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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I take it you haven't seen the second Frontier movie?
  2. Or you're just misremembering. None of the Robotech music comes from Macross.
  3. Robotech Master is Chris Meadows, Justy Ueki did a different podcast.
  4. Just checked the credits for episodes 5 and 6, and he's not listed in either... How badly do you need to know? EDIT: Ah, found it in Perfect Memory: Minoru Inaba.
  5. Yeah, that's the boxart for the Wave kit.
  6. Didn't they say that when Robotech/Voltron finished up, there'd be a brand new Robotech comic starting in November 2014? I wonder what happened to that.
  7. I liked the ending of Robotech/Voltron better when it was Orguss.
  8. And "Hunter" and "Pirelli" are so similar...
  9. I don't think so... They've completely thrown out the setting and the formula for the early episodes, but it's all in the service of explaining the backstory, and answering questions like "Where do the dragons come from?" It's exciting (for me) to see the story veer into directions I never saw coming, at least for now. Again, they could still cock it up by the end, but currently at least, I'm glad I'm watching and I look forward to each new episode.It's still miles behind Shirobako, but I think it's genuinely good right now.
  10. Yes. I was totally expecting a train wreck, and... it's not that.
  11. Be warned the first clutch of episodes are SO over the top in their lewdness that preview audiences were laughing. But it calms down after a bit and then the story starts going in some intriguing directions.
  12. I think basing at least the glasses on John Lennon is probable awesome-er.
  13. He's a member here. You should send him a message. Zen72.
  14. IN YOUR FACE, Magical Angel Creamy Mami!
  15. Well, one of the reasons for the high sales was that the first edition came with a ticket to enter a raffle to go to an event with Nana Mizuki, which I think brought out many people who wouldn't ordinarily buy it, or would wait.But yeah, the show itself is getting really good. One of my friends went to the opening event, where they screened the first couple of episodes before they aired, and said that the audience were laughing at how over-the-top the, uh, lewdness was. She was fully prepared to hate the show after that, but kept watching, and is now a pretty big fan. As she said, the staff has listened to the audience feedback, and has reacted accordingly.
  16. Yeah, it's getting amazingly good. I hope they can keep it up.
  17. Hmmm... Something to consider, definitely... Thanks for the tip!
  18. Well, yeah... But there are a lot of places in Hollywood that sell scripts (or at least, there used to be). I once found the Sam Hamm script for Watchmen in a musty old shop... I wonder if any copies of the Macross script found their way into places like that. Although, honestly, if they had, I'd assume that someone would've already found it and put it online.
  19. I wonder if hard copies of the script still exist anywhere...
  20. Yeah... With a little bit of Area 88 thrown in...
  21. Girls und Kampfflugzeug.
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