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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I guess I'm neither, then. since I only got Haruhi, Eva-01, the Dom, and the Zaku. On that note, it makes me sad that I got Haruhi and VFTF1 didn't.
  2. Found these on 2ch tis evening. I don't know if they're old or new...but I understand shockingly few of them.
  3. How about Jim Henson's Macross Babies?
  4. How exactly does that prove you're a Macross addict...?
  5. As long as you felt withdrawal symptoms throughout the summer, yes.
  6. Huh. That's weird, because I listened to his podcast a while back, and it seemed to be mostly about building a den (with some stuff thrown in about how Robotech fans need to get a life). Didn't seem like the type to flaunt his Robotech creds around and preen for the dwindling masses. I would be inclined to give him the benefit of a doubt and just call him "misguided," but after the whole Capt. Donovan fiasco, I'm rather soured on the idea of being charitable.
  7. Well...it's not out yet; that may be why.
  8. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know Mav, I've never spoken with him or interacted with him in any way...as such, I don't want to be insulting, but yeah...what he's saying is clearly nonsense, and it DOES make him look bad. Either he believes that Transformers 2 was "rushed" into production because the studio feared that Robotech would come along and steal all their glory (which is just silly), or he doesn't believe it, but expects everyone else to (which is even sillier). I think it was Azrael that referred to the RT.com people as a "colorful crew." That seems about right. But hey...at least Maverick_LSC can type normally, with correct spelling and grammar. That gives him a leg up on *ahem* other people over there.
  9. But let's be fair...while "Robotech" is far from being a household name in the Western world, it's certainly more so than "Votoms" or (possibly) "Gundam." Besides, if they made an American Gundam movie, it would probably be Gundam Wing (since that was the most popular in the U.S.)...and NOBODY wants that, right?
  10. Since you asked... So...Maverick says that WB is trying to compete with Paramount. Transformer has a large fanbase, so Robotech's must be comparable, or else it couldn't successfully compete. The logic is flawed here. Certainly, WB wants a success, the bigger the better, but the idea that they picked RT because of the size of the existing fanbase...well, where's the proof? I love the phrasing: He is certain that it's possibly due to Robotech. So he's 100% sure that there's maybe a chance that Transformers 2 was "rushed" because Paramount was afraid of the RT movie coming out. This makes no sense to me. The first Transformers was a huge success It's like saying that Empire Strikes Back had to come out quickly because Lucas was afraid that Battle Beyond the Stars might steal its thunder (NOTE: I'm not comparing Star Wars and Transformers in overall quality...just in monetary value). How does he know that the RT movie will even HAVE a "deep and complex" setting and will be "focused on emotional and intriguing human stories"? Some could make a case that the TV show had that (I won't, however), but would that remain in the movie? No one can know that except the higher-ups who are making the movie. Yes...quaking in their boots. VFTF1 rebutted this argument better than I ever could. District 9 is a space opera...? Yes, Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek were major successes, but so was (God help us) Transformers 2. People clearly want to see that, as well. The big problem overall is that Maverick_LSC is acting like he knows what the movie will be...and no one knows that yet. This is not Robotech vs. Transformers. This is Maverick_LSC's vision of what he'd like the Robotech movie to be vs. Transformers. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but at least he should be frank about it. To say, "it's a grand space opera with deep characters and an enthralling plot" is simply false. "I hope it will be a grand space opera with deep characters and an enthralling plot" is more accurate. I guess it's kind of the opposite of a straw man argument. Instead of constructing a flimsy, easily-seen-through travesty of Transformers, and beating it with Robotech, he's made a fantasy Robotech that is classy and wonderful, and beaten Transformers with it. Take out all the wish-fulfillment, and you're left with very little. I wouldn't call it lying exactly, but it's not completely truthful, either. There's nothing wrong with wanting a great Robotech movie, and indeed, a great Robotech movie would have it all over Transformers, because it's, well, great. But there is no logic is his arguments, and precious few facts. It's like saying, "Could Spiderman beat up Superman? Of course, if it's SUPER-Spiderman who has power of invulnerability and invisibility and an endless supply of Kryptonite." How many years have they been saying this? Now, I'm not saying it won't happen...but I don't blame the fans for being skeptical.
  11. Well...they've done all the Macross II characters except Wendy Ryder. We *might* be done with the Mardook mecha, there will probably be one or two more Civilian mecha sheets, and definitely four more U.N.S. mecha sheets. I hope they'll include it in the History Sheets, but I kind of wonder at this point... Which brings up something I've been wondering...where's March? I haven't seen him around in a while...
  12. Y'know...it's kind of unfair to criticize the Timeline Sheet for not covering Macross II, since the Timeline Sheets go chronologically. They're positively RUSHING through Macross 7. As for the lack of other stuff, maybe they saw your comments about the VF-2SS and thought, "WHOA! One of the only two guys on Macross World who really like Macross II has threatened us with violence! Maybe we should put off doing any more until we get our last wills and testaments in order."
  13. Maverick_LSC wrote a barnstormer of a post on on the "Hey Kev, What Was the Budget" thread over at RT.com. I'll refrain from commentary for the moment and just let the words speak for themselves:
  14. Chronicle #36: Mechanic Sheet * Reguld * SDF-1 Macross * MBR-07-MkII Spartan * SDF-1 Macross Loading Machines [???] * Destroids Character Sheet * Sheryl Nome * Zentradi Soldiers * Ivano Geperunitchi * Chlore Timeline Sheet * Operation Stargazer History Sheet * Omni-Directional Barrier Overload Technology Sheet * Variable Fighter / Defense Mechanisms Glossary Sheet * CVS-101 Prometheus~Gravity Control System
  15. I love how there's one guy at RT.com saying that it doesn't MATTER how many copies of SC sold, because that would make it "quantity over quality." I wanted to answer, "Don't confuse me, man...Shadow Chronicles had neither." I think the days of anime playing to the Western market seem to be over (for now). I mean, look at Eva. Big bestseller for ADV, and legnendary (if not always liked) in the Western world, and yet the new movies haven't seemed very "American" to me so far. I dunno...I realize that it doesn't really matter in the long run, that we can all get our Macross one way or another, but I would like someday to see nice deluxe packages of the entire Macross franchise on the shelves here someday. (As long as they tap me to work on it, that is. )
  16. And Macross II and Plus have been on DVD since...what, 2000? 2001? And they're crappy DVDs. And yet, they manage to do about as well or a little better than SC. Funny, that. Something tells me that if Frontier (or hell, even Zero) were released over here, they'd be doing the best.
  17. Y'know, while this site was down, I went and checked out the "How much did Shadow Chronicles sell?" thread at RT.com, and out own beloved Capt. Christopher Donovan, the Rosa Parks of Robotech fans, had a very interesting suggestion: check Amazon and see what they had for SC's sales. So I checked...and thiese are the sales rankings (for "movies and TV") that I found. Robotech Protoculture Collection: #10,297 Macross II - The "Movie": #22,229 Shadow Chronicles (2 Disc set): #27,648 Macross Plus - Movie Edition: #29,627 Shadow Chronicles (Blu-Ray): #29,991 Macross Plus (OVA): #34,578 SDF Macross Vol. 1 (ADV): #43,842 Robotech Remastered Vol. 1: #44,250 Robotech Macross Saga Set: #49,539 Shadow Chronicles (Regular): #57,574 (and 73 new and used from $1.15!) So yes...Shadow Chronicles is certainly holding its own against a Macross series 10 years its senior...not doing *quite* as well as (of all things) Macross II, however. Really, only the Protoculture Edition seems in any ways healthy...and number ten thousand and something still ain't so good...
  18. Her name, improbably enough, is Ella Fitzgerald. She's in the Macross Chronicle, Macross 7 U.N.S. Character Sheet 10a, covering the Macross 7 Bridge Bunnies. They have color pictures for most of them, but all they have for her is lineart.
  19. Christ, what ARE they allowed to talk about...?
  20. Yeah...here in the States, it has already pretty much tanked and gone...
  21. I think you're just being impatient. Give it enough time for more people to get on board, watch the episode, and talk about it. There will be lulls as teach week goes on, but that's okay. There were lulls in the Frontier discussions, too.
  22. Yeah...I don't know why so many people didn't see that one coming, either...
  23. *cough*Macross Frontier*cough* EDIT: Oh wait...you were being sarcastic. Sorry. Ignore me.
  24. Well...Frontier ending with Basara showing up, and the Vajra shells cracking open to reveal the Vajra inner beauty men, who then all have a barbecue with the shells...that was pretty stupid, and no one's done anything like it yet.
  25. The Fly (1980s) was a remake of The Fly (1950s). Then The Fly II (late '80s) was a remake of Son of the Fly (50's). Likewise, Rob Zombie's Halloween was a remake of John Carpenter's Halloween. And then Rob Zombie made Halloween II this year as a loose remake of 1980's Halloween II.
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