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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. The HG at Robotech Debate thread will be back after this important public service announcement: I don't know what movie you're thinking of, but it ain't Fast Times at Ridgemont High... We now return you to the HG and Robotech Debate thread.
  2. Oh...and I forgot to mention...Dick van Dyke's kid doesn't play Boxey (Troy), he plays the other guy (Dillon).
  3. Taksraven, your new avatar sucks.
  4. DEAR GOD YES! Every home should have one. Really, though, they only made three "proper" albums: The Stooges, Fun House, and Raw Power. The concensus is that Fun House is a classic, Raw Power is a great album, and The Stooges is flawed but worthwhile. All of them are worth owning, however. Agreed, although I think Zen Arcade is my favorite album of theirs.
  5. For some reason, this week, I've been obsessively listening to the Stooges. Really up there as one of the greatest bands ever, especially on "Fun House." HEAVIEST. ALBUM. EVER.
  6. Man, that's SOOOOOO much better than Valks with faces, guitar control-sticks, and Giant Naked Metaphorical Space Ranka...
  7. I didn't mention Knight Rider because, for some unfathomable reason (to me, at least), it's still remembered fondly by a lot of people. Manimal, I'm sure, has no such good will supporting it.
  8. Well, it was just the outline, right? I'm sure they would've learned right quick what they could and couldn't do in afternoon time slots (or early morning in some areas: check your local listings). I was kind of down on Robotech by the time the Sentinels was due to appear, but I remember at least two of my friends awaiting it with great anticipation. All I could think of when I read the outline was, "Man, would they have been disappointed!" All of us moved on to Zeta Gundam around that time, anyway. When you've got Zeta, you don't need Robotech. Like, at all.
  9. Yeah, I'm sure the creator of such critically acclaimed classics as B.J. and the Bear, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and Manimal really cares a lot about integrity and quality...
  10. I just finished Part 2 of the "exciting" three-part series opener of Galactica 1980. Good Lord, this show is terrible...although I can't think of any other show that combines car chases in modern L.A. with cute little kids discovering space ships and with Nazis. Quite inventive, I guess. I almost wept tears of shame when they said the typical "We can't alter the past" line. Right...you're going back in time to give earth a technological boost so it'll be ready to fight off the Cylons in 1980, but you can't alter the past. I'm getting the distinct feeling that the writers JUST DIDN'T CARE.
  11. You're WAAAAY ahead of the schedule...
  12. Most are on Disc 8, but some are on disc...15, I believe.
  13. I get the feeling that Sentinels (the animated version) is well-loved BECAUSE it wasn't finished. For some reason, a lot of Robotech fans seem to really like the "interactivity" inherent in all the plot holes and uncompleted sequels to Robotech, and enjoy filling in the gaps through fan-speculation. As such, any incomplete venture becomes a depository for whatever the fan would have liked to see in the production. I guarantee that, had the Sentinels been completed, it would only be about as well-liked as Shadow Chronicles, or maybe even less: the outlines presented in Robotech Art III were...erm...less than compelling. It's almost funny, isn't it? So many sequels, so many failures. Even Shadow Chronicles still ended on a cliffhanger, so it too remains incomplete... I think the only "amicable arrangement" would be for HG to step aside completely. Certainly, I'd imagine that trademarking the name is winning them no friends in Japan. Ah, but you see, the movie will be done by WARNER BROTHERS. And it'll be like HARRY POTTER and BATMAN. And Paramount is TERRIFIED! I kind of like the management there right now...but then, I don't like Robotech, and I kind of wish it would cease to be a viable future enterprise. In other words, if no one produces any future Robotech series, movies, books, comics, what have you, that's fine with me. As such, I think Harmony Gold is doing a GREAT JOB with the property.
  15. It's Galactica 1980...ALL the characters suck!
  16. Ah. So he was good in the show, but not good in the show. Gotcha.
  17. Ah, very clever...talking about vague sarcasm while being vaguely sarcastic. Very clever.
  18. *sigh* Start here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=813185 and read through. I assure you, the sarcasm is not vague. EDIT: By the way, since you're here...did you dig up any info about the 1984 "test run" in Houston of Robotech, or are you still expecting other people to do your research for you?
  19. And if you had actually READ the topic, you would've known that everyone was being sarcastic, presumably.
  20. Which is it, Wanzerfan, which is it?
  21. Y'know, it's generally a good idea to understand what the people posting are talking about BEFORE you post...
  22. Tell me about it. The fact that I saw all the episodes when I was kid, but don't remember anything about it (except that they go back in time to WWII in an episode, the kid genius has a dream about Starbuck, and that I found the show even then to be dull and uneventful) doesn't give me high hopes. But hey...I made it through all 24 episodes of the original show...surely I can sit through ten (now nine) more.
  23. AAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGG!!!! IT BURNS! IT BURNS! IT BURNS US WITH STUPID!!! (Jeez...Y'know, I saw this when I was a kid, but I had completely forgotten about the flying motorcycles, and Mike Brady, and the Cylon attack "computer simulation" scene lifted from the movie "Earthquake." Cripes, I thought the original show was bad, but man...this is worse.) (I kind of enjoyed seeing the Mustang convertible and the F-15s, though.)
  24. I am SEETHING with envy right now... Congratulations, man!
  25. Well...I (finally!) finished the original series today. The last episode...wasn't terrible, although the slow-motion "STAAAARRRBUUUUCKKK!!!" made me giggle. And yep, when I returned the set to the video store, I indeed rented Galactica 1980. It's only ten episodes long, right? What could possibly go wrong?
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