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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Yes, but they get reunited in Invid heaven. Also: Ariel sacrifices herself trying to stop a meteor from hitting Tirol, and Janice sings to the Haydonites, causing some of them to remember emotions, and turn against their leaders. Is THAT enough of a deal breaker for you?
  2. Jasonc is pretty sure it's real...but I kind of have my doubts. I'd like to think that the writers were above ripping off DYRL and Char's Counterattack...but really, I guess I couldn't put it past them.
  3. Heh. I just finished listening to the new Protoculture Times, and all I gotta say is: "DEATH TO MACROSS PURISTS!!!"
  4. I'm relieved, too...I was worried that I'd left it a little TOO obscure. Quite honestly, that and how to deal with the mysterious guy trailing Ashida in "Pink Lady" were the toughest parts to translate...
  5. Fine by me. That means I can translate whatever I want without fear of it being pilfered for someone's RT fan project. This is getting silly. It all seems like this debate is all new to Capt. Donovan, and I suggest he check the "Southernmacrosspeada" (God I hate that name!) forum at RT.com to see the other side of the coin. Likewise, I suggest that he look beyond just this thread before judging Macross World. But he's not here to be a troll, and baiting him doesn't help matters. Everyone put down the gunpods, and just relax...
  6. But still from the same studio and using the same "Star Trek Bible," yes? I agree with you there. The problem with Shadow Chronicles (for me) was not that it used Mospeada designs. The problem (again, for me) was that it wasn't very good.
  7. I know you don't, but Doug Bendo does...
  8. Well, OF COURSE he does...because all the stats come from Japanese sources, and thus are not "pure" Robotech.
  9. No, I agree. I wasn't checing on the thread while I was talking to him much, and was more than a little surprised when I finally looked and saw what he had been saying. I guess I just felt bad because he went to RT.com first and Memo waved the banhammer over his head IMMEDIATELY, and I don't think it was Capt. Donovan's fault. Still, I have to admit, it's kind of refreshing to have someone show up who really doesn't get why Macross and Robotech are almost never discussed with equal weight in the same place at the same time. Shows a certain appealing purity, I guess.
  10. It's too bad, really, 'cause he and I actually had a pleasant conversation via PM. We talked about the legal dilemma first, and he got the picture quite quickly. Then he said he wanted to read more technical stuff (and asked if the fact that all the Macross technical book remain unpublished in America was due to HG...I answered "Partially, but also I'm not sure how much a market there is for them here"). I suggested he check Macross Compendium and the Macross Chronicle translations (he disappeared before I could recommend March's site... ). I suggested he check out DYRL or MacPlus, and he said he'd like to, and that was pretty much it. He never said anything about the length of SDF-1. (BTW, what is the deal with the SDF-1 length? First Doug Bendo mentions it, then JT mentions it, now Capt. Donovan brings it up. I'd never even realized it was an issue before. Everything I've seen says it's 1200 meters, and the exterior animation seems to bear this out. Sure the buildings wouldn't be able to fit inside the ship, but that's just artistic license. Is THAT what this apparently burning question is about?)
  11. Like Robotech is goodthink. Bellyfeel Robotech is doubleplusgood. Like Macross is CRIMETHINK. If self like Macross, report to thinkpol. If others like Macross, report to thinkpol. Failure to report is INFOCRIME. Like Robotech and Macross is unlogic. Unlogic is CRIMETHINK. THIS WARN YOU!
  12. I think Pizza thinks he's making himself useful by checking this thread and then trying to get people banned for what they say over here. Even Memo's gonna think Pizza's an annoying little gleet if he keeps it up.
  13. I thought it was funny. He was clearly doing it in jest. Oh, and Beltane70...better watch out. The Grand Inquisitor of RT.com, Pizza the Hutt, is after YOU now, because...um...well, I don't know why, precisely. To make sure RT.com is ideologically pure? To prove the depth of his tragic love for Memo? Just because he's bored? Or maybe he's just a powerless little person with dreams of being a big, bad authoritarian who holds judgment over others. I dunno.
  14. Well, yes, it's that...but there's also the fact that Seto posts on Robotech forums, which you don't. Join RT.com and RTX.com, post often, and you'll get just as wide a fanbase as Seto has, and you too can have a secret lair built inside a volcano, henchmen, a beautiful-but-evil girlfriend, and a stupid sidekick who you have to explain your plans to.
  15. FUND IT. You'll be hailed as a genius visionary!
  16. Issue #2, yeah. I'll try to see if I can work out a summary of it or something, but no promises.
  17. I'm too busy with other things (and, as I said, I found it too difficult to fully translate), but I can post a scan of the whole thing if you'd like.
  18. I feel like I'm "Good Cop" to Seto's "Bad Cop," but oh well... I don't really think that's very creative...at least, not more creative than making the shows in the first place. So if I take the old Battlestar Galactica, and change some of the dialogue so that I can graft Start Trek the Next Generation on to it as a "30 years later" continuation (Picard gets renamed "Apollo" and Riker becomes "Boxey"), I'm very creative? KA-CHING! CHECK PLEASE! I think you're looking at it the wrong way. Star Trek is an ORIGINAL creation. And the continuations were done with the involvement of people who worked on the original show. Robotech isn't a sequel to Macross, it's not even really an adaptation. It takes the Macross story and animation and turns it into something...different. Of course, whether or not "different" is "better" is a matter of opinion. Most of us here agree that "different" in this case is NOT "better," or else we wouldn't be here. As >EXO< said, some of us are friends with Robotech fans, but we can still bash Robotech just as they still bash Macross. We can all still get along, despite our differing opinions about an old cartoon. I hated the Transformers movie, some of my friends loved it. I'll trash it, they'll defend it. It's no big deal. As for your specific question...the first time I ever heard any debate about the length of the Macross, it was from J.T.'s podcast. I don't think that debate exists among Macross fans, since all documentation lists it as being 1,200 meters long. So that's our deifnitive answer, and if you want more discussion about that, you won't find it here. Just like you won't find any debate about the devleopment of the VF-1 and the VF-0 in any Robotech forum...because the VF-0 doesn't exist in Robotech.
  19. Waters7 was banned for giving an account of the facts that ran contrary to Memo's understanding of the situation. That pissed off Robelwell202, and he got banned for his angry retort (which he reposted here a page or two ago). I'm telling ya, pretty soon Memo, Mav, and Pizza the Hutt will be the only members LEFT over there.
  20. I agree completely. Based on what you said above, I think you won't regret it. You should also check out "Fukuyama Fire!!" That's one of my all-time favorites, too.
  21. I'm glad you liked it! I've skimmed through Misa's book but I haven't fully read it yet. It seems to be pretty exclusively about her life before the series starts. First half about her with Riber, second about her after Riber's death. There's also a GREAT bit when Misa and Riber visit a certain Chinese restaurant in Yokohama...
  22. I think you're being a little hard on the guy, Seto. At this point, it seems like he's rather...unaware of the blood spilled and lives shattered by Macross v. Robotech. If he learns the difference and gets into Macross, great. If he doesn't, he'll likely go elsewhere on his own. No harm no foul. Some people seem to arrive here with an ax to grind, but I don't sense that from Capt. Donovan (it helps that we've been chatting via PM for the last hour or so). He went to RT.com to ask about the legal stuff, and got a pretty hostile response from Memo (which ended up taking out waters7 and robelwell202), so he came here instead. He's seems open and interested, so what's the problem?
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