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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. 1. "How about we give you this entire bottle of the Schnappster, you tell us where the chicks are?" 2. "We don't have to make love. We could talk. We need to talk." 3. "That little whore makes me feel nine feet tall!" (Ok, I know...none of these lines are terribly "sci-fi" sounding...but could you imagine them in a GOOD sci-fi series...? I think not.)
  2. Thanks everyone! And, um...I'm sorry the dialogue on the album is so unenthralling, but hey...at least we all KNOW what they're saying now...
  3. Well...the thing about the novel is that (as far as I can tell so far), it's ENTIRELY set during the "flashback" period...so if Jan Neumann is 11 at that point, he'd be 17 or 18 in 2040 when the real story begins. Which makes perfect sense, even if he looks a little older in the show itself.
  4. Done and done. (I didn't quite feel like strapping myself in for the BSG finale last night, but I wanted to watch SOMETHING, so I saw Caprica. I'm not sure what I thought of it yet, though... It doesn't seem terribly promising as of yet, but I'm interested enough that I'll watch the series when it starts.)
  5. Nah, it's not worth getting upset over. Hell, I even took him off of my Ignore List a few minutes ago. But I do want to thank everyone for being considerate and using spoiler tags and stringing me along and dropping fun hints and things like that. Y'all didn't have to do that, and it made my viewing of the series a lot more fun than it otherwise would've been. So, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! And David mentions a line that I thought was interesting, too, but perhaps for a different reason. I loved the structure of the episode(s)..taking us back to before the Fall of the Colonies, and showing us stuff we didn't know about these characters. Baltar's embarrassing father (and Caprica Six's role in finding him him a good place to live out his remaining years weeks), Roslin's odd date, Adama's lie detector test, Lee and Kara doing shots, Boomer messing up her landings...most of the threads woven into the finale as though commenting on the main action (although the only symbolism that I caught was with Lee and the pigeon, which obviously represents Kara). I totally wasn't expecting nearly an entire episode's worth of time to be devoted to setting up life on Earth, but it was rather gratifying, after spending so much time with these characters, to see how they'll live and what they'll be doing for the rest of their lives. I feel bad for Chief Tyrol, though...since it seems that he'll live and die alone. I mean, so will Adama, but Adama's a lot older... I'm a little surprised that so many of the characters survived (Sorry, Racetrack), and I was also surprised that it had such a positive (if bittersweet) ending. So, um...on to The Plan, I guess.
  6. "DAEDALUS ATTACK!!!", of course. (Although I just screamed it in my head, not out loud.)
  7. A fitting end. I'm sure I'll have more to say later, but I just kind of want to sit back a savor it for a while (and since I watched the two-and-a-half hour extended edition, there's a LOT to savor). I wish RedWolf hadn't told me that the first earth they find isn't OUR earth, though. It didn't ruin it for me, but it made it much less of a mindfrak tha it otherwise would've been.
  8. thanks ftfvf1 i know it sounz obsurd but taht litter from tommy has dun wat nuthing else has witch is mak me liking robotech moar then macros so i now renonse the macros groupy name 'gubaba' and now desiding to coll meself RICKHUNTER101. i am alos lurning to right like a ture robotch fan witch i know relize is just away to keep you DISIPLES OF SETO from ondurstandinding wat we say its like a sort of coad. so keeep hidding behind jasnics skirts and enjoi your preshus 'orginal vertion' and keeep yur hentai and pedofilia to yurslef! praise haydon! RICKHUNTER101
  9. Y'know, it's funny...every time I ask that question, I get a different answer. So I'm just waiting for a majority to assert itself.
  10. But as I've alluded to, bananas are funnier. Hell, even the name "banana" is guffaw-inducing.
  11. I once, genuinely and unintentionally, slipped on a banana peel. I fell on my ass. I kinda wish someone had had a cream pie or a bottle of seltzer water so that it could've been a REAL embodiment of all things slapstick, but I guess I should've be greedy. The banana peel was enough.
  12. I think ice cream is a tasty treat, but too much will spoil the appetite.
  13. *sigh* Okay. Will do, sir.
  14. Well, I'm here. Right at the gateway to the finale. I watched the extended version of "Islanded in a Stream of Stars," which, again, seemed to be mostly set-up, kind of keeping all the balls in the air while catching none of them. It's funny...it feels like I'm approaching the end of Galactica (the ship), but not the end of Galactica (the show). Really, I was expecting that by the point, I could really see the end rushing towards me, but it honestly feels like it could keep going on and on...except that their abandoning the ship. Anyway, before I start the final DVD, I'm going to watch The Plan. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. I'm not sure yet.
  15. The funny thing is that if you watch them all in Japanese, a lot of the characters DO have the same voices: Misa and Lana (Nova) and Houquet, Hikaru and Bowie, Shammy and Mint, Kaifun and Yellow, Kamujin and Andrzej (Angelo), Charles DeTouard (Sean Phillips) and Stick Bernard, Claudia and the Refles...there are probably more, as well.
  16. By the way...I forgot to mention: I loved John Hodgman's cameo as the brain surgeon. Although I have to say that if I was going in for brain surgery and saw him there, I'd get out of that hospital any way that I could...
  17. Wow..."Someone to Watch Over Me"...now THAT was a great episode. Although, thanks to RedWolf saying something about Daniel seeming like a musician (saying that Ellen said something like that to Cavil, when she said nothing of the kind), I'm pretty sure that the piano player is Daniel. Anyway, wow...Boomer's pretty awful. Although I almost cried when Chief Tyrol went upstairs in their "house" and saw their "child." I'm also guessing that either Maybe-Daniel is either Starbuck's father, or else he's somehow tapping into her memories and making himself seem like her father...or maybe he's not even really there, since I don't think any of the other characters interacted with him. Tigh and Tori seemed focused on Starbuck rather than the guy she was playing with... I dunno.
  18. Just watched "Deadlocked" late last night...seemed like more of a set-up episode than anything else. Ellen coming back to the fleet (she appeared so reasonable when talking with Cavil, and now she's back to the same ol' Ellen we all know and...um..."love" is kind of strong word, don't you think? Anyway, it's weird. I guess her jealous, petty, personality pattern is programmed pretty deep within her, not easy to change...). I'm sensing that Chief is going to try to get back with Boomer. I also sense that it's not going to work. And I'm guessing Caprica Six is going to go seriously apeshit at some point. Oh, and hey! Sam's brain is back! Usually, I'd guess that he probably doesn't remember anything more, but since we've only got a handful of episodes left, anything is possible. And anyway, it might not matter any more. Most of the backstory exposition seems to have already been taken care of.
  19. I don't have the Macross Plus Roman Album handy (it's packed away in storage) but I don't recall anything about his ethnicity at all in it. The Macross Plus novelization's "cast of characters" list only mentions that he's genius and that he's eleven years old (!!!).
  20. I'd imagine that in Robotech, the various accents are not there for any purpose other than the fact that a lot of the voice actors covered multiple roles, and it it was their way of distinguishing their different voices. So yeah...the reason Khyron has a British accent is the same reason that Porky Pig stutters.
  21. Thank you!
  22. Not missing; added. The book version is about six or seven pages longer than the magazine version. Most of it is art, but some dialogue has been added, too.
  23. Okay, after watching the Sam scenes and the Ellen scenes again, here's what I've worked out. Some 4000 years before - the 13th Tribe made it to earth Some 2000 years before - The Final Five worked out resurrection technology. - Earth was destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. The Final Five (and others?) downloaded onto a ship, and set out to warn the 12 Colonies Some unspecified time before - The Final Five arrive at the Algae Planet. I'm unclear as to whether they changed anything. Cavil seems to think they did, Ellen said they didn't. 40 years before - The First Cylon War is engulfing the 12 Colonies. The Final Five get there and make a deal with the Cylons: stop the war, and we'll show you how to make human-like Cylons. They make eight models. Cavil kills Number Seven. Then Cavil kills the Final Five and implants new memories into them. Then he introduces Tigh (and some time later, Ellen) into the Colonies. Some time later - Cavil introduces Tyrol, Tori, and Sam into the colonies. And then, of course, Cavil decides to attack and destroy the Colonies. Does that sound about right? (Don't answer that.)
  24. Yep...don't like something in Robotech? Find that it doesn't hold up to scientific analysis? Do what those guys do, and blame it on the Japanese creators! Meanwhile, all the GOOD stuff in Robotech is purely due to the genius of Carl Macek, of course.
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