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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. You'll be waiting a long, long, looooooooooong time... Kawamori didn't write that...Kawamori has actually written very little Macross.
  2. He's probably just talking about Mylene Beat...the TRANSLATION is recent, even if the manga isn't. But hey...now that we know what happened to Fire Bomber as of 2060...I wonder whatever happened to the Jamming Angels?
  3. True, true. But all we've got to go on are the Re.FIRE liner notes, right? I dunno...she might be single, she might not. Who knows? And who can say he knows? I wish people would stop calling Kawamori a "troll"...I really don't get what's it's supposed to mean anymore...
  4. Does it say anything about her relationship status in the liner notes? Or are you using some other source? I keep hoping she'll eventually show up in Macross 7th Chord (which I believe is set in 2052) but I'm not sure she will.
  5. That's a good question. I'd say it has something to do with the nonsensical way the creators often Romanize Zentradi terms and names, so "Gnerl" must have appeared SOMEWHERE in Romaji...
  6. Well, I'm not sure if it's addressed at all in the liner notes, because I haven't read them yet, but think about it: Mylene was sixteen at the end of Macross Dynamite 7. Most people don't remain celibate and single just because they didn't go out with the their big crushes at 16. It's fifteen years later. A lot could've happened. Either way, though, we know she didn't end up with Basara.
  7. Notes said that? I thought she was still unmarried by the time of Frontier. Damn. I'm loving all these songs. So they all are "written" in 2060 for this revival? Maybe. Yes, they are. Me too. Most of them. And "Love It," which is from "Let's Fire!!" Because those are the only "self-covers" on the album. Yes, it will. No, the notes didn't say that, but if Basara didn't go back to the fleet, the love triangle couldn't continue, right? Why do you think she's unmarried? Me too. I guess so.
  8. Funnily enough, I was looking for that thread just a couple of minutes ago...I couldn't remember what it was nominally about, though, so I didn't find it. I did, however, find someone named Magalord or something who will probably be the next to go. At least, Pizza jumped all over him, and Memo rushed to Pizza's defense... Again, their website, their rules. I'm just glad Pizza hasn't found my account over there. I mean, I'm just glad I don't HAVE an account over there.
  9. Hmmm...maybe suggesting Roger Christian as a good director for the RLAM wasn't a great idea, either...
  10. Any idea why?
  11. It's from the show itself, episode one, about 19 minutes in or so. Britai and Exsedol are talking about the long-lost reaction weapons, and a voice announces, ジナール射出点です!発射します! Then they show the fighter pods advancing. Strangely, in the photo-manga (which I checked to make sure I had the line written correctly), the word "Jinaaru" is changed to "Battle Pod." And yeah...I don't have the TIAS books, but I do have Perfect Memory, and "Jinaaru" doesn't appear anywhere in it.
  12. It doesn't have its own fold system. It's needs a pack, just like other Valkyries. And ALL the VF-19 variants have pin-point barriers; hell all Valkyries post-2040 have that. To single out Basara's VF-19 for that seems bizarre. Fair enough. You probably WILL think he's a douche of course...but it's nice to be sure, right?
  13. To leap to VFTF1's defense, he wasn't talking about you. He was saying that IN ORDER TO BEAT someone like Doug Bendo or Ghost Maker in an arguement, all anyone has to do is be able to spell correctly and use decent grammar. Then one has, in effect, already beaten them.
  14. Not a whole lot of information, but fair enough. You like it because of the artwook, and the writing is pretty good. That's bettter than nothing, I suppose. Other people have pointed out the flaws in these arguments...so I'll just echo the others and say that yes, the cockpits are pressurized. Levelling this criticism at Macross 7 seems especially silly because its the show that shows Basara* flying around WITHOUT A SPACESUIT ninety-nine percent of the time. *who I believe you called a "douche" before, leading me to believe you had watched the series. If you haven't even seen it, how can you confidently say he's a douche and that he annoys you?
  15. It isn't on any album (yet). It's "Sagittarius 9PM Don't be late," kind of. It's the music that was playing when Sheryl was rehearsing for one of her concerts.
  16. What's a "veritech"?
  17. Well...I knew, because I'd read an article about Japanese robot toys around Christmas of '84 that showed a Valkyrie and gave a (very) brief run-down of the Macross story. And, as I said, I started getting Macross model kits that had strange names like "Hikaru Ichijo Type" and "Maximilian Jenius Type" on them. And then, soon after the "Robotech Masters" portion of the series (which at the time, I figured was "Macross II")...which of course didn't exist yet) started airing, I saw some Southern Cross model kits...strangely, the one of Dana Sterling didn't SAY "Dana Sterling" on it, it didn't even say "Dana Jenius." It said "Jeanne Françaix." By the time "New Generation" rolled around, I already had some Mospeada kits, so I kept wanting to shout at the screen, "It's NOT called an Alpha Fighter, it's a LEGIOSS!! And his name's STICK, not SCOTT!" It would not be an exaggeration to say that the main reason I dislike Robotech now was because of all the information I found out then.
  18. As one of my older, wiser friends (he was 15 at the time) said back in 1985 or '86: "The thing about Robotech is, Macross is good." Meaning, of course, that Southern Cross and Mospeada were less so. And I haven't watched Southern Cross in Japanese yet, but Mospeada definitely had its moments...but so did nearly every '80s mecha anime I've seen. Indeed You see this most obviously in the "How would you do the RLAM?" threads, where it's rarely about "Here's how I would fit the story into two hours and make it accessible for people who don't know or care about Robotech, or even science fiction." It's always "Here are all the things that I thought were handled badly in the show and how I would eliminate them." Usually involving beginning the story with Zor or taking Minmay out the picture. See...that was the problem back in '85. As I said elsewhere, there WERE no Robotech toys then. Oh sure, there were the Robotech Defender model kits, but most of them were from Dougram (three Macross kits and one Orguss thrown in for good measure). If you were a REALLY lucky "New Generation" fan, you noticed that the Gobots kits for Leader 1 was actually "Rook's" "Alpha Fighter" and Cy-Kill was "Lancer's" "Cyclone." But I didn't see those until after I'd been to Pony Toy-Go-Round in Little Tokyo (and The Model Works in Pasadena) and was dazzled by the array of Macross toys and models. So, all during Robotech's initial run, it was Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada merchandise I was getting. By the time the Matchbox Robotech action figures started coming out, I was thoroughly converted to the original model kits (the toys were too expensive), and I looked at those action figures with contempt. I think theis is probably right. If the Sentinels had been completed, I think most kids would've realized that it didn't hold a candle to the original. It, too, would've been mediocre. The fact that it wasn't finished allows fans to create in their heads what they would've wanted to see, and this it is beloved. (The same principle didn't work so well with Robotech 3000, however...). If Shadow Chronicles had never made it past those early trailers, it would've been hailed as an uncompleted masterpiece, I'm sure.
  19. True. But Wanzerfan is about the only person I've come across who seems to really like the comics, and I'm curious as to why. ...says the guy who, COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED, mercilessly pounded Capt. Donovan, and forced him to sit in the back of the bus.
  20. Yes...he once accused me of "hiding behind your skirts," which I find odd for a couple of reasons: first, unless you're VERY different from the way I picture you in my head, I don't believe you wear skirts, and second, I don't recall hiding behind you for any reason. But it's clear that he has certain catchphrases like "hiding behind X's skirts," "I blame your parents," "You got served!" and "don't worry, I'm here to help you" that he uses over and over, regardless of who he's talking to or what the situation is. I also don't believe he's in his mid-to-late 20's, or that he was ever a prison guard. He's got to still be in his teens. If he actually IS older, well...then there's REALLY no excuse for him.
  21. On most sites, isn't trying to get around a perma-ban by creating a new account frowned upon? So much so that it immediately earns you another perma-ban, no questions asked? Well, of course he did! Who's going to report to Memo about the goings-on here if Pizza doesn't spy on us?
  22. There is a difference, I think, between Pizza and the average insecure troll, and the difference is that despite (or because of) his attempted witch hunts against anyone he doesn't view as a "real" Robotech fan, he is apparently viewed as a valuable enough member that he could be reinstated after being banned from both RT.com and RTX.com...something which other, more coherent members with less baggage have been unable to do. Again, to be clear, how they run their site is their business. But it's still curious, isn't it, that someone like this considered a valuable member over there...?
  23. Oh, you mean YOU haven't been combing through the members list trying to figure it out? He says he's posted here. I don't believe it, since his spelling and grammar are bad enough (and bad in such a distinctive way) that he should be instantly recognizable. Unless it's, y'know, all a put-on, and he's just PRETENDING to be a kid who can barely write.
  24. Ah, you're just upset because he exposed you as someone posting on RT.com under a different name!
  25. Whatever they are, they apparently never say anything bad about Memo, which seems to be what got Pizza the Hutt/Ghost Maker REALLY upset. I like to think I'm relatively measured and reasonable in my dislike of Robotech...but maybe that's just because I'm comparing myself to people like Keith, VF5SS, and VFTF1...
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