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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. The upcoming Macross series should debut at the beginning of next year: http://www.toonzone.net/2015/06/toonzone-at-mcm-london-comic-con-may-2015-hidetaka-tenjin-interview/
  2. Buried in this (really great) interview is the news that if all goes as planned, Delta (or whatever it's called) should debut at the beginning of next year. http://www.toonzone.net/2015/06/toonzone-at-mcm-london-comic-con-may-2015-hidetaka-tenjin-interview/ I just wish they had spelled Takani's name right.
  3. I thought Clash had, like, half an hour cut out of it...? And makes it seem like Hikaru dies at the end because they never show him escaping the Bodolzaa fortress...?
  4. Wasn't that all part of Shaloom's big hoax?
  5. If you check the blu-ray, you can see that it's actually just a poster of a girl... The tape sticking it to the windscreen is visible. And, of course, one of the several dozen shout-outs to Seiko in the show...
  6. The Shudista box set that came out a couple of years ago.
  7. I think you're thinking of the blueberry jam from My Fair Minmay...
  8. No way... we're still in the flashback story.
  9. It's gonna be a while before I get THAT far...
  10. Honestly (and no offense intended to Roycommi here), it's not even a summary... more just certain sentences translated, seemingly at random.
  11. No, it was pretty definitely her...
  12. Well, I know from experience that you're not a liar... so you must be right! Man, I'm always learning something new here!
  13. That's not Basara's Valk, though.
  14. 2059 is fifty years after the first series.
  15. They're the character relationships (which are pretty much the same as they ended up being in the final series).
  16. Who wouldn't be?
  17. Resurrecting this thread because I'm finally nearing the end of "The Plundering Fleet." I should have it finished next week or the week after. I'm not sure how many people who initially posted in this thread 12 years ago (jeez...) still check the board, but I hope anyone who was made curious by Roycommi's synopsis will enjoy the full story (and yes, it's quite a bit longer).
  18. GENIUS!! You and me, man... We could take over the world!
  19. Renato's idea is good, but I think I may have a better one... Saruta said to cut it down to three or four hours. I think we can do better than that: less than two. So here's my idea: everyone loves Frontier, right? So let's have a frame story about, I don't know, Ozma, let's say, getting some mysterious videos sent to him. For laughs, let's make them VHS tapes. So he watches these tapes and we could use them to cut in the Macross 7 story. Maybe we could have a running subplot where more and more Frontier characters join him in watching the Macross 7 story, and it could culminate in a Sheryl and Ranka concert. What do you think?
  20. That pic has been floating around for years...
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