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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Memo, I'm not sure what your game is. The facts are not on your side. That's the most important point. The second important point is that, even on RT.com or RTX, your theories are only convincing to either the already-convinced or the desperately-want-to-be-convinced. Even there, where people really WANT to see a Robotech movie that is based on Macross, many people are not convinced. If you can't convince them there, you won't be able to convince them here. You won't even get any support from that Pizza the Hutt kid, since he's unwilling to post here (and the mods breathe a great sigh of relief, and pray that it stays that way). By continuing this, you're not really doing much besides damaging your own credibility further and making yourself look even worse. Now, perhaps WB and BW will indeed work out some kind of deal; it's always possible. But until something changes, all the evidence points to HG not being able to use the Macross designs. And you've failed to bring any legitimate proof that they can. You must know all this. You must know that you have no real facts to back you up, and you must know that no one here will be swayed by your suppositions. So what's the point? What are you trying to accomplish?
  2. It comes from outside sources (i.e. books)...most recently mentioned in Macross Chronicle http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry707983
  3. I'm not voting until there's an option for Eva 2.0.
  4. Xeros was making them. They should be available on iMacross IV.
  5. I'm Gubaba and I approve this message.
  6. Well...if you're going to correct someone for using the wrong company name, you should probably not compound the error by giving them another wrong company name, right?
  7. Did the logo designer also get lazy...?
  8. Do you have a source for that? I read an interview a long time ago (in Animag, I think...or maybe in the early issues of Animerica) where he said that he was bored with the characters, and if he did another series with them, you'd be bored with them too. But I've never seen anything where he indicated that he was annoyed by fans pestering him about it...
  9. Ah, I see now. All the information about Kaifun comes from the album English Fire!!" by Fire Bomber American. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/English_Fire%21%21
  10. Um...is that question...? (Oh, and Minmay's cousin's name is "Kaifun." )
  11. I wonder... How does ADV going out of business affect the Robotech DVDs..?
  12. I agree with your point over all, but I'd make a slight quibble here. There's no indication that Minmay actually wrote any of her songs, and it's stated quite clearly (in Episode 10) that "My Boyfriend Is a Pilot" was written FOR her. Now, it's possible that at the end of the series, she was writing her own songs (when she was searching for her "real voice"), but at the beginning, she was very definitely shepherded by songwriter(s) and manager(s).
  13. How do you know I'm NOT Mylene's pet...? Anyway, I think it's a sad day in the Macross fandom when of devouring a member of the community is considered acceptable. Why, I remember when Robotech Purist got banned for suggesting that Less Than Super Ostrich's arm would be rather tasty, and it's a little-known fact that the REAL reason Agent ONE got banned the first time was because he threatened to consume Keith's heart. And yet, the topic comes up again...and nothing is done. I weep for the future, my friends. Weep, weep, weep.
  14. Those last four episodes are consistently voted by Gundam fans as among the best in the series...and I happen to agree. That said, I never found the series flat. Bleak, yes. Of uneven quality, yes. But, although it sagged a little in the middle, I never thought it less than interesting.
  15. You're a little late... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=785433
  16. Then why does the official site only say "Bandai" (even in the copyright section), except for a little link at the bottom to "Bandai-Namco"? EDIT: The link: http://www.bandai.co.jp/top.html
  17. Wait a sec... Are you talking about Megan Fox...or Michael Bay?
  18. WHAT. THE. HELL. Look, I don't go around talking about grilling up VFTF1, or frying Mr. March with garlic and butter...so why is it suddenly okay to talk about eating ME? God, Macross fans are so prejudiced against space rodents...
  19. I haven't really read the novels yet, but I've looked at them, and I don't think they really retcon anything, but they DO throw quite a few more homages in. I've noticed Emilia Jenius and Elma Hoyley get namechecked, Max and Milia show up in a flashback...and yes, there is a scene with Kim in Volume Four, towards the end...but I'll be damned if I can find it right now... My favorite homage that I've come across so far, though, is in a description of the café on Frontier, saying that it was permeated with the odor of Gitanes cigarettes and Turkish coffee, while a tango rhythm played. EDIT: Oh, and "triskaidekaphobia" shouldn't be too hard to figure out...you know what "tri-" means as a prefix, right? And "deka-" (as in "decade") and the suffix "phobia" is well known to all Engligh speakers...
  20. Someone get a rope.
  21. Well...they would have to name names of other covert Macross World members, obviously. If they didn't do that, they wouldn't be allowed to write fanfics, make fanart, or make AMVs unless they did it in secret, with a respected RT.com member being a "front" for them.
  22. Like, for example, the unspecified rule about being just as chipper and upbeat and positive about official Harmony Gold Robotech™ merchandise and films on other websites as you are on RT.com. Again, I think it's a sucky way to run a site, but it's their site to do with as they wish... Personally, I think they need to add the question, "Are you now or have you ever been a member of Macross World?" to the sign-up process there.
  23. No, no he didn't. You're making that up. And there's certainly no recipe floating around on the internet AT ALL, so don't even bother looking. I mean it, don't bother. You're valuable time is too precious to waste on looking for recipes that don't exist, right? :unsure:
  24. I think that would be a terrible idea. Fur, bones, and eyeballs, man, that's all we are. No meat at all. Really. And we all have really bad constipation, like, all the time. Oh God, please don't eat me...
  25. Yeah...I don't really understand the dislike of FB2012. I first saw it in 1987, and before I got my hands on it, I thought it was going to be a FULL CONTINUATION of the story...which obviously, it wasn't. And yet, that initial disappointment gave way to repsect and love in how cleverly the videos were edited. It's easy to do something like that badly (I know Mosepada: Love, Live, Alive has its fans, but I find it rather dull), but FB2012 is full of music and eye-candy, as well as a lovely last little glimpse of Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay. What's not to like?
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