indicator...I download his stuff occasionally, but does that make me a fan? He must realize that a lot of his listeners are Macross fans, since he titled one of his podcasts "Why Macross Fans are Bitches," even though the podcast in question had nothing to do with Macross. What I think he DOESN'T realize is that all of us are laughing at him (well, at least I am), and that really, he makes Robotech fandom look incredibly bad and unpleasant. I can't imagine he's "converted" anyone to the cause. Only the insecure and overly timid would be drawn to his brand of preening, self-congratulatory posturing, anyway. And that's not even including his racist and sexist rants.
  6. I'm with March. I don't know why Shaloom did it, and I don't particularly care. If he wants to go for it again, let him. As soon as anyone on here (or Anime Suki, or My Anime List) tweak on to the fact that the info comes from him, hearty laughter will follow. It bugs me a lot that Macross Generation's name will most likely get dragged down with Shaloom's, but there isn't much anyone (except Shaloom) can do about that, unfortunately. Sure, he'll be able to fool some of his true believers, but the fandom at large will know what's what. And from the get-go, that's all I really wanted.
  7. Um, yeah...you're a little late to this party. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26302 (started May 29, 2008) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28072 (started Oct. 26, 2008)
  8. I prefer to think that Doug Bendo is just a fool. Hell, after watching the whole series, he didn't even know they were CALLED "Vajra" until someone pointed it out to him. So the next Toynami will be for their newest character, Buck Pointer? Or Zack Fisher? Or Rock Boinker?
  9. Yes! Yes! Yes! Hell, I wouldn't even care if they DIDN'T use all-new animation...now matter what, it'd be great.
  10. Whatever for? We need better subs, not a new rip.
  11. Does that mean if someone pays them enough, they'll explain the SDF-2 fiasco? Or why Dolza shouted "PROTOCULTURE!' when he saw Rick and Lisa kissing?
  12. Why is everyone trying to answer a five-year-old question...?
  13. Oh, give the guy a break. It's a less harmful error than, say, "Carl Macek runs ADV and has run it since it started" or "Carl Macek made an early test version of Robotech in 1984 that spliced in megazone footage (an entire year before Megazone was finished)" or "real Macross fans think that Macross II is the best sequel and that Kawamori had his head up his ass when he relegated it to an alternate universe." Now THOSE would be real boners...
  14. I knew there was a reason I never saw that movie...
  15. We're up to episode 10 now!
  16. I wish I could justify going back to Tokyo so soon...but since I was just there last month, I really can't. I hope they do another concert like this for the 30th Anniversary...THAT, I'd be there for.
  17. Some of the latter, but more of the former. Essentially, it's somewhat better quality than Shonen Ace.
  18. Thanks >EXO<!!! (And yes, that's me at Karaoke Contest 003...next year, I'll clearly have to bust out the dance moves if I want to win. And I do. )
  19. You are then bound to be disappointed, then. Every single time. Scriptwriting is a COMPLETELY different discipline than novel writing, and stuff that works on the page often doesn't work on the screen, and vice-versa. Here's a challenge: read In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. Then try to write a screenplay based on it. You will fail miserably, no matter how many years or decades you devote to the task. Then read Harold Pinter's Proust screenplay, and notice how even though it's not much like the novel, it evokes the novel brilliantly. EDIT: Hey! I'm no longer wring with the Jamming Birds...now I've apparently moved in with Basara. Mmmm...free Fire Bomber backstage passes...
  20. I don't think we'll ever see that. Maybe something on the level of Plus, but not more. I could be wrong, though. Who knows? Probably not even Kawamori at this point.
  21. I've seen a lot of people asking for a "darker, grittier" Macross...I'm guessing that by that people were talking about something akin to Plus and Zero?
  22. The Japanese they give on the page as a translation of Sturmvogel is "Umi tsubame"; literally, "sea (umi) swallow (tsubame)." But nit-pciking on stuff like this tends to make translators want to stop translating...
  23. Seconded. Me, I think anyone who is expecting something that will-answer long-standing questions only die-hard Macross fans know or care about is simply setting themselves up for disappointment. I also think that whatever the next Macross story is, it will be something completely unexpected. When the news starts leaking out, most of us will look at it and think, "Well, THAT'S not what I wanted!" And it may turn out to be something really great. Or not. You never know.
  24. The Fountainhead is, I think, her best book (and, to keep it on-topic, let me just say that the movie is much better than it has any right to be), but after reading it (when I was 18), I was describing it to one of my friends, who said, "But, if she [Ayn Rand] bdlieves in individualism, then she should think that any way someone chooses to live will be good, as long as they choose it themselves, right?" I replied, "I have to be wrong about this, because it makes no sense, but I really get the feeling that she thinks if everyone were truly an individual, they'd be exactly like Howard Roark." Imagine my surprise when I picked up Atlas Shrugged a few months later and discovered that I had been exactly right...
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