Thank you for the consideration!
And yeah...most of what bugs me about Benedict's essay is A) that he suggests that the only reason anybody likes the new series is because other people told them to like it, and, more importantly, B) that bright, primary-colored storytelling where there are clear good guys and clear bad guys is a lost, lamented art form, and anything more...ambiguous, shall we say, is just a sad product of groupthink and the reprehensible times in which we live.
I reject both notions wholeheartedly.
But, to be fair to him, instead of renting Season 2 yesterday afternoon, I rented the '78 series boxset again, and I'll pick up where I left off (the "Battlestar Pegasus" episodes...LLOYD BRIDGES!) and watch as much of it as I can before I have to stop...because it's a poorly written, poorly acted, poorly imagined show.