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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well...the SDF-3 is Britai's ship, according to the VF-1 Master Files...so a story about that could be pretty interesting.
  2. I didn't collect them, but I do know that the Gundam one was meant to be 100 issues long, but enough stuff came out over those four years to necessitate adding issues...it was 150 issues when it finished. Eva Chronicle didn't cover the new movies...but I believe it finished some time before Eva 1.0 came out. So yes, it's possible they'll add the Frontier movies into the mix.
  3. Of course there's more! They're NEAR the end of the TV show but not AT the end yet...and there's still DYRL Minmay and FB2012 Minmay to go... And to look as silly as possible while doing so!
  4. Chronicle #31: Mechanic Sheet * VF-11 Thunderbolt * QF-2001 Ghost / QF-2200D Ghost * Queadluun-Rau * VF-171 Nightmare Plus Character Sheet * Miho Miho / Sally S. Ford * Alice Holiday * Military Personnel aboard the Macross * Frontier Civilians * Lynn Minmay Timeline Sheet * The Purpose of the Varauta History Sheet * The Spread of Culture on Britai's Ship World Guide Sheet * Galactic Whales Technology Sheet *Variable Fighter: Development History 2 Glossary Sheet *Onogi City ~ Gavigla Goods Sheet * Bandai Hi-Metal Series: VT-1 Superostrich
  5. Only in the English dub? That's lame.
  6. Fear not...banned RT.com users seem to be the fastest-growing community on the internet...
  7. Maybe they're all just tired of Doug Bendo being "the new face of Robotech."
  8. I've you've seen any Star Wars or Indiana Jones movie, you've heard it. Think of the truly outrageous "OOAAAAAWW!" sound made by the Stormtrooper who Luke shoots before he and Leia swing over the chasm in the Death Star.
  9. Nope. You can search my place if you'd like. I own no Robotech merchandise of any kind anymore (all the model kits are long since thrown away, and I sold the novels at a yard sale about twelve or thirteen years ago). I do, however, still have the Harmony Gold-produced Macross video tape, with the first three episodes on it. But that's packed away in storage. Believe me, I have been a Not-Robotech Fan for a very, very long time.
  10. Yes, it's short-sighted; yes, it's bad business sense; yes, it's silly and petty...but again, it's their choice. Me? I think it's great. But then, I don't really care about Robotech OR Harmony Gold.
  11. Again, it seems to me that it's their website and they can ban whoever they damn well feel like banning. If it's unjustified, they can always make up some crap to make it sound justified. As long as people keep visiting and posting, it's going to continue that way. So what? And what would be the point of asking Kevin about it? I'm sure he had a nice, smooth, prepared response ready in case anyone did ask. What would be the point of hearing it?
  12. I have to admit I don't really "get" this line of thinking...I'm not a teenager anymore, either, and haven't been for some time, but since I used to be one, I find I can still usually relate to teenage characters.
  13. BOMBAA!! HAATO NI ZOOM!! You're right...he really should be there...
  14. I've got a GREAT idea...how about a Macross series with no variable fighters (or action) whatsoever...just music and a love triangle. And kids. Lot of cute li'l kids. It could be like The Goonies, but in space! What could be more Macross-y than that?
  15. Well...I'm convinced.
  16. Well, there's almost no way it could be WORSE than the series... (Now watch and wait as I have to eat those words later.)
  17. That happened to me with "Philosophy of the World" by The Shaggs. Except for me, I kept loaning it out and never getting it back...the third time I bought it, I stopped lending it to people, and just made them tapes of it instead.
  18. No...they didn't created the Vajra, they revered and deified the Vajra. As dreamweaver13 stated quite a while back, "Why did the Protoculture spend so much time and energy creating tests and deathtraps instead of, you know, trying to find a way to NOT DIE OUT?" Or something to that effect. Anyway, I'd say it was just a case of, "Daddy screwed up his life...don't do what Daddy did."
  19. I salute your skill. The technical stuff is what my nightmares are made of. I spent WEEKS on that damn VF-25S Macross Chronicle page, and there are still a bunch of things I'm unsure about in it... I'd like to see more, too. I imagine that if the book's successful, we'll probably see others. Probably not about the VF-1, though.
  20. Can't go wrong with Yeats, can you? Didn't Tommy already blame the "boob factor" of Shadow Chronicles on the animators...? I have to say that this is, I think, not a good example, since the counter-argument (that SC was set so much later, and that they didn't want to confuse new viewers) holds up relatively well. At the very least, it's not going to convince anybody except the already-convinced. I'm not saying it's not true (it porbably is), I'm just saying that it's not so glaringly obvious that only a moron could fail to see it. The court documentation is much more convincing, but requires a certain amount of patience to wade through...more than a lot of RT fans seem willing to give. I dunno. I think we need some kind of really blatant, obvious smoking gun...and we don't have it yet. I think the movie itself will be the most obvious we can get. And who cares if Memo keeps making excuses? What he believes or doesn't believe has no effect on the reality of the situation. If the RT movie contains no Macross elements, he can make all the excuses he wants. It won't change the fact that the majority of RT fans will be disappointed with the final product. Just wait. The proof will be in the pudding. Assuming the pudding gets made, of course.
  21. How much of it have you actually read? I keep *thinking* about reading it, but it's so technical that I know each page will take several hours of kanji searches, and...I guess I don't really have to know quite that badly.
  22. That sounds reasonable. I loved the insignias and colors on those Valks. There's something so perverse and yet so wonderful about seeing Zentradi writing on a green Valk...
  23. I wonder if the "N" has any connection to the SDFN series of SDF-1 replicas... (Yes, they mentioned the SDFN-04 quite a while back in Macross Chronicle, and recently mentioned it again...nowhere do they say what the "N" stands for. )
  24. The Evangelion Chronicle was later published as a couple of books...perhaps the same thing will happen with Macross Chronicle? And if so, maybe they'll fix some of the errors.
  25. What I find so unfortunate about this whole debacle, here and elsewhere, is that it never should've turned into an ego contest. You saw the same thing with Frontier, where people were vowing that, say, Alto would end up with Sheryl, and anyone who thought different was just an idiot. The expected outcome turned out not to happen, and a lot of people's egos got bruised. Here, the fight over whether HG can use Macross designs or not has turned into a reputation war, almost a litmus test of "faith"...if you believe that HG can use Macross designs, you're a true fan. If you don't, you're not. And it really shouldn't be that like. It shouldn't even be a topic of debate; HG should come out and say either, "Yes, we can use original Macross designs," or "No, we can't," or even "Our lawyers are looking into this." That would have ended the discussion. But now, so many people's egos are on the line, that no matter what HG says, I don't think the ball will stop rolling. Letting that Pizza kid run amok over what was initially a heated-but-reasonable debate seems like an unwise choice to me, but I'm not a mod there, so it's not my problem (thankfully). Anyway, it'll all come to a head sooner or later if the movie comes closer to development. We'll learn if the aliens will be called the Zentradi, and if Lynn Minmay will sing or not. Until that time, all this bashing and hammering seems premature. I think the best way to view it is as a Schrödinger's Cat situation. We can theorize 'til the cows come home, but, pending some clear, unevasive response from HG, we won't KNOW the answer until the movie production is well underway. In the meantime, let 'em believe what they want to believe. If even a million people believe a lie, it's still a lie. And the truth will out...eventually.
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