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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. True. But I don't think Frontier was "The Ranka and Klan Show," either. At least, for ME it wasn't. I might be in the minority in that one, though...
  2. Well...this is probably more detailed than you want, but the '58 Blob was an alien. Came down, ate the town, police couldn't stop it, but the teenagers could. All the stuff in the '88 version about the Blob being a mutated biological weapon, and the military coming in and securing the town...THAT'S from The Crazies. The original Crazies was great because you couldn't tell who was infected and who wasn't. Anyone who came at you with an ax, though, probably had the virus. The rather subversive part of the story, though, is the army comes in and starts shooting EVERYBODY. So, in response, everybody, infected or not, starts rising up and attacking the army, so...who's infected? Who isn't? We never really find out in a lot of cases, which makes it interesting in that George-Romero-Social-Commentary sort of way. If they can replicate that in the remake, it'll probably be could. If they can't, it'll be another empty exercise in remakes.
  3. Needs more panties.
  4. I'm not saying you're totally wrong (I'm not into the moe thing either, but I *do* love Frontier), but...isn't Minmay pretty moe?
  5. Well said. I have to say, I don't understand Macross fans who are hoping for new Robotech productions (unless they REALLY REALLY want to know what happened to Rick Hunter, since Macross doesn't address the Megaroad-01 question either), but I definitely understand Mospeada fans wanting to see something new, since Robotech is really their only hope for any kind of continuation. Of course, trying to view Shadow Chronicles as a Mospeada sequel makes it look EVEN WORSE than it already does, plus is contradicts Love, Live, Alive...so...what's left? Why, unless someone really, really liked Shadow Chronicles, would anyone support HG anymore?
  6. Dougbendo flames people? Color me shocked! Next in surprising news, it has been determined that ice cream is a tasty treat, but too much may spoil the appetite.
  7. I can sympathize with both sides here...on the one hand, you want to hear all the Minmay songs, and by all rights, you SHOULD get to hear them. On the other hand, this IS a promotional performance. Fire Bomber is pushing their new album, May'n and Megumi are pushing their upcoming efforts... Mari has a new album out, the first in several years...is she supposed to play nothing from it? A better solution than cutting out her new songs, I think, would've been if they had shortened Fire Bomber's set and given Mari an extra ten-to-fifteen minutes to sing "Love Drifts Away," "Sunset Beach," and "My Beautiful Place"...or something like that. Anyway, you've heard more Macross material from her than I have (for the record, I've seen her sing DYRL and Tenshi no Engoku), and I've seen her about a dozen times. (At one of her shows, someone once requested "My Boyfriend's a Pilot," and she replied, "I think that song's a little too anime, don't you?") Oh well, maybe tonight they'll have it all worked out...Still wish I could be there.
  8. Ah, good ol' "Plastic Nipple: The Adventures of Captain Titties." A classic for all the wrong reasons...
  9. And goofy, fat little boys driving goofy, fat little robots! I've been looking for clips on youtube, but it seems like they've all been taken down...
  10. Hmmm...I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The Crazies has already been cannibalized by TONS of other horror movies (most strangely, in the '88 remake of The Blob). I dunno. I'd like to get outraged OR enthusiastic, about this, but I find I just don't care anymore...remake weariness, I guess.
  11. Yes, it's a wonderful song. I'm rather ashamed to admit that I didn't know Kato was in the Sadistic Mika Band...I've never heard them, but I've heard OF them (it's kind of difficult band name to forget...). Does anyone else find it...I dunno, not STRANGE exactly, but a mild oddness, that this happened the same day as the Crossover Live, where DYRL is getting the widest hearing it's had in a long time...? Or am I just being too Macross-centric?
  12. I think the existence of Star Trek III kind of takes the sting away from that scene...
  13. True...Hikaru rescuing Minmay in the VF-1D is completely Itano, and completely nonsensical. It still looks great, however. Yeah...when I picked up the magazine last July, I tried to read the Itano interview, but it was impossible for me to get through with some intensive work, so I just kind of left it alone. Ditto the Mari Iijima interview.
  14. Enh. You may disagree (I certainly do), but the man has earned his right to say what he wants about Frontier, and being in charge of mecha animation for SDFM, DYRL, Plus, and Zero gives his words a lot of weight. On the other hand, he's not a very good OVERALL director, so his talk about the drama should probably be taken with a grain of salt. For the record, I think "human failure" sounds a little more harsh that what he's really saying...I would say, "we had Minmay fall apart as a human being" (破綻 failure, rupture; bankruptcy)...but even then, I'm not sure that exactly right...
  15. You've never seen "Space Gandam V"? It's the greatest! Hot VF-1J vs. giant spider action!
  16. Crap. Now, every time I hear the song, THAT'S what I'm gonna be thinking...
  17. "Tit-meister"...?
  18. Yes. Which is why I said "admittedly non-Robotech." And yet, weren't you talking about adding a Robotech infopedia to your site a while back? I don't really count dougbendo (which is why I didn't mention him). Even if he's being reasonable now, he's still part of the problem..a BIG part of the problem. What I'm saying is that Robelwell202, HP, and JT all seem talented and bright, they're all getting coordinated, and they're talented and bright enough to become a focal point for people fed up with HG. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it, and just enjoy seeing people take on "the man." You're welcome! And I guess I can see why some people like Robotech (I heard about Macross BEFORE Robotech started, so when it began, I thought it was just Macross with a new title. Visits to toy stores near Los Angeles's Little Tokyo area provided me with the rest. Hell, even my elementary school notebook was covered with pictures and names that I cut out of Macross model kit boxes and the like...nowhere did I put the name Robotech). Or rather, I've come to see how people can like "THE ORIGINAL 85!" mostly in comparison to how bad Shadow Chronicles was, and how badly HG's representatives have been acting. Compared to the evasions and half-truths now, Macek's evasions and half-truths seem like small potatoes. And while I think that the Original 85 (when did they start getting called that, anyway?) have a lot more BS piled into them than Shadow Chronicles does, that only because they're about 40 hours longer. Take any three consecutive episodes of the old Robotech that you like...Shadow Chronicles will be worse in nearly every respect. So...yeah. I still don't the old Robotech, but I find it less intolerable than the new Robotech.
  19. Didn't we already talk about this? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=767378
  20. I guess I can understand the amount of time given to each singer, and Mari doing some of her own songs...let's face it, Fire Bomber has the most material to choose from, and if you put all of Minmay's songs together you've got about 35 minutes, unless they wanted to do extended instrumental sections or something. Sorry about the sound problems, though, that sucks. And that's VERY cool that Hiroko Kasahara showed up! Maybe Akino Arai will show up tonight...?
  21. ...Or because some of them have soot and grime painted on them.
  22. If it gets bad enough for enough people, they'll ALL move elsewhere. Hell, maybe they'll all start up their own sites, as well. What I find interesting is that, as opposed to the disgruntlement after Shadow Chronicles came out and Pie-Guy had his fifteen minutes, it seems like a lot more of the banned members are organized in a positive way, rather than just griping. You've got your (admittedly non-Robotech) site, HP has hers, Robelwell202 has his, and everyone can advertise through JT. It's not like being booted off of RT.com is actually hindering anyone. On the contrary, I've seen more pure love for Robotech in the last few weeks than I've EVER seen before. Needless to say, I think the *object* of that love is rather unworthy, but when faced with such an outpouring of devotion, how can I quibble? As Kevin McKeever said a year or so ago, "It's good time to be a Robotech fan!"
  23. It all makes me wonder if Memo's keeping the thread open as bait to attract people he wants to ban... Oh well. Again, he's a mod there, so what he says, goes. I'm certainly glad he has no power here, though. That would suck.
  24. And Maverick is online here as I post this...although I don't think he's ever posted here, funnily enough.
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