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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Erm...what does that have to do with either Macross 7 or Robotech, exactly...? I mean, it's funny...but hey, it's better than Kaji in Eva 2.0.
  2. The only Rambo I ever saw was First Blood Part II, and that was at the urging of my girlfriend at the time, who called it the funniest comedy she'd ever seen...and she was right.
  3. I'd still rather watch Macross 7 than Robotech any day. Macross 7 is goofy, but at least it's pretty coherent, and the voice acting doesn't make me wince.
  4. Sounds like a correction of the article Memo posted... *sigh* It really DOESN'T have to be this complicated...does it?
  5. Actually, I was talking about this one: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2003-...ight-to-macross This is the one that Memo cited as his evidence, and it says flat-out that tatsunoko has "author's right," which what Maverick LSC was using as his basis.
  6. So, again, the A.N.N. post is wrong...or at least VERY misleading.
  7. How do you figure?
  8. But they said that Tatsunoko won, and got the "author's rights," and that it was a big setback for Studio Nue, but everything else I've read (including Japanese Wikipedia) said that the "author's rights" rest with Studio Nue...
  9. I dunno, either. I found the page that mentioned "Focker" (p. 229), and it didn't give a first name. There are too many kanji I don't know, so it's hard for me to figure out what's going on without spending half-an-hour or so on the page (which I don't really feel like doing right now), but it looks like he's on Battle Frontier, and he's got a squadron of VF-19Ps and VF-22Ses.
  10. *ahem*
  11. Hold your horses, people! I don't think the ship in Macross Frontier Vol. 4 (p. 238, if you're interested) is the same as the one in VF-X 2. According to the book, "Macross 13" is the number given to covert Macross ships that "don't exist" (at least not officially). So there are probably a few Macross 13s running around. Kim's Macross 13 protects earth from the Vajra during the final battle in Frontier. And she's still got short hair, but it's all gray now, of course.
  12. Worse than Reba West? Surely you're joking!
  13. Rambo vs. Predator...? *yawn*
  14. Ouch, man...
  15. Episode 12 is up, and this coming Friday, we'll be releasing Batch 2 (episodes 6~12). http://galaxynetwork.blogspot.com
  16. I dunno...I believe that English isn't his first language, so maybe he doesn't understand all our responses...I had a similar problem posting on Macross Generation Forums, so I can sympathize there. But yes, it would be better for all involved if he could articulate his arguments better and actually continue a debate. I know Maverick LSC comes here from time to time, and I think he and Memo are in agreement. Perhaps he could step in.
  17. Yes, the flurry of activity when he shows up is amazing, isn't it? I think it's because there's no real debate here, we're all in agreement...so when someone shows up with a contrary opinion, people tend to pounce on him (which might be why Pizza the Hutt broke his promise to post here). But it DOES seem like A.N.N. got their facts wrong on the Macross rulings, doesn't it? Maybe someone should let them know...?
  18. And I've heard that Jonathan Carroll is a huge bestseller over there...which is frankly awesome.
  19. From Robotech.com user TakNSDAP: Also from ANN; http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2...opic.php?t=5901 . So no, Tats DOESN'T have the author's rights. And again, Memo...if Tastunoko has all the rights to macross and its derivatives, why haven't they exercised them? Why have they allowed Big West and Studio Nue to make Macross sequels without them? Why haven't they made sequels without Big West or Studio Nue?
  20. What does FASA have to do with Big West...?
  21. Because it's a list of sci-fi films...y'know, disposable entertainment for the masses. Whereas the movies you mention transcend their genre to claim their rightful place as some of the brightest stars in the firmament of classic cinema.
  22. Erm, yes. You know that, and I know that...but it's the number one fact that those who say that Tats owns everything have to account for. I mean, if (as Memo says), Tatsunoko has the authority to authorize Macross sequels, why haven't they done so? As why has Big West not had to go through them? (I'm also not sure why you're calling Big West an "American Pit Bull terrier," since they're not American and they don't seem particularly vicious...but that's neither here nor there, really. )
  23. Yes, that's true. Tatsunoko did some of the actual animating, Studio Nue and Artland did all the planning, designing, writing, directing, and a lot of the animation. So, by Memo's logic, DR Movies has authorship rights to Shadow Chronicles, and can make their own Shadow Rising, with or without Harmony Gold. My main simple question here is: If (as Memo says) Tatsunoko can make their own Macross movies, TV series, and OVAs...and Big West only has "moral rights"...then why has every Macross sequel been produced by Big West, while Tatsunoko has done nothing?
  24. *shrug* I liked it.
  25. The debate is over, and has been for a long time. All that's left is the drama.
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