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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. "Even" Clint Eastwood...? I take this to mean you don't think Clint Eastwood is a good director...?
  2. Yes, but Sharon Apple was also a quarter-mile-tall naked redhead, so she wins.
  3. Floating robot torsos with ragged cloaks aren't enough to inspire terror? My, my...aren't we hard to please...
  4. It was a crappy, crappy TV show. It will be a crappy, crappy movie.
  5. Oh yeah...I did see that one. All I remember about, though, is that Scarlett Johansen was cute. And that the first half seemed like a Logan's Run ripoff.
  6. If they ain't junior high school students, it ain't Battle Royale.
  7. Oh, believe me, I'm with you there. I hated the first Transformers movie with a rage worthy of Achilles, and never saw the second one, since the stuff people were complaining about most was the same stuff I hated in the first movie. I'm not sure I've ever seen any other Michael Bay films, though...so I can't really say I hate HIM. I just hate his first Transformers movie.
  8. I dunno...the original had probably the smartest screenplay for a slasher film since Halloween, and Wes Craven's New Nightmare was smarter still. I doubt the new one will be able to top either of those. (One thing the Elm Street series has going for it, though, even in the weakest entries, is a built-in excuse for why slasher-film characters always act so idiotic...they're sleep-deprived! Bingo! Stupidity explained. Makes me much more forgiving whenever anyone does something especially dumb.)
  9. Yep. You gave your opinion, I gave mine. That's fair, isn't it?
  10. Gundam can be really easy if you don't mind long series and old animation. Just watch 'em in the order they came out and stop when you get to the "thanks I've had enough" stage: Mobile Suit Gundam (TV Series) (1979) Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy (1981-82) Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (1985-86) Mobile Suit Gundam Double Zeta (1986-87) Char's Counterattack (1988) This is the "first series." Double Zeta is highly divisive among fans (much like Macross 7), but most agree that it gets better as it goes along. And if you watch all of those, you've seen the major stories of the U.C. timeline, and it's all very straightforward and simple. It's after this that it gets complicated, and you start needing charts and timelines and 8x10 color glossy photos with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back of each one explaining what it's for. So I won't go into that yet. Although a lot of it is QUITE good indeed, and is highly recommended. *sits back and waits for someone to come in saying that I've got it all wrong and you should start with, I dunno, 08th MS Team or something.*
  11. It was nice knowing you! At least you'll get a hell of a light show before you go.
  12. Well, that covers the mecha...but what about the french toast and the Dachshunds...?
  13. You know, it was only yesterday, on that cool, breezy Sunday afternoon, as I was sitting and relaxing on the weathered gazebo in the front garden, reading a well-loved old copy of Du coté de chez Swann, that the thought wandered into my head: "What would Wanzerfan rather see?" And now I have my answer: "Michael Bay's head mounted on Dennis Leary's six-foot erection." Learning that tidbit of knowledge has eased the furrows on my brow and cleared worry from my mind. I feel certain I shall sleep peacefully without incident tonight. Thank you, Wanzerfan.
  14. Little known fact: VFTF1 runs Harmony Gold. It's based in an underground fortress deep in the Andes Mountains.
  15. We don't know yet. So far, though, the "First 7 episodes" route seems likely (to me), since none of the promotional material seem to show anything beyond them.
  16. *yawn* Ranka rage is soooooo 2008, dahling...
  17. Which one? This one or this one? (Strangely, for all that the "liner notes" talked about Ohnogi, they never ONCE mentioned these two... )
  18. It's unofficial, so it's not in the Compendium. It's this one: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/dou_mat3extra.htm
  19. Well, they clearly need SOMEONE to root out the Macross Purists and other undesirables, right?
  20. A new, small size artbook that's coming out. http://www.amazon.co.jp/マク...6739&sr=1-4 The back cover is...um...
  21. Ah, VFTF1 knows they don't exist...he was just joking.
  22. I'll have to check those out...know where I can get 'em?
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