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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Seto wrote this up a while ago: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=24 Although I think he said he was planning on revising it at some point.
  2. I love the comic deeply, although I've been getting frustrated over the past few years since it seems like Nagano's put the series on extended hiatus. He's still got got A LOT of ground to cover if he wants to finish the story (I know, I know, the timeline is there so that he won't ever need to finish it...still, I'd like to see it done, even if it takes twenty more years).
  3. Does it matter what the rationale is? It doesn't make Robotech any less lame.
  4. Uh, yeah...the octagonal pictures and books are...um...less than convincing to me.
  5. Yes! And you're right...she's hot. yeah, that was funny. I also liked this one:
  6. Not only that, but Grace Park's and Tricia Helfer's names are still in the credits, and they've both died. Several times, in fact. Just finished watching "The Son Also Rises." Seems to be set up for the season finale, which appears like it will center around Baltar's trial. Season 2 proved to me, though, that where the story APPEARS to be going isn't necessarily where it WILL be going. I'll probably watch the last two episodes of the season tomorrow. And my DVD provider didn't show up tonight, so I guess next week, I'll just finish up watching the original series. (Cripes, this'll be the fourth time I've rented that DVD. I could probably buy it with the money I've spent renting it...but why would I want to keep it?) I like Baltar's lawyer. He's cool.
  7. *sigh* Guess I'll find out sooner or later, won't I? And, uh...wow...that's intense about the model ship. It looked pretty damn classy, but I figured it was just a cheap mock-up or something. That Edward James Olmos would destroy such a beautiful ship...I'm surprised he didn't get death threats from Patrick-O'Brian-reading old men.
  8. Just like Gamlin died during Operation Stargazer, right?
  9. I could, but only as three separate pictures. They look GREAT together like that, though. I thought they were blue for a very long time, and kept wondering why Mikimoto colored them green in all his art...then I saw the Japanese remaster of SDFM, and darn it, they ARE green!
  10. Oh yeah, they're great. Have you checked out her solo artist personas? Tommy feburary⁶ and Tommy heavenly⁶? I recommend "Everyday at the Bus Stop" for starters. Done between the third and fourth Brilliant Green albums, and sounds VASTLY different: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0WOWI4RV8
  11. Okay... Well, Starbuck is clearly not dead, but between gas-giant gravity below, no atmosphere above, and the Viper flying into pieces, I have no idea HOW she'll survive. But they can't dangle a plot thread like "Kara Thrace and her Special Destiny" and just leave it unresolved like this. But damn, do I feel bad for Adama's model ship. He's been working on that thing since, what, Season 1?
  12. According to Doug Bendo, the current expert is Doug Bendo.
  13. Ah, that explains it. Thank you. Just finished watching "Dirty Hands." I find it a little tough to swallow that Baltar would be embraced as a champion of the people, but I guess if he writes eloquently and convincingly enough, people would be swayed into buying into his words, if not his history or actions. Actually, I really, really liked this episode. I liked it because it wasn't a science fiction story. I criticized the '78 series for not having writers capable of telling science fiction stories (just cowboy and WWII plots with a sci-fi facelift), but the writers (and the designers) in the new series have flexed their sci-fi writing muscles plenty of times at this point, and it's nice to see some different kinds of stories as well. And the questions of "Who makes the fleet really RUN? What are their lives like?" is one that often gets ignored, because it's not flashy or exciting. But (and I'm not a socialist, but I can't think of any way to say this without it sounding like socialist rhetoric (so no political debates please)) there is, or should be, a nobility that comes with something as basic as fuel refining or algae processing. This episode captured that nobility well, and presented a rather vital philosophical debate, with both sides presented equally well. One can completely understand the workers' need to have their voices heard, and one can also understand the brass's need to make sure their orders are followed and everything runs as smoothly as possible. Hard questions about labor are not often asked in science fiction (or any kind of generally "escapist" stories), and so it's not only surprising to see the addressed, but to see them addressed well. That's what I love about this show: it's so...chewy sometimes.
  14. I don't know how the issue started, but it does indeed seem to be a big question among RT fans. I suspect that they don't want to go with the official stats, since those sometimes don't apply to RT (Mospeadas run on HBT, yet Cyclones run on Protoculture). In fact, according to Seto Kaiba, for the Southern Cross portion of the story, official stats are few and far between, and hardcore RT mechaheads have to guess what the sizes and capabilities of the mecha are. Some of them probably pushed it further than that and said, "Well, if we do that for Southern Cross, why not do it for Macross, too?" One widely-believed RT fan has apparently put the length at four miles. And Doug Bendo may not be alone in his misconception that the stats were created "after the fact" instead of being created FOR the animation and used IN the animation.
  15. I think we're all missing the forest for the trees and avoiding the true question in all this: Just how long is the SDF-1???
  16. Funnily enough, while reading this article, I was reminded of the Something Awful article where they tried to trash Blonde on Blonde, but it was pretty clear that they'd never actually listened to it. I think the same inference can be applied here.
  17. So, um, Pete? You okay, man?
  18. Mio (the blonde on the right) is in the VF-9. Lana (dark-haired one on the left) is in the Koenig Orgel.
  19. Oh, Azrael, I pity you...everyone knows that Robotech is an epic hard science fiction adventure, spanning three generations; it created anime fandom in the west, and opened the floodgate for what was to follow. Sure, some of it falls short, but that's because visionary creator Carl Macek had to tell his story through imperfect animation; that's all he had to work with, so of course some of it doesn't look so hot. And if he had managed to complete his groundbreaking storytelling venture, it would have become the New Americana, replacing even Star Wars in people's hearts. And it was, we're left with an imperfect, but stunningly ambitious, influential, and creative epic. Macross, on the other hand, is about a ship called the ASS-1, and some little girl (who's supposed to be Chinese, but looks caucasian) who sings at the bad guys which somehow defeats them. Totally NOT the same thing. (Gah, I threw up a little in my mouth just typing that out...)
  20. I didn't see it any of it anyway, I don't think. At least, I don't recall reading anything that made my eyes bug out. Any idea when it'll be safe to read them, though? End of Season 3? End of the series? (And by the way...since I'm asking questions that can be safely answered, anyone know why Season 2 was split into two DVD sets, but Season 3 is all in one?)
  21. Well, now...THAT seems calibrated specifically to create rage amongst Macross fans, doesn't it?
  22. Um, here's what I've watched so far for Season 3: The Resistance Webisodes. 1-4. The New Caprica Quartet ('Nuff said.) 5. Collaborators (where they almost execute Gaeta) 6. Torn (both the humans and the Cylons get to the Lion's Head nebula, Cylons start getting sick and dying. A lot of gratifying info about the Cylons in this one) 7. A Measure of Salvation (Roslin and Adama plan to spread the Cylon plague. I liked it okay.) 8. Hero (Bulldog comes back and Adama talks about basically starting the war. Not a bad episode in my book, but far from great) 9. Unfinished Business (BOXING! And New Caprica flashbacks. Very good episode, I thought) 10. The Passage (getting through the radiation to the Algae Planet. Bye Bye Kat. I liked this one, too, although I though Kat's backstory was a little rushed) 11-12. The Eye of Jupiter / Rapture (for some reason, a lot of the mystical stuff doesn't work for me. Usually I eat that kind of stuff up, but not here. Pretty intense episode, though) 13. Taking a Break from All Your Worries (Baltar on LSD. It was okay, I thought) 14. The Woman King (Racist doctor episode. Probably my least favorite so far) 15. A Day in the Life (Adama and his wife; Chief and Cally in the airlock. I liked this one) I'll probably finish up the season tomorrow.
  23. Every time I see Racetrack, she's got a helmet on. Makes it kind of hard to tell, really...but I'll take everyone's word for it. "Racetrack" is a seriously great name, though. (Tangentially related - one of my favorite Baltar bits in Season 1 is when he's counseling Boomer to commit suicide, while trying to resist coming on to her: "So, why DO they call you 'Boomer'?" )
  24. Hmm...yeah, I'm with Keith here. I don't think it was a brain, it just looked like one...unless of course, they cloned Dr. Akagi's brain. Her REAL brain probably was in no condition to be placed in a computer after falling several stories.
  25. I think Pete was responding to my joke with another joke...
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