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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Whatever for? I thought you hated it...
  2. Well, he told me he'd still be around...he just probably wouldn't post. He did promise to get back to me after he watched Macross Plus, though.
  3. Yes.
  4. "Anyone can go out and buy a DVD box set...I love Robotech so much that I videotaped each and every episode off of basic cable!"
  5. Agreed. Not being able to afford a DVD player was common in, say, 1998, but by 2004...hell, thirty bucks could net you a cheap one.
  6. Don't forget the bicycle!
  7. That can't be true, because I don't like either all that much (although I bought the Mr. Bungle debut album when it came out, but never bought a Faith No More album). Really, there are only two kinds of people: people who believe there are only two kinds of people, and those who are smart enough to know better.
  8. It doesn't say. Sketchley gave you the full line of text.
  9. This is not a response to your post. I will leave a reply on March 23, 2014 at AnimeSuki forums.
  10. So...um...you're responding directly to someone who isn't a member here, and wrote his comment five years ago...? How do you think he will see your correction?
  11. Who's Ranger?
  12. Have you tried Kinokuniya? http://www.kinokuniya.com/
  13. Just another bizarre gem from the ever-fertile mind of Khyron Prime...
  14. Or maybe...
  15. It'll probably be a few weeks before I get there, but I'll definitely post my thoughts... And now back to...LORNE GREENE! RICHARD HATCH! DIRK BENEDICT! THE ANNOYING KID FROM THE NEVERENDING STORY AND HIS EVEN MORE ANNOYING ROBOT DOG! THE BLACK DUDE! THE FAT GUY WITH THE MUSTACHE! THE HOT BRUNETTE AND THE AVERAGE-LOOKING BLONDE! With special guest stars LLOYD BRIDGES and ANNE LOCKHEART! (God, I hate this show. I'm just watching it out of a perverse sense of completism.)
  16. That's...a REAL hard question. Egan Loo lists both of the books in the Macross Compendium Timeline, and both of the books were written by the exact same people who wrote the TV series (i.e. They wrote Macros, so they should know it better than just about anyone). On the other hand, there are a couple of small contradictions between the book and the show, and some larger ones as well (the biggest one being that the dialogue at the Miss Macross Contest is totally different in the book than it is in the show). But other than that, it fits well enough, so I don't see why not.
  17. I kind of wish I had watched it week-by-week...I'm kind of a masochist in that I often enjoy the wait time between episodes or seasons. Luckily, like I said, I almost rented Season 2 yesterday...but the cute lesbian will be bringing me her DVDs this weekend, and she will only dole out the series a season at a time...so yes, I will have some waiting thrown in.
  18. There's a kind of cicada that's making noise...and the sound effect that they use for it is usually "kanakana." However, "kanashii" in Japanese means "sad." So the line says, "The cicada was making sound [lit.: crying]. kankana, kanshi, kana, kanashi. Misa knew that her first love had ended." How about "KeepRobotechBuried," then?
  19. Well...I kind of HAD to change it. After all, I've finished work on "My Fair Minmay" and have now started work on the Misa Hayase novel. You may have noticed that I've also changed the Japanese in my sig from "High School Boys: L•O•V•E Lovely Minmay! Minmay: Isn't that kind of...stupid?" to the last sentences of chapter 2 of "White Reminiscences" (which at this point, I have NO IDEA how to translate). @Save: I don't think it was the "Robotech" part of your name that people objected to. If your name had been, for example, "BuryRobotech," I bet everyone would've been highly supportive.
  20. Yes, RedWolf, I know who he is. Again...he was in Dynamite 7...?
  21. Thank you for the consideration! And yeah...most of what bugs me about Benedict's essay is A) that he suggests that the only reason anybody likes the new series is because other people told them to like it, and, more importantly, B) that bright, primary-colored storytelling where there are clear good guys and clear bad guys is a lost, lamented art form, and anything more...ambiguous, shall we say, is just a sad product of groupthink and the reprehensible times in which we live. I reject both notions wholeheartedly. But, to be fair to him, instead of renting Season 2 yesterday afternoon, I rented the '78 series boxset again, and I'll pick up where I left off (the "Battlestar Pegasus" episodes...LLOYD BRIDGES!) and watch as much of it as I can before I have to stop...because it's a poorly written, poorly acted, poorly imagined show.
  22. Bobby was in Dynamite 7...?
  23. Because all the other holiday names have been taken by slasher movies.
  24. Don't try to be a hero...just move along and nobody'll get hurt...
  25. How could he? She was too busy fending off lecherous lesbian producers.
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