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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well, new chapters are ONLY being published on Comic Walker now, so I'm not sure what you mean by the "actual publishing dates"...
  2. I could do a little digging and make one, probably. Why?
  3. No internet made shipping wars like we saw during Frontier difficult...
  4. I'm pretty sure civilians do that, too. We call them "nicknames."
  5. 1. We still don't know the pronunciation of the title... it might be "Macross Reconguista" for all we know... 2. Eight years after Frontier, yeah. 3. Yes. 4. Probably. 5. It will take place very far away from the Frontier fleet.
  6. Aren't you forgetting about that lawsuit a few years back...?
  7. I'm not sure you're really understanding my point, or maybe I'm not explaining it well enough... I guess the first question to ask yourself is, "Why does this story need to be told, and why do I need to tell it?"
  8. I know Tochiro bought a full set about a year or so ago for about eleven cents total (not including shipping, of course)...
  9. Honestly, I think you're going about it backwards. without interesting characters and a compelling story, your fic will fall flat. You should be spending more time developing that than working on how to make the mechanics "realistic." If you focus mostly on the capabilities of the VF-11, you won't be bored, but your audience probably will be...
  10. For the first point, I'm "blaming" anyone. If I were to blame someone, I'd blame the Macross Ace editors for not putting together a better magazine that really could've survived. Byy issue four or five, it was clear that they were banking solely on Macross the First. For the second point, international sales DO make a difference. That's why subs were put on the Macross F movie blu-rays. They know there's a market here for the stuff, so to say "Well, it's only up to the Japanese fans" simply isn't true. (This of course doesn't mean that they'll flat-out ignore the Japanese market, which is primary, and cater solely to western fans, but it does mean that sales in the rest of the world do indeed matter.)
  11. If every Macross fan outside of Japan had bought Macross Ace, don't you think it would still be around now, regardless of whether the Japanese fans went for it or not?
  12. In other news, according to the new chapter up on Comic Walker, Vol. 6 will be out April 26.
  13. Red-Shoulders made his point pretty clearly in these two posts, especially the second... http://red-shoulders.blogspot.com/2012/03/scanlation-idiocy.html http://red-shoulders.blogspot.com/2012/12/mobile-suit-gundam-origin-status-update.html I include the first link, though, because I had run-ins with the same group (albeit from opposite ends... he used their scans, they wanted to take my English translation, translate it into Spanish, and claim credit for the whole thing... at least according to an anonymous tip-off I got). And the guy from that group was here at MW, pestering me, insulting me, asking for advice... it was really weird. I really go back and forth on The First. On the one hand, I like it, and I'd like to translate the whole thing (Red_Shoulders' script, while there's nothing wrong with it, just doesn't sound QUITE right to me, although I know that's my own deal, not his). On the other, as soon as I announced the translation, unsavory people came out of the woodwork to contact me about it, and it was really off-putting. Plus there's the fact that not one but TWO magazines carrying the title have died... Its not a theory, it's fact: people simply aren't supporting this title like they should. (Usually when I mention this, someone points out, "Well, it's in Japanese! I'm not going to buy a book I can't read, so they aren't losing any sales from me. I won't buy it anyway." Which is all well and good, but begs the question of why they deserve a free, high-quality scanlation.) I still hack away at it occasionally, but it really seems more like a chore than anything fun, because I've had to deal with so many jerks about it, and because of my own qualms about making it available.
  14. Keith, it's going to be four episodes total, so my guess is that it'll follow the "flashback" sections of the manga only. In those, Amuro shows up as a kid at the end only. But really, what do you want to see about his backstory? His dad leaving for space with him, and him tearfully saying goodbye to his mom and his wooden puppet? There's nothing terribly dramatic about Amuro's childhood.
  15. It's a book about the upcoming 1/2400 papercraft Macross.
  16. When watching this, I thought of an interview I read with Alan Moore, where he talked about taking beloved childhood characters and making them dark 'n' gritty, and saying, "it was an experiment. Not a school of writing." I wish the people making this film had read the same interview.
  17. The are points, though, where you're clearly MEANT to fire the gunpod... I pulled the trigger, the barrel spun, the gunpod sound effect played... and it didn't seem to affect anything in the game itself.
  18. I liked it, but I was playing it at a friend's house (he owns that, the Ghost in the Shell, the Combattler V, and the Back to the Future pachinko machines), so first, it was free, and second, it wasn't noisy. I was the first person to ever win on his machine, but even then... I won with Kakizaki, so I'm not sure you can REALLY call that winning...
  19. I don't think it has an episode number (at least, it doesn't in the Macross 7 Roman Album)... where did you find that? And as far as I can tell, it's just an expanded version of those "Macross 7 PLUS" shorts that they put at the end of every tape or LD. The animation quality seems significantly higher for the battle scenes there than it is in the series proper, so I just it was just meant as a big bonus for fans.
  20. Sorry! I forgot that this is Macross World, where there is absolutely no history of anyone being negative about Macross 7. My apologies!
  21. Every time I've seen Yoshiki Fukuyama and Chie Kajiura perform, either separately, or together as Fire Bomber, they've put on a damn good show. Having talked to both of them, they both seem like extremely nice people, too. What is it about them that you think is in poor taste?
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