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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Hmmm...I don't think of "Macekring" as being just changing some names and editing for content...which is what Star Blazers was. Battle of the Planets...yes, that was a Macekre. Speed Racer wasn't, nor was HG's first attempt at Macross...but yeah, I think the process was started with BotP (at least, that's the first one I know of). Has any other Macekre been as sweeping as Robtech, though? I honestly don't know.
  2. I believe the seocnd chapter said it was 7 years after Macross 7. Just can't resist that number, can they?
  3. Nah, the gag mangas are "Zentran Bowl Macross Style" and "Super Class President Sheryl." 7th Chord is...well, I don't KNOW what it is, yet. But it doesn't seem to be a comedy. I don't think...
  4. I know, I've seen both. But at least they didn't jam it together with two other shows and pretend they're all tied together. Nor did they change it so completely that they had to add in a comedic robot sidekick to fill in the edits. Yes, it was edited, yes some of it was changed, but overall, I think the producers of Star Blazers showed a lot more respect to the original than other edits of the same type (I find "Warriors of the Wind" to be especially atrocious).
  5. What was wrong with Star Blazers?
  6. I know Azrael mentioned some discrepancies, but I don't remember what they were. I *think* it was for stats for the VF-25's height in battroid mode...?
  7. I wasn't at the conventions, but there's been a mixup. On Wikipedia, for "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," you find this sentence: "Streamline Pictures then released Robotech Perfect Collection: Macross on VHS in the summer of 1994, combining two English subtitled episodes of Macross and the corresponding dubbed episodes of the Robotech adaptation in each volume. This was the first English subtitling for Macross, but it contained unedited video footage with incomplete and mistranslated English subtitles and was cancelled after eight volumes and 16 episodes." Now the sentence USED to be expanded, and had a footnote to an old usenet board where Neil Nadelman said something like (I'm quoting from memory here), "Frustration (n.): working on the Robotech Perfect Collection and using subtitles which are inaccuarate, but being unable to change them because the company says they 'reflect the intention of the original.'" So it was for the subs for the Robotech Perfect Collection, not the dubs for Robotech, and it was STREAMLINE, not Tatsunoko that insisted the bad translation be used. I wish I could find the earlier version of the wiki article, though...I wonder why they removed that bit?
  8. 私も見たいです。せめて、BURNING FIREのPVでもいいだと思います。
  9. They had Macross the First??? Dammit, I looked for it and didn't see it!
  10. Episode 2: Spiritia Level First Appearances: Dr. Chiba, Milia, Michael, Physica Eyecatches: Gamlin / Mylene Songs played (besides OP/ED): My Soul for You; Soko ni Aru no ga Mirai Dakara; Planet Dance (once all the way through, and then the intro) Again, I'm watching this raw...but the remastered DVD quality more than makes up for it. The puzzlement continues. The show closes in on a few explanations in this episode, but then veers away before anything can get revealed. After this one, we know that Basara got his Valkyrie from Ray, and that Ray has some kind of connection to Max, but that's it. However, a lot of stuff does get dealt with in this episode, mostly centering around Basara, Mylene, and Gamlin as their personalities get revealed. All of them seem rather obnoxious in this episode. Basara is supremely uninterested in his conversation with Mylene, giving one-word answers that don't actually answer any of her questions. It doesn't help that the questions she's asking are the same ones that we'd like to know: where did he get his Valkyrie? Why does he fly into battle and sing? Why does he have so many straws? Does that mean lots of girls come over to his pad? Mylene annoyingly peppers him with questions, and he annoyingly doesn't answer many of them. The lemonade containers are cute, though. The fact that Mylene has run away from home and is living on her own gets touched on in this episode as well, and I quite like the scene where Michael is getting nowhere trying to bust into Basara's room, so Milia just speaks to Mylene, knowing that the girl can hear her. (One of the things that's most gratifying about Macross 7 is that Milia hasn't lost her edge). There's of course a touch of Michael-Johnson-Comedic-Buffoonery™, but thankfully it's a short scene. And then there's Gamlin...Basara is already becoming like a scab that he knows he shouldn't pick at, but can't seem to help himself. Still, it's interesting that Gamlin is the one who more or less forgets about the mission in order to scream at Basara. For someone with a reputation as a consummate military professional, he really seems to lose himself during this battle, more concerned with shouting at Basara than with fighting the enemy....especially since Kinryu tells him to leave Basara alone. I imagine that, as an elite pilot, Gamlin probably figures he'd be informed of any planned abnormalities; Basara's appearance, and everyone else's lack of concern about it leaves Gamlin out of the loop. Since he believes he must always be in the loop, clearly he thinks the fault lies not with him, but with Basara. It's hard to really sympathize with either of them during the battle, but at least he can understand where Gamlin is coming from. Basara remains a mystery. As does the enemy. We get a hint from Exsedol, who thinks that the ships look human, but that's about it. The conserax sees nothing. Max doesn't know anything. And Gigil doesn't reveal much, either. One of the touches I really liked is the opening of the episode, showing the cost of the previous episode's battle. Again, there's something kind of creepy about all these pilots lying in hospital beds, eyes open but apparently unconscious. The music fits well here, and the shot of the mother and child looking on in horror are well done. But yeah...Basara's annoying, Mylene's annoying, Gamlin's annoying. I guess I can see why a lot of people get turned off at this point. Plus, the fact that Planet Dance (almost) gets played twice in this episode...it almost justifies the received wisdom about the show. I wonder what the audience watching it as the show aired were thinking. Macross Plus Vol. 1 had come out a few weeks (I believe) before the first episode of Macross 7 aired. Were people trying to fit the two series together? It's funny, really...the YF-19 doesn't show up in the first episode of Plus, so people would've seen Basara's VF-19 before the prototype...did they realize at this point that the Valkyrie that Basara's flying is based on the one Isamu would be testing soon?
  11. PM'd you.
  12. Well, I'll be...yep, there it is, in the liner notes for DVD Vol. 5.
  13. Is it a serious subject? Really, how many people can chime in saying "I want a side-story set during Space War I about the destroids, with an older cast that I can identify with" before it devolves into self-parody? We had the EXACT same discussion after Zero, as well, so it's double-self-parody time. At least VFTF1's panty fetish added some pizazz to the thread...
  14. It came out today, I believe.
  15. What my pic lacks in imagination, it makes up for in utter RIGHTNESS. You DO know where I got my user name from, right? Seriously, I've been hanging on to that pic for months now, waiting for a place to deploy it. Suddenly, an insult is made to Nanase...really, what else could I do in that situation...? EDIT: Besides, James Joyce did the "See you next Tuesday" thing much better with his little rhyme in Ulysses: "If you see Kay, Tell him he may See you in tea. Tell him from me."
  16. Eva-01 was the first one I got. After that, the Dom and the Zaku fell into place. Haruhi took a bit of thinking before I got it.
  17. Well, there was that Newtype picture with Klan in the Nyan-Nyan uniform, and it said, "The star of the movie is Klan?!?" But I think that was just a joke.
  18. Are you kidding? The army of nude Boomers at the end of Season 1 was, like, my all-time favorite part of the series so far! Yes, they all had strategically-placed shadows, but still...I was thinking, "Man, I wanna hitch a ride on that Cylon ship!"
  19. No, thank YOU. I'm actually rather envious of the fan productions...I've never been able to feel "comfortable" enough in someone else's world to create stories in it...which is why I'm sticking to translating. (I *did* once write a Macross story, about Claudia going to see DYRL...but I lost it. I could probably recreate it at some point...or maybe I'll find the notebook it was in...). Unfortunately, most of the conversations are locked away in the "Canon Fodder" section of Robotechx.com. But if you decide to join the site in order to view the threads (as I did), you'll want to check out a thread entitled "PodCast's that are beging something new." And no, I have no idea what "beging" is supposed to mean...."begging"? "beginning"? "bringing"? It's a mystery.
  20. Well...I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but that would explain the odd, habitual spelling mistakes ("lesson" instead of "listen," that sort of thing). It also explains why he's doing this in the first place...when I first heard about his "Sources" podcast, I thought, "why doesn't he just upload PDFs or Lit versions of the novels? Why go through all the trouble of creating an audio version? I mean, someone is going to have to have an exceptionally long commute to work in order to listen to... (what is it, 21? 23?) a lot of Robotech novels. I have to say, when he and Memo converse with each other on the forums, a lot of times I simply give up trying to figure out what they're saying. By the way, Robelwell202, I caught your interview on Protoculture Times and really enjoyed it. And Ray Bradbury IS awesome, isn't he? I got to see him speak (and got a lot of signed books) quite a few times as a kid, and he's as enthralling a speaker as he is a writer.
  21. *shudder*
  22. Enh, I got lazy and used Google. I generally do the Chronicle contents Wednesday morning before I leave for work...haste is necessary, so if I come across something I can't read outright, I just plug it in and hope for the best. But you're right...I need to get over my fear of the technical stuff. At the very least, I'd have an impressive vocabulary if I ever pursued a job in the Japanese areospace industry...
  23. Ah, now THOSE words I know! (Although my favorite bit of strange uses of English in Japan remains "Drink Viking.")
  24. I don't even know what "hikikomori" means, and I know Japanese! I dunno...I probably would've gotten the DBZ ones if I had ever actually seen the series (I read the comics instead). I'm kicking myself for not getting Lupin, though.
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