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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Not enough time, or are you having trouble getting it? If it's the latter, I'll just send it to you. If it's the former...well, I can't help you there.
  2. You're very welcome. Well...this is the only thread here for Robotech, so there really isn't any other place on the site to ask Robotech-related questions. Generally, though, it seems like if you approach Macross World with respect, Macross World will give respect back. While a lot of us really dislike Robotech, we don't antagonize its fans if they don't antagonize us. Though I'm not speaking for everyone here, of course. The battle lines were drawn a long time ago. Robotech seems to have very few "new" fans. And, really, most new Macross fans are coming in through Frontier, rather than through Robotech. You've got to remember that a lot of us have been through the Macross/Robotech "trying to convert" process many, many times, with many, many people. Personally, as someone who watched Robotech in '85, but knew about Macross since '84, I've had the same conversation about Robotech's origins several dozen times over the last twenty-four years. Now, thanks to the internet, information about Macross is widely and freely available. Hell, there's a stickied thread here about the differences that's been around for almost a decade now. This thread is where we go to complain, crack jokes, and (rarely) post news. Check out the other threads in the "Movies and TV" section, and you'll find most of us being positive and enthusiastic. Judge us when we're talking about Macross, not when we're talking about Robotech.
  3. Agreed. I admit that I sometimes enjoy poking nasty fun at some of the staff/fans...but only the ones who go out of their way to be obnoxious. And let's face it, Memo is so easy to parody that it practically BEGS to be done. VFTF1 and HappyPenguins know what I'm talkin' about...
  4. Except that all the fanboys say, "No. Dallos was definitely the first." It's always Dallos. Nothing else.
  5. That makes sense...I was thinking of breaking my silence and posting, "You mean, Carl Macek didn't create it all?" but figured it would be wiser to keep my mouth shut. Well put.
  6. My mistake. For some reason I thought Macross007 wanted bridge plans...
  7. Will do, sir.
  8. I mostly like how it it took him a day or so to figure out they were commercials for the Pachinko game...and then took another day or so to figure out what Pachinko is. Also, Seto...if Memo's too lazy to check ANN or Wikipedia on his own, why are you making it easier for him by posting the production information...?
  9. Come to think of it, Sheryl doesn't really dance either, does she?
  10. Thank you! And yeah...after I put it up, I got a PM listing all the typos... *sigh*
  11. Macross Chronicle or Macross Perfect Memory are probably your best bets.
  12. Why use a "bow" when you can use this:
  13. So...uh, have you finished the book yet?
  14. Yes. But not the way the shrimp would've liked...
  15. Don't bother. It sounds cooler than it actually is.
  16. As is every other TV anime you can think of...except maybe the ones that are 13 episodes long or less.
  17. When it left VFTF1 clueless, I feared the worst...but since you got it, I think Pete needs to relinquish his title of "Mr. Lingerie" over to you. Mr. Lingerie is dead. Long live Mr. Lingerie!
  18. True. But if Freiflug88 says that it's what went wrong with the mecha genre, I'd at least like to know what he thinks it means.
  19. And it's a GREAT TIME to be a Robotech fan!
  20. You're welcome! So...did YOU understand the "mouth-pulling" scene...? I didn't when I read it, and even my Japanese friends had to guess at what it meant. Fortunately, I think his guess was right. I tried to make it a little clearer in the English version...but not too clear.
  21. Hitler in a HIM shirt? I don't get it. Now if it were Freud, I could understand, but what does Evangelion have to do with Hitler? I also take issue with the notion that Eva started some kind of "trend" that ruined the mecha genre., but even though this thread isn't really about anything anymore, that REALLY doesn't belong here, so I'll leave it alone. Now you're just making stuff up. Very guilty? Yes, there were about five or six shots that got reused a couple of times. Compared to any other 25- or 26-episode series, the recycled scenes seemed relatively absent to me.
  22. That's why I made them all late-40s, early-50s. And they've all got crew cuts.
  23. The missing kanji is: 脱線 ("dassen"). The scan of the booklet was too small...so I listened to the line a few times until I got it. baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. I wanna lose control it’s all about communication Until morning, the two of us just spinning around Lots of time for loving be my boyfriend I want us to waste our youth Without either of us derailing and crashing* Getting involved more deeply this position Don't you know that it's the best? baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. The glass window gets steamed over scandal it’s all about communication baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. I want you to think along those lines don’t stop General things are messy you know that but I make my hair pretty I’m old-fashioned 100% juicya kind of game Rather crazyI am crazy for you Getting involved more deeply And abandoning the rainy day! baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. Touch me here with your finger until don’t stop baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. I wanna lose control hey you let’s do communication This world is an illusion If I cling to it, it will end. I'm all right with being alone If I'm noticed I won't permit it baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. The glass window gets steamed over scandal it’s all about communication baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. I want you to think along those lines don’t stop baby pink monsoon baby pink monsoon lady sings LOVE, hum.. I wanna lose control hey you let’s do communication *Strangely, Google translate puts this line as "Without getting off the bed with." Which I like a lot better (although I'd change it to "Without either of us getting out of bed," but I can't figure out how they got that. "一緒に" means "together," "脱線" means "derailment" and "台なし" means "wreck." Weird. And that's it...I did it pretty quick'n'dirty, so I'm sure there are flaws and mistakes...but I think it's generally all right. Oh, and the line is 100%ジュース, not 100%ジューズ.
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