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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I'll admit it: I used to check out RT.com only rarely, and I always found it more annoying than anything else. But lately, I've been heading over there every few days to see what's going on in the Production Forum. Most days it's nothing, and then every once in a while, I find something like the bit I quoted above, or the bit I quoted last week. I find it all very bizarre, and a little unsettling. There have always been some nutjobs over there (as there are nutjobs over here), but usually the nutobs are contributors, not moderators. Again, I'm not telling them how to run their site, and if they see value in the moderators they have, who am I to disagree? But to make such strange claims as Robotech being on the forefront of entertainment technology, or the producers of Transformers 2 being scared because the Robotech movie might come out soon...it's weird. Robotech is a "niche" product. I like a lot of "niche" stuff...Macross, James Branch Cabell, Throwing Muses...I know these have smallish audiences, and that's fine. Why pretend that any of these things are more popular than they actually are? What does one gain from doing that? It just seems silly and unnecessary, and it makes me kind of sad that a bunch of people are going along with it.
  2. Well, whaddya know? VFTF1 and Maverick_LSC found something they can agree on! Robotech at the forefront of a new era in online entertainment.
  3. Here ya go: EDIT: And, appropriately, this post makes me "BOMBA!!"
  4. No, it wouldn't. No one wants to hear the Super Dimensional ABBA, or the Nyan-Nyan Service Medley as performed by Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand.
  5. Not always. Witness the U.S. Zeta Gundam set, in which the BGM was part of the rights, but the opening and ending songs weren't...so they were removed. Which is a little annoying, but not a deal-breaker, really. But Macross F (or 7) without the songs...well...who wants that?
  6. Yeah...when I was there in 2007/2008, the voice had kind of a sexy lilt to it. When I was there earlier this year, I didn't like the voice as much. The new announcer (and I believe it's a computer-created voice, but I'm not sure), however, does pronounce "Mejiro" in a much more comprehensible fashion, however. And can you believe I pulled that announcement purely from memory? The Yamanote announcements between Nippori and Shinjuku are burned into my brain.
  7. *sigh* Ranka hate is soooo 2008, darling.
  8. "I'm gonna need a PRINCESS CRUISE SHIP to get over that OCEAN OF SARCASM that I just encountered!"
  9. "I wasn't singling him out. I was pointing out that fact for those members of this site who did not know. I just used his quote as an example."
  10. Is this your first time watching the show?
  11. "HG" stands for Harmony Gold, which is the company that produced the Robotech cartoon series in 1985.
  12. No, the Kraken is Greek...but in the myths, it's just a giant octopus.
  13. Um, yeah...I hope they don't put wings on Pegasus, either. And the Kraken should be just some dude, since it's all metaphorical.
  14. So...if I wrote a book about a boy wizard named Harrry Pottter, I wouldn't get sued...?
  15. Are you working for the advertising team...?
  16. Everyone whose posts are in 5500~6500 range becomes his roommate, so I can't speak for everyone, but for me, it's been okay. He's usually out...he doesn't even come back to the room to sleep. All his stuff is here, but he never is. That's the kind of roommate I like.
  17. Looks kinda like someone saw 300's box office returns and bought the name "Clash of the Titans."
  18. "This is the Yamanote Line train bound for...Ueno and...Ikebukuro. The next stop is Kanda. Please change here for the Chuo Rapid Line, the Keihin-Tohoku Line, and the What the Hell is a Green-Haired Anime Character Doing on the Side of My Train Express. The doors on the left side will open."
  19. So...um...you quoted a question I asked but gave an answer to a question that no one asked? Strange.
  20. If it has all 16 discs, then yes, it's everything: TV series, movie, D7, the short films, the promo episode, the whole she-bang.
  21. Yes, I know that. And that movie was made by Toei, commissioned by the American production company, right?
  22. I thought they commissioned new animation for Toei for that? I might be wrong about that...
  23. In the newest issue? Because in the first two, you only see him on a video screen. But if he actually shows up...hmm...maybe the 7th Chord artist didn't get the memo?
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