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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Yes. Which involved HARMONY GOLD, not Big West as you claimed. Big West was never involved in any kind of lawsuit with FASA. David Prowse (not Prose) played Darth Vader. And yes, Prowse did Vader's voice during filming. James Earl Jones's voice was dubbed in later. C-3PO (not 3CPO)'s voice was done by Anthony Daniels. VFTF1 is right. You are wrong. Wanzerfan...again, I don't want to offend, but you are wrong an AWFUL LOT of the time, even with stuff that is easy to verify. I'm not saying that everything on a message board has to be 100% factual 100% of the time, but I'd respectfully suggest CHECKING YOUR INFORMATION before posting. Especially if you're going to get snippy about it.
  2. Please follow along with the progression here: This was Gui's post: Zar's response: dreamweaver13's response They're talking about Code Geass. Who said anything about Slayers...?
  3. What are you talking about? A third season? THERE IS NO THIRD SEASON!!
  4. Okay...Batch 2 is up! http://galaxynetwork.blogspot.com
  5. That's a lot of intellectual hoops to jump through to try to (I believe) cover up the fact that they were making it all up as they went along. Stiil, an "A" for effort.
  6. Hey, hey, hey, calm down, you two. New Protoculture is both a floor wax AND a dessert topping! Here, I'll spray some on your mop...and some on your butterscotch pudding.
  7. I don't remember any riots or looting or anything of that nature... And hell, if he'd exposed them sooner, there wouldn't have been that whole Moon Festival fiasco...
  8. I think it was also the first cartoon to have people with those really big eyes in it. Speed Racer TOTALLY ripped that off from Robotech.
  9. Well, one of the writers died of cancer in 1996, so it's safe to say he isn't writing. Of the "Jack McKinney" team, I've never read anything else by James Luceno, but Brian Daley (R.I.P.) wasn't a bad writer. Granted, he mostly did Star Wars tie-ins and things of that nature, but even those were pretty good, as such things go.
  10. What did he do? He helped save the earth, he re-enacted scenes from "Roman Holiday," he cracked the gruff exterior of Sylvie, and he taught Ishtar "the meaning of love." That's not enough for you?
  11. Why not? Don't you want to double your Gubabas...? (And no...the toy isn't mine. I just posed with it at Macross World Con.)
  12. And making Minmay a terrible singer and nails-on-a-chalkboard annoying.
  13. Yeah...DO You Remember Love, written by Protoculture...Aimo, written by Vajra...Arkan, written by the original Mayan people... Macross has a lot of VERY old songs, doesn't it? And I think Sharon's lyrics are too scrambled and weird to really be composed by any human...unless her initials are "YK," that is...
  14. Well...she specifically mentions that her composer wrote "My Boyfriend Is a Pilot" (and possibly other songs, depending on how you read that line in episode 10) for her. Me, I like to think that the later songs in SDFM (or at least "Farewell to Tenderness") were written by Minmay herself (ditto "An Angel's Paints"), but I really don't know. At least we KNOW that Myung, Fire Bomber and Sheryl wrote their own songs...and I really get the feeling that Sharon Apple also composed her own music, or at least the lyrics. Sara, though...there's a girl who didn't compose her own material, but was just satisfied singing an old standard from, like, um...a few thousand years ago...
  15. So...for everyone who doesn't have a Niconico account...the Youtube version:
  16. Hmmm? When did they say Minmay wrote her own songs?
  17. I'm sorry...but I'm not sure I believe that. In Macross, Bodolza shouts out "PROTOCULTURE!" in that scene...so if the actor ad-libbed the line, he either checked the Japanese version (unlikely) or else it's an amazing coincidence that he created the same word as the Japanese version had (REALLY unlikely). Unless you're just talking about the "This results from..." part of the statement. THAT, I can believe was improvised. It think it's more likely that the Robotech writers were making up the Protoculture stuff as they went along. So they references to it in the Macross Saga don't square with what they later say it is in the Masters Saga and New Generation. But it's a mistake, pure and simple. And, as the first mention of Protoculture in the show, it's a pretty big mistake at that.
  18. I sometimes hld that view...but I've been feeling more charitable for the past few days. Yamato is one of the few anime franchises that really has no unendurably bad portions (unless you count the aborted Yamato 2520...but that's been pretty much eradicated from existence), and I like that it finished up on a completely appropriate note. I'll probably enjoy the new one, too, though. And Nishizaki probably needs the cash, so who am I to carp?
  19. Oh. Yes. Clear as day.
  20. Well...I've never seen the Remastered, Extended Robotech, and *I* remember that scene from when I watched it on TV oh so many years ago...
  21. Y'know, I feel a little bad for Whamhammer...I'm not sure he realized the kind of reception a Robotech fan who ISN'T also a Macross fan would get here... But I really have to ask...Memo thought "Dana" was a Mospeada character, Whamhammer didn't know that Dolza mentioned Protoculture when Rick and Lisa kissed. I haven't watched a complete episode of Robotech in nearly twenty-four years...why do I know more about it than these fans do???
  22. If you ever saw "Swallowtail Butterfly," Chara was the star and did the associated Yen Town Band album. If you haven't seen it: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHARA And yes...I wish there were extra tracks on the new CD as well. But hey, we've got a whole Fire Bomber album coming out, the Macross Frontier Movie soundtrack (eventually), and Mari's got a new album as well...so I guess we don't really NEED extra songs...right?
  23. Okay, I misquoted...he doesn't shout "PROTOCULTURE," he shouts, "THIS RESULTS FROM PROTOCULTURE!?" Jeez, you don't have to be so literal... EDIT: And my question still stands.
  24. Okay, I'm moving it out of the Sukuupuda! thread... I agree about the singers...Chie's voice is MUCH more distinctive (and sexier), although I do think she sounds a lot like Chara. But...I dunno, "Friends" on the whole sounded rather generic and easy-listening to me. It's okay, but I think I like this new song a whole lot better. (Or maybe I'm just pissed off that I had to buy both the Minmay Version and the Mylene Version when the single came out...at least this one doesn't have five versions with different B-sides...)
  25. So...maybe you can answer the question that nobody's been able to answer for me... If Protoculture is energy, why did Dolza shout "Protoculture!" when he saw Rick and Lisa kissing?
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