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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. No, they aren't.The music is rock, and has a lot of searing guitar work. The villains in Macross 7 are the creators of the Supervision Army, and there's a whole episode about how the Protoculture Stellar Republic was destroyed. Basara is 21, and hot-blooded, not weak-willed and uncertain. There's an entire episode about a TV about DYRL, Milia's VF-1J shows up, the Destroid Monster crew from SDFM is there, several songs from the original are sung, and many more. And yes, the story editor for Macross 7 did indeed write many of the SDFM episodes and DYRL. His name is Sukehiro Tomita. You can look him up.
  2. Nah, just mentioning what the article actually says.
  3. Again, it's a show with planes that turn into robots. The fundamental premise is completely unscientific.
  4. Still just tentative... They haven't officially decided yet.
  5. That's just (mostly, anyway) a by-product of switching from hand-drawn animation, where they can play with bulk and proportions, to CGI models, which really do (again, mostly) require a real "perfect transformation." So yeah... We won't be getting any VF-1 style Valks with legs that are thin in fighter mode but chunky in battroid. I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing.
  6. I dunno, it still seems to me that you're speculating, and then slamming the series based on that speculation. As for going into more explanations, I remember when George Lucas decided to explain some of the science behind the Force. It, um, wasn't a choice that was universally loved.
  7. Thank you! Although it's not really an agree or disagree thing, it's simply a FACT that Macross 7 had all these things...
  8. Well, he was awake enough to look at Mao "kissing" Shin...
  9. I'll take anything at this point. Awesome!
  10. Why couldn't it have been the Bird-human making the rocks float?
  11. I still don't see how Zero had any real "magic" in it... I thought it was all just Protoculture super-science.
  12. - More Max and Milia - Lots of new Valks (only a few of them had faces, most of them didn't). - kickass music - more of the history of the Protoculture, and (finally!) a look at the Supervision Army - a hero who isn't a "whiny, emo teen" - lots of callbacks and shout-outs to the original series - the scriptwriter for such classic episodes as Transformation, Daedalus Attack, Burst Point, and Goodbye Girl, as well as DYRL as Macross 7's story editor.
  13. Pirates of the Caribbean music is in Frontier...
  14. Again, all four days of Anime Expo, I was working with people who are involved with making the show at the Satelight booth (and again, I have to thank Save profusely for hooking me up with them), and no one said anything about it except "We're working on it now."
  15. Well, I'm not there anymore, but if I had a real choice, I would be. Tokyo's a fun, vibrant, exciting city. What's not to like?
  16. Oh, please. Can't we just get beyond Thunderdome...?
  17. I saw the saw 2007 DVD plenty in Tokyo, even last year.
  18. Yeah... As everyone else said, don't put sketches up, or previews, or trailers, or threads like this. Make it, then announce it.
  19. Almost done with my latest translation, but I really don't want stuff like this to happen again.Translations of official material are more important than your fanfic or your Robotech RPG, I think.
  20. After being with the Satelight people at AX, I'm finally picking up Aquarion again, in order to get all caught up and watching the new series. Ten episodes into the first series, and it's pretty good.
  21. Well, at AX, I was talking with one of the producers of Logos, and one of the Satelight higher-ups. They both seemed positive about Logos, for what it's worth.
  22. He's not actually working on the new show, though.
  23. But he was talking about the "Robotech Classic Collection" which had 18 Robotech episodes and 18 dual-audio Macross episodes over four DVD-R discs.
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