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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. THAT'S IT! That's the quote I was thinking of...I don't know why I thought it was from an interview...guess I'm getting old.
  2. Don't you remember? When she and Max had dinner, and she was wearing makeup and a slinky dress and calling him "Daddy," and everyone from the bridge bunnies to the bartender looked scandalized...?
  3. So it's solely HG's business practices for you? HG's business practices are annoying, and it's sad to know I'll probably never be able to walk into Borders and pick up a Macross Frontier comic or a Macross Zero Blu-Ray. But for me, a big problem is the show itself, and some of the more rabid fans' reactions to it. But I guess a lot of that stems from HG's attitude(s) over the years as well. Sometimes they're quite open and honest about Robotech's roots, other times they're dismissive or evasive. And so sometimes the fans follow suit. And it seems like nearly ALL the fans revere Carl Macek, who of course didn't CREATE the story, just changed it. And yet, they act like he's the one who made Robotech great. Macek's own statements don't help matters, since he always makes it sound like he took this backwards little ugly duckling show and made it realize its potential. Needless to say, I don't see it like that. Honest difference of opinion, most of it. But there ARE some facts buried in there, and Macross fans generally seem to "know the score" better than a lot of Robotech fans.
  4. Let's face it...Robotech gets no respect, especially not 'round these parts. So there are charges of elitism, and often, they're justified. Anime fans generally have a dim view of Robotech, and (as we have seen recently) some RT fans get offended when people insult the series they grew up on. (There's also the fact that there are yahoos like JamesBond77 running around on youtube shouting "Roboshit" this and "Shadow Crapticles" that every chance they get...they make us look bad.) So yeah...some the Macross fans are definitely to blame. (And according to Pizza the Hutt, I'm one of the worst offenders, because I make fun of Memo, and throw out insults, which he says he never does (incidentally, in that same PM, he called me a "son of a hoe"(sic) and pitied me for liking a "jap crap" series).) Other than that, some of it may be resentment. Macross is not as prolific as Gundam, certainly, but we do get a new series every few years Robotech fans have had to deal with failed movies, cancelled TV series, delayed sequels, the works. Some of the Macross sequels have been less-than-stellar, but only two projects that I know of have been cancelled outright. But I think most of it, really, is stubbornness. Robotech is what they saw, Robotech is what makes them feel warm and nostalgic, and they don't like this Macross version that everyone's telling them they should like instead. My question is...why is Robotech the one that spawns the ahte? Certainly, I dislike "Battle of the Planets" and "Warriors of the Wind" every bit as much as Robotech...but those are kind of non-issues. No one gets upset if you use Voltron terminlogy while talking about Golion. What is it about Robotech? Is it because Macross is better than Golion or Gatchaman? Is it the sense of betrayal involved? Is it because there are STILL people insisting that Robotech is more than the sum of its parts? Why is this lame little attempt to capitalize on the giant robot craze of the '80s so much more offensive than others?
  5. Don't give the mods any ideas, please...Look at poor Renato, saddled with "Uncharismatic Hermaphrodite" or Bsu Legato, the "Super Dimension Cinderella," or Agent GHQ, the "Head Pilot." Custom titles are a curse, not a blessing.
  6. My "hard work" is really just beginning...I've still got Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences, Macross TV Version (3 volumes), and DYRL to do before I've finished the first batch of novels. But thank you! I'm really glad everyone's enjoying it.
  7. It's happening as we speak: http://that.animeblogger.net/category/anime/sdf-macross/
  8. You know, I remember reading a statement by Leiji Matsumoto about how it was Nishizaki's love of militarism that made him no longer want to work on Yamato. Makes me wonder what Matsumoto's proposed Yamato sequel would've been like...
  9. I remember reading something (and I *think* it was an interview with either Kawamori or Mikimoto) about that being a "Dream Minmay" or something like that. Confused the hell out of me as a kid. I was never sure if she left on the ship or stayed behind. Can someone back me up on this...? TheLoneWolf? Renato? Anyone...?
  10. Well of course you do. I'm a "Professional Anime Nerd™." My word is law.
  11. Agreed. I have no real beef with Robotech, except that I don't enjoy it much. And this thread can get monotonous at times, or else get a little TOO mean-spirited. But still...it's one of the most genuinely exciting threads on the board...it's like rooting for your favorite football team. You don't REALLY hate the other team or their fans, but it's fun to act like it sometimes. ROBOTECH...GRRRRR!!!!
  12. F'r cryin' out loud, man, I'm tryin' to be DIPLOMATIC here!
  13. That's the thing...I can't for the life of me figure out why the movie was such a stunning success in Japan. I know most people credit the success of Star Wars for creating a climate in which the first Yamato movie would do well, but the fact remains...it's a very unsatisfying movie. The TV series tells the story in a much better fashion. Maybe it has more to do with cultural longings...just like Rambo was kind of a "Let's go back to Vietnam...but this time, WE WIN!" sort of film, I think Yamato filled much the same need in Japan. "Here's a WWII battleship...and it's SAVING HUMANITY!" Maybe it's no more complicated than that...it was a wish-fulfillment that came along at exactly the right time. (That's kind of my big problem with Yamato as a whole. I like Yamato a lot, but...not trying to start any political debates, here...sometimes it seems like an ultra-right-wing Japanese politician's wet dream.)
  14. Yeah, but this is the Japanese film industry we're talking about. Most Hollywood films are soulless, lifeless, simplistic things, but they usually look pretty good. Most Japanese movies these days are soulless, lifeless, simplistic things that often look wretched. I dunno though...I know that Yamato found its first real success as a movie, rather than as a TV show, but I don't really understand compressing the story. A good part of the fun of Yamato is the race against time (unfortunately, even the show was cancelled before that part of the drama could REALLY get nail-bitingly tense), and...well, that kinda HAS to get played out over the period of a TV series. So the story always seemed to me like a strange one to get the feature film treatment.
  15. She could sure fire MY wave-motion cannon! Here's the actual Yuki for the movie: Not a bad choice, IMHO.
  16. Not at all. Just because it's a different concert doesn't mean it's not flat-out awesome.
  17. As a "Professional Anime Nerd," I will bring an end to the continual debates and arguments by hereby declaring that the best anime ever made is... SAINT SEIYA. You're welcome.
  18. I'm betting that's the Budokan show. If anyone filmed the Crossover Live, it would be a crappy cell phone cam or something, without luxuries like multiples camera angles...
  19. It could work...but it probably won't.
  20. Wait...wsn't the whole point that Vajra's brains are in the bellies, so Alto could kill Grace without killing the Queen...?
  21. Really? I find her first four or five albums to be stunningly good. Rosé sounds a little too '80s, but not really in a bad way, and the lus orchestrations on Midori are exquisite, IMHO.
  22. Thanks for the head's up!
  23. If they did, it wouldn't have been an issue, would it? So, at the very least, they don't have the RIGHT KIND of genetic therapy...
  24. THAT, I can do. Check out this guy: This guy is like the Carl Macek of Japan. He's the one who (along with Hiroshi Ohnogi and some dude named Hal) adapted Robotech into Macross. As such, all Lying Macross Purists revere and despise him in equal measure. But we ALL strive to emulate him. Which is why we all wear bushy fake eyebrows. Um...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the great research you've done. You remind me of myself when I was first starting out as a Robotech/Macross fan. The reason I haven't been online these past few days is because I had the flu and also had to do a lot of work. My time is my own, so if I don't want to post on Macross World, that's my business. As for these Ohnogi novels and translations, well, I have a bad memory and make mistakes. There were never intended to be taken seriously. I never mentioned that before because I just made that up I figured it was obvious. Not only that, but I myself was misled by internet rumors, so I thought it was all true, too. So I'm sorry that you thought they were real. Now, that clears up everything, right? So lets all forget about this and move on like nothing happened.
  25. That...was weird. Cool, but weird.
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