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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. This time, I don't think RedWolf is saying that...I think he's just mentioning the fleets of which we're all aware.
  2. I thought to point of DYRL was that there was NOTHING special or significant about "Ai Oboete Imasuka." As Misa said...it was just something they listened to, a long time ago. Just a normal love song.
  3. One would've expected Shadow Chronicles to do the same. Alas, some segments of the Robotech fandom appear to be impervious to quality-control issues.
  4. My irony-meter is tingling, but I'm still not sure how accurate it is in this thread... Anyway, it's easy to make fun of Robotech just as it's easy to make fun of Dr. Sane's "spring water" (wink, wink) in Star Blazers, or the addition of 7-Zark-7 to the Gatchaman team. Or for that matter, Herbie the Robot replacing the Human Torch in the '80s Fantastic Four cartoon. Or the Latina housewife getting changed into Lana Tuner in The Postman Always Rings Twice. Whitewashing and bowdlerization are always ripe for comedy. Just like I had fun in ninth grade reading the expurgated Romeo and Juliet in my school textbook, and comparing it to the full text in the Signet Shakepseare edition. What was funny was that although the textbook cut out SOME of the dirty jokes, they missed some of the dirtiest... Then there's the idea of fitting separate series together and trying to pretend they're a cohesive whole. By far the funniest Robotech parody I've seen is "Robotech III: Not Necessarily the Sentinels" and it can be seen as being pretty vicious in its attack on THAT concept.
  5. All that is true, but let's face facts...most of this thread exists solely because saying nasty things about Robotech is a hell of a lot of fun.
  6. Thank you, Az. I had hoped my "broken record" days were over...
  7. Who's Kyron?
  8. Could you provide some proof for the existence of "Ohnogi Macross novels," please?
  9. Didn't Puffy do the theme song for that? That automatically makes it great.
  10. But Macross II is a sequel to DYRL, not the TV series. And all those toys and models were made for the TV series. EDIT: By the way, thanks for the big pic of that scene. I had seen the "MARI IIJIMA" Phalanx before, but this is the first time I've ever noticed the "DOI MIKA" Phalanx above it...
  11. Come on...you KNOW you want it...
  12. Rancid, Lascivious, Adulterous Minmay...?
  13. These people are really missing out on good acronyms...seems to me that the Live Action Evangelion Movie should've been called Live Action Movie: Evangelion. And this should've been Live Action Movie Embodying Robotech.
  14. You might want to try Igloo again, since it doesn't really stand alone from MSG...it kind of assumes you've already seen it. Plus, do you know who wrote the series? The great HIROSHI OHNOGI! (Really! He did!)
  15. Really? I always thought the "For the Barrel" designs looked cool. I think Frau and Sayla especially look pretty great. Ah well. Oh, and I wanted to say...re: your comment about getting into Gundam being daunting. I can't really fathom how anyone "gets into" Gundam these days. When I got into it, it was easy. There was the original series (and movies) and there was Zeta. Double Zeta was just starting. Now, it's all so tangled and complicated that I'm amazed anyone gets into it at all...especially the U.C. stuff (which of course I think is the best). In other words, I salute your tenacity.
  16. VFTF1, I'm wondering...would you have liked MSG better if the White Base crew had looked like this? (And yes, this IS them...sorta. Amuro's in the middle with his back turned. Sayla, Kai, and Frau are on one side of him; Bright and Mirai are on the other.)
  17. Universal Bunny...? http://gabrielarobin.com/2911/macross-f-mo...universal-bunny
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if you and I were the only people in the world who saw the Day of the Dead remake...
  19. I don't know. The 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead was interesting, at least, in that the set-up was the same but the story played out differently. The remake of Dawn of the Dead was all right, and had a great soundtrack. The Day of the Dead remake, though, was crap through and through. I'll agree with you there.
  20. According to >EXO< (who's friends with Memo), apparently his English is perfectly fine...when he's speaking.
  21. REALLY WHAT YOU NEEDS TO DO DO IS JUST TYPE QUICKLY AND SMOETIMES* IMPERTANT WORDS OUT SO THAT WHAT YOUR SAYING REALLY DOESN'T MAKE MUCH SENSE. MY FAVORITE MISSPELLING IS MEMO'S USE OF THE WORD "PERVY" WHEN HE REALLY MEANS "PRIVVY" BECUAS IT'S THE FUNNIEST I THINK. HEHEHE *The word "leave" has been omitted in order to make the sentence incomprehensible. There: Lesson 1 of "How to Write Like MEMO1DOMINION." You owe me five bucks. I wonder if Pizza the Hutt is reading this, and how much it's making his blood pressure rise...?
  22. You're spelling and grammar is too good. Which brings up a good reason to enjoy Memo's caps-lock problems...it makes it much easier to parody his style.
  23. Strange...I don't remember that... Still, it kind of sounds like something I'd reject; I'm not terribly confident in my abilities to begin with, and translating the VF-25S page for Chronicles made me feel useless and untalented. Translation took more than a month, and then getting peppered with questions that I couldn't answer didn't do wonders for my sense of a job well done, either. So I'm happy to do the pages, but I don't feel comfortable getting paid for them. (Then, having Memo come on saying that he wanted to do the Robotech Codex and was looking for information about the VF-1 made me worry that some unscrupulous RT fan would take my translation and twist it to fit that series...and didn't make me especially eager to do more.)
  24. You did? When?
  25. Enh, I'm not ready for that yet. As Dave Sim once said (and he was talking about drawing comics, but I think it works for any discipline): "First you get good. Then you get fast. Then you get good AND fast." I'm still getting good. But hey! I've already finished my allotted three pages of "My Fair Minmay" for the day, so any more that I do today is gravy! To tie it (sorta) back into the topic...didn't some of the Robotech novels have excerpts from Jamis Merin (or whatever she was called in Robotech)'s memoirs? Where she was kind of a Shirley MacLaine, new age-y figure? Jamis in "My Fair Minmay" is really, REALLY different from that. Seriously...What. A. Bitch.
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