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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Jibun-jishinbi!
  2. Well, look at it this way: we've got Technology Sheets 01A, B, C, E, F, G, K, M, N, and O. So already, that's sheets D, H, I, J, and L that are missing. And O only carries VF development up to the early 2040s, so there should be a P sheet as well.
  3. I think of it more as L-Gaim being the incubator for Five Star Stories. The mecha and character connections are easy enough to see, but the story is the primary component that's been expanded. The Five Star Stories timeline covers thousands or (depending on how you look at it) millions of years. The portion of it that resembles L-Gaim is a very small section (referred to at the end of "Traffics1" and also at the end of the "Wandering Atropos" chapter) where Colus VI rises out of obscurity to take on "Amaterasu" (really his fatima Uplanda in disguise), and defeat him. THAT part is L-Gaim. Everything else in the timeline is unique to Five Star Stories.
  4. "Shito" means "disciple" or "apostle." Which begs the question...disciples of who? (Probably Seto.)
  5. I'm not surprised...the original Tigh is an eminently forgettable character. The only truly good scene he had (that I can recall and/or have seen so far) was when he convinced Apollo and Starbuck to go against the orders of the Quorum of Twelve in "Baltar's Escape." That was kind of funny.
  6. Not to mention the characters. Colus VI is the spittin' image of Daba Myroad, for example.
  7. Yeah, although Nagano has vociferously argued otherwise, I think it's pretty obvious that Colus VI's rebellion against Amaterasu in 4100 is very similar story-wise to L-Gaim. Nagano seemed to know it at one time, too, since the Emperor's name in L-Gaim is more-or-less "Ladios Sopp" spelled backwards.
  8. I have to admit, I don't really get at what he's saying, either. I think if we're really going to hash it out seriously, we've got to state outright what is clear fact (i.e. stated unequivocally in the show), what comes from other material, and what comes from guesswork and inference.
  9. ...the hell? I swear I didn't see that Sketchley had put the contents of issue 38 in his post until now...but I don't see an "edit" note...weird.
  10. "Dangan Soul"
  11. That's because they were really late updating the website. As of late last night for me (about six hours ago), they still hadn't added the new issue. But sometime between then and now, they did. So here ya go: Mechanic Sheet * Queadluun-Rau * Super Valkyrie * Destorid * Zentradi Vessels * Macross Frontier Vessels Character Sheet * Milia 639 * Gor Bodolzaa and Subordinate(s) * Natter Valgo / GaviGlaGo Timeline Sheet * Chance Meeting with the Galactic Whales History Sheet * Defection of the Zentradi Soldiers World Guide Sheet * Protodeviln Technology Sheet * Variable Fighter Glossary Sheet * Seikan Hikrou ~ Dagao Song Sheet * Planet Dance / My Soul for You Production Data * Macross F
  12. It means you're a Lying Macross Purist and Seto is your leader.
  13. Yes there have been character sheets for Claudia. There's even been one for Edgar. The magazine is silent about any connection or lack thereof.
  14. Divisiveness? In the Robotech fandom? Surely you jest, good sir!
  15. Calm down, clam down...I'll get there eventually... Yeah, I know. But "Colonel, I knew Colonel Tigh" just doesn't sound right. And "Saul Tigh" has such a nice ring to it, don't you think? Oh, the Virgon Tighs? Are the related to the Picon Tighs? I met Bettie-Sue Tigh at the high school hop last week. Nice girl, good family.
  16. I think it IS kinda/sorta serious, since I've seen lots of RT fans describe themselves as "McKinneyists," and Wanzerfan described himself as a Spenglerist (although Seto keeps trying to convince me that Wanzerfan is ACTUALLY a Macross fan. ).
  17. Additonally: Colonel, I served with Saul Tigh; I knew Saul Tigh; Saul Tigh was a friend of mine. Colonel, you're no Saul Tigh.
  18. I just watched "Experiment in Terra" today, which finishes off the trilogy of episodes about Terra, which (wink wink) may or may not be earth (turns out it's not). Another episode presenting the idea that civilian government is weak and ineffectual, and only a military dictatorship can really get things done. Needless to say, I find this idea rather abhorrent. Strong defense? Sure. Realistic approaches to genuine threats? Absolutely. Dictatorship...? Well, that's a different story entirely. One of the biggest problems I'm having with the Original Series now as I near its end, is its willingness to raise incredibly huge, complex questions (about government, or *ahem* religion), and then just kind of toss off a facile answer. Then everyone smiles. Freeze frame. The end. I would hope that, had the series been granted a second season, they would have explored these recurring themes with a little more depth, but I doubt it would have happened. Anyway, only two episodes left...and by the Lords of Kobol, I'll be glad to leave this series behind.
  19. They generate heat? Since when? And while we're on the subject of "forgetting": Ah, so you only watched the first 13 episodes. Ah, so you only watched the first 7 episodes. I'd say so, if you can't remember how much of the show you watched.
  20. Indeed it would. I hope he takes me up on it, too, because I'd like to know. Japanese can be (and often is) EXTRAORDINARILY ambiguous. And that's the problem with a lot of Eva dialogue and extra material: it's really, really unclear. It makes it almost impossible to translate into English, because you simply CAN'T make grammatically correct sentences that convey the same amount of ambiguity in them. That said, I think the ADV and Manga Ent. subtitles go a very good job, except for that one mistake in EoE. (see here: http://www.evaotaku.com/misatolines.html for more.) Like dreamweaver13, I'm a little rusty (unless you want to talk about the new movies), but I'll do my best...
  21. Why don't you just WATCH THE SHOW and find out?
  22. I don't *think* that's right...I believe they are separate entities. If you're going by the Manga Video subtitles, they're mistaken. Ouch. "dubious translation skills"? Care to cite some examples of mistakes they've made? And you DO know that the Anno was heavily consulted for the game, right?
  23. Crap, that's RIGHT! I forgot that she said, "You're not my type." Ewww...not that Kain didn't deserve it, but that a pretty horrible send-off...especially since, throughout the movie, Kain seemed...nicer? more relaxed? than she had in the show, up until the Six was revealed. I think that finding out that she had given her love to a traitorous Cylon really made something shrivel up and die inside Kain. And then, "You not my type." In other words, "You loved me, but I was only using you the whole time." Again, ewwww... Yeah...I didn't notice any of that. Unsurprising, since (if you've been following the Robotech thread), I thought the Macross was 1200 meters, which apparently means I'm an idiot.
  24. That's going to be a lonely, lonely cult.
  25. I bought the Miniseries a few weeks ago...and I was talking with my mom last week, and mentioned that I was watching the show and really liking it (all she knew was that that it got stellar reviews in the newspaper), and she asked, "Is that something you'd want from Christmas or your birthday?" And I said, "Sure." Thanks...I wonder why they didn't put the first two in the movie? An extra four minutes of material wouldn't have slowed the movie down much. And yeah, I liked the movie a lot. The first half seemed kind of...unnecessary, since it was merely dramatizing events that had been fully narrated during the series (although Kain's relationship with Six was something of a surprise...I originally thought Kain's death was kind of anticlimactic, but I'm going to have to revise that opinion now). But the "present day" story was quite interesting, and it was fun to see the new series' take on the old Cylon types. It doesn't really change my impression of most of the events of the past season and a half (although it would've if Shaw had been able to communicate the Hybrid's message to Lee), but overall, qite a nice addition to the story. And now it's time to gird my loins and finish up the original series...dare I go on to Galactica 1980 when I'm done? Will I be able to stand watching it? Will all you nice folks be able to stand my bitching about it?
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