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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I've heard of that one, but I've never seen it. I remember seeing one of the Shaw Brothers "Water Margin" movies, however, a long, long time ago (I'd completely forgotten about it until I read the book, and suddenly remembered portions of it from the movie). But it WOULD make a great anime, don't you think? The only obstacle is that there aren't enough sexy girls in it, but you could say the same thing about "Three Kingdoms."
  2. Well, it wasn't the longest novel I've ever read (single novel, not a series); that would be Marcel Proust's "In Search of Lost Time," but yeah...2300 pages, give or take a few. I felt like I conquered Everest when I finished it. Then I went on and read "The Water Margin" and "Journey to the West," and I'm currently eyeing "Dream of the Red Chamber." I'm surprised there is no "Water Margin" anime (at least, none that I know of). It seems ripe for such treatment.
  3. I never played the game but I finally gritted my teeth and read the whole book a couple of years ago. So yeah, I'll check out the anime.
  4. That one's high on my list to get, too. I found a crappy 128kbps version on Nicosound, and it just whetted my appetite to hear the real thing.
  5. Ugh. Two was enough. Interesting that although they talk about bringing back Wes Craven (who CAN be a really great director when he wants to be) and Neve Campbell, there's no mention of Kevin Williamson. Although he's lost whatever luster he once had, the first two Scream movies were, I believe, films where the real star was the writing. Scream 3 suffered horribly without him.
  6. I had the Galaxy Network link in my sig for AGES, but if you Google "Galaxy Network," I'm number four on the front page, so I doubt the problem stems from here.
  7. I know...I was joking. I remember seeing an AM-PM in Tokyo (Taito-ku area)...but I only saw the one. I fear the idea of Lawson's getting Valks...they already have Evangelions. If they had a VF-25L squadron as well, they really WOULD be unstoppable.
  8. Thanks, but... VF-25Fm...? Why does Family Mart get its own Valk? Does this mean there's will also be a VF-25/7-11 or a VF-25AMPM?
  9. Looks very nice! I'll definitely try to help spread the word.
  10. You sound rather blasé about a guy falling to his death. I wasn't a huge fan of Shin-chan, but I liked it. I'm sorry he had to go like this.
  11. The new album sounds great! Renato, I know you and I have talked about this before, but I entirely agree that the early Fire Bomber stuff is overproduced...too much of an '80s sheen glossed over everything. For me, the best "real" Fire Bomber album is Dynamite Fire, since on that one, it sounds like they're really just cutting loose and letting it ROAR. But I like both Fukuyama Fire and (to a lesser extent) Gift 25 much better than any of the official Fire Bomber albums. Although I got all the Fire Bomber albums as they came out, I didn't start investigating Hummingbird's other music until last year. And yes, "1-2-3" was kind of a revelation, for its harder-edged versions of Fire Bomber songs with different titles, lyrics, and arragements. But for me, the real treasure in my collection was the used copy of Chie's first album, "Loophole," that I found entirely by chance at a grubby little shop in downtown L.A. a little more than a year ago. I love psychedelia, and that album pretty much hit all the notes I like. And the "album Version" of Dakedo Baby was SO radically different from the version used in the show that it came as a complete, welcome surprise. I'm stil trying to track down her Koi to Uso single to hear the "Gero Geroooo" version of Love It, which is one of my favorite Mylene songs (why didn't they ever use it in the show????). Anyway, I'm glad they're still at it, and I've already reserved my copy of the new album at Kinokuniya.
  12. Did you see the final episode?
  13. That's not a very Isamu-ish thing to say...
  14. D'oh! I hate this new "director's cut"!
  15. Well, after a couple of nail-biting weeks, it looks like I'm actualy going to finish translating "Dreaming Prelude ~ My Fair Minmay" on time after all. I just finish the fourth story (out of five total) tonight, and if I can hack three pages per day (which is what I've been doing for the last few weeks), I'll be done by next weekend. Then I finish typing it up, turn it into a PDF or Lit file, and it's ready to go. So I'm not out of the tunnel yet, but the light is definitely getting brighter.
  16. Wait wait wait...between pantyless Sheryl and a VF-1A, you'll take a VF-1A? Officially? No. Best not to worry about stuff like that, really.
  17. Enh, he wasn't bad at drawing Speed Racer.
  18. I gotta hand it to Tommy Yune, though. As uninspired as the Shadow Chronicles character designs are, I rather liked his Masterpiece Collection portraits. They don't look like Mikimoto at all, but the characters are recognizable and well-drawn.
  19. But to get there, he must survive the perilous trek through episode 8...
  20. Nah, it's just the profanity filter here. Try to type the word "slut" and you end up with "slurm."
  21. I think it's okay. I mean, what role and what series is Mari iijima most associated with? If it were, I dunno, the guy who played Soldier A in episode 3 of Macross Zero, I'd agree. But not for Mari. To me, at least, news about what Mari is up to is infinitely more interesting than news about, say, Macross Ultimate Frontier...since I don't play games. There will always be some news you're interested in, and some you're not.
  22. And baby chickens, too! Piyo!
  23. The theory I've heard that I like the best is this... "Gabriela Robin" made her debut with Macross Plus. She is to Yoko Kanno as Sharon Apple is to Myung. Again, don't know if it's true or not, but I really WANT it to be true.
  24. And isn't it nice to be able to say that definitively...?
  25. Yes, it was a bootleg. As such, you can probably find one wherever you go to find old bootlegs...
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