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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Now YOU'RE not being technical ENOUGH. Eva-03 was an Angel. Angels are different.
  2. Okay...screw my DVD provider! She's not the boss of me! I stopped by the used DVD shop near my house today, and BOOM! Unrated Extended Edition of Razor for only $5.00! I'll start watching it in a little while.
  3. They never use giant sniper rifles or miniguns against other Evas...
  4. You shouldn't care at all. Praise from him simply means he wants something from you. Criticism simply means he's envious. At least, that's how I read it.
  5. But, as I understand it, he was speaking about you in praise...
  6. That was awesome. And yeah..."feldercarb." I don't miss it much. Neither do I miss "Yahren," "Centon," "Daggit," or any of the other dumb "space" words they came up with for the original show. I can see why they kept "Frak," though. But I bet if the series had been on HBO instead of the Sci-Fi Channel, they would've dropped that, too.
  7. I'm not a big mecha-head, so I doubt I would've noticed any inconsistencies. But since you pointed them out, they'll probably be obvious to me now. Really, as long as spaceships and fighters and things look relatively functional and don't break the laws of physics TOO blatantly, I'm pretty happy. The technical minutia generally zips right past me.
  8. I totally wanted to BE Boxey when I was a kid. Now I find his scenes rather nauseating in their bald-faced grab at the Pre-pubescent Male demographic. I feel a little sorry for Boxey in the new version, because I don't think I've seen him since he was playing cards with Boomer the miniseries. I thought he was actually going to be a character, instead of just a little in-joke thrown in to make people think, "PLEASE, Lord, don't let him get a robot dog!"
  9. I went back to the original series today and watched "Baltar's Escape." I love how everyone in the civilian government is portrayed as a deluded weakling, and only through martial law can the fleet be protected from naive idiocy. I also love Boomer's little "putting the shuttle into a dive" stunt, which would've been convincing if they'd, y'know, HAD AN ATMOSPHERE, but which makes no sense in space. Really, apart from the lack of good writing, the thing that bugs me most in the original show is the contempt for the laws of science in it. Would it have killed the producers to call up NASA and ask for a little bit of advice on how space travel ACTUALLY works...?
  10. Actually, I think we've got a schism brewing...the Setoites versus the Petians. Seto promises booze, Macross II, and rigorous fact-checking. Pete promises booze, Macross 7, and panties. The choice should be clear.
  11. You beat me. I just took a "Film and Society" class in high school. Still...neither of us really know how the direction was done, but I would provide these tidbits as evidence that Kawamori had involvement beyond what he's usually credited for: 1) "Eiji Kurokawa" is Kawamori's pseudonym, and he's credited with storyboards for a number of episodes of SDFM as well as the Background Supervisor for the entire series. Under his own name, Kawamori is also credited for several storyboards and writing the script for the final episode. 2) Kawamori is in the DYRL credits under "Story Creation" (and of course, co-direction). 3) Kawamori was who they tapped to do the official episode commentary for SDFM in the book "Macross Graffiti." 4) In the book "Oboeteimasuka," about DYRL, there's a VERY long interview with Kawamori, and no one else. 5) There's an interview in the back of the book "Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences" with Hiroshi Ohnogi (who wrote the book), Mikimoto (who did the illustrations), and Kawamori (who did...nothing for the book. Nothing at all). 6) In a lot of interviews I've read, other staff members seem to defer to Kawamori. It's not conclusive, of course, and Ishiguro's interview is on the AnimEigo discs; additionally, it should be obvious that SDFM and DYRL were team efforts, but I think Kawamori's role was a lot more prominent than just Valkyrie designer and "2nd unit" director of DYRL.
  12. Interesting idea...do you have a source, are are you just guessing?
  13. So how much of it was Kawamori and how much was Ishiguro?
  14. Sheryl's Frontier Concert was March 2. And Macross Galaxy was defeated in September (no days given).
  15. Not necessarily. My understanding is that RTX is an attempt to open the floodgates as it were and let people speak their minds, for good AND ill. If a lot of the stuff that comes out turns out to be garbage, then that's no surprise...that's what floodgates are for.
  16. Yeah...as I said to Einherjar via PM earlier today, Memo seems to make bad choices in who he takes under his wing. And I'm sure there are many decent fans of Robotech out there...after all, SOMEONE'S gotta be listening to JT... (Although I probably shouldn't say that, since Bendo's newest line of attack is that only "Macross Groupies" like JT. )
  17. Oh, THAT part I definitely believe. I also believe that HG is probably no fun to work with. I think, however, that it would be a hit in the west...but I'm a big Macross nerd, so of course I think that.
  18. Huh. I wonder how true that is. My instinct tells me that a (let's say) 2010 release of a 2008 series that has a lot of "buzz" around it would probably fare better than a 2004 re-release of a 1982 series that has already been seen (and bought) by many, many people. And yes...it IS odd that he forgets about the AnimEigo release. I wonder how that did, in terms of sales?
  19. Fair enough. From my end, a lot depends on how much I can get done on other, more pressing projects over the next few weeks...but I'll see what I can do.
  20. You need to have a password in order to get them, apparently.
  21. Hmm...If I were writing the show, I probably would have said that the Final Five (or should I say "Penultimate Four"...?) were built to replace existing humans...so that a human Colonel Tigh existed, but at some point was replaced with a Cylon copy... But I guess there's some other rationale...? Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.
  22. I was trying to be diplomatic about it.
  23. Just dropped by Kinokuniya this evening and picked up the Ranka book and the False Diva Guide Book (which is more like a "Guide Magazine," but whatever). I haven't cracked it open yet... The Ranka book, though, is a lot of fun. And has month and day for pretty much every episode of Frontier, for those of you who are timeline-minded.
  24. Oh, I missed that. I find it difficult to understand what Doug's saying most of the time, so I tend to skip over his posts. Especially when he writes a wall of text.
  25. Brooklyn Red Leg is here, I believe under the name 1st Border Red Devil. He's probably the world's most vocal Southern Cross proponent. Protoculture is also here, and he's a big fan of both Macross AND Robotech. And, um...who mentioned them?
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