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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. The radio dramas have a wealth of strange characters that never appear anywhere else. The aforementioned El Niño Gumpy and Professor Bunny, Lark Skybeauty and Panther, a "computer ghost"...the list goes on. And weirdly, the Flower Girl is the main character in some of them.
  2. Strangely, the second mafioso (the one on the far right) is voiced by the same guy that does Gamlin. (And he also plays a guy with the odd name of "El Niño Gumpy" on one or two of the Macross 7 drama albums. Even the guy who plays Honey Suzuki gets a role on those, as "Professor Bunny" (and yes, he DOES INDEED say, "Please...call me 'Bunny'").) There's also a VERY minor character in Macross Generation who gets voiced by Kaifun's actor. And Rafale is voiced by Shinji Ikari's voice actress. She even gets to sing "Runner" in the last episode.
  3. A radio drama series. It's not very good, unfortunately. It's 2047, on the Macross 9 Fleet. Passel (the white-haired girl on the first album cover) wants to be a singer like her idol, Canary Minmay (the purple-haired girl on the second cover) (and no, I'm not making up that name). Meanwhile, she meets Rafale (the guy on the first cover), a cosmo-bike racer. But Passel's bitchy friend Liza (the girl with the hat) tries to steal him away. And two mafiosos (on the second cover) are hunting for him too. A Valkyrie crashes at the end, and everyone listens to Passel's song. EDIT: Amazingly, VFTF1's guesses aren't too far off, really.
  4. I've decided to give some appreciation to the most under-appreciated Macross cast ever:
  5. Well...perhaps they'll figure out something that radically changes what we thought the Norwegian base was like...maybe, for example, except for the two guys we see at the beginning of the 1982 movie, it was staffed entirely by the Swedish Bikini Team.
  6. That's probably why it's a "prequel" and not a "remake."
  7. Yeah, it is. "Farewell Space Battleship Yamato: Soldiers of Love" is the Japanese title of the film. "Arrivederci Yamato" was printed on promotional stuff. And I agree with Vifam 7 that "Farewell" should be watched before Yamato 2.
  8. Over at Robotechx.com, Memo asked if anyone had any fan-made Robotech 25th Anniversary logos. With the utmost humility and sincerity, I submit these:
  9. Hmmm...now the big question: Starbuck or Husker?
  10. PM'd you.
  11. You never saw Robotech: Do You Remember Love? WAY better than Robotech: Love Live Alive and Robotech II: Lovers Again.
  12. Well, keep going then: two down, four to go.
  13. Star Blazers isn't that bad of an adaptation. All the characters' names get changed (and the Yamato is rechristened "the Argo"), and some of the violence is toned down, but for the most part its pretty faithful. Although if you go to Scarywater or Bakabt, you can find the excellent fansubbed versions of the first two series. Some unknown person did the third series as well. The movies are already commercially available subtitled.
  14. One of the other things my friend brought for me today was the VF-x soundtrack... Seriously, if you post the cover of any of the OTHER things she brought for me today, I'm gonna be more than a little freaked out.
  15. What the hell? I just met up with one of my friends visiting from Japan earlier today, and she gave me some stuff I had ordered, including the Macross Dynamite 7 novels. The picture you posted is the cover of Volume 1. I'd never seen it before, and no I've seen it in two different places in the same day...? Weird.
  16. *facepalm* Yes, he knows. Because, if you had looked at it, you would've seen that he's the one who revived that thread.
  17. No, I'm sure you're right...and both of the crosswalks are pretty iconic. Here's what I thought it was...
  18. Dammit...I always thought it was the crosswalk at Shibuya Station...hell, I even walked through that crosswalk once with "My Friends" blaring on my iPod. Guess next time I go back, I'll have to walk a little bit further and cross at 109. Too bad my favorite coffee shop in Shibuya is in a slightly different direction, or else I probably would've been at the 109 crosswalk before the song ended...
  19. I just watched it earlier today. Not bad, but...I dunno. I can see why most people seem to be so "blah" about it. In a kooky sort of way, it kind of reminded me of "Back to the Future Part II"...y'know, kinda "Here's a scene you've seen before and here's what was REALLY happening before and after that scene." It was clever, and it's a testament to the writer and EJO that it hung together as well as it did, but it still seemed rather superfluous. The opening attack was pretty cool, though. And I liked the subplot about the little boy. And if anything, it made Boomer seem even more tragic than she already was.
  20. "So now the hunter...has become the hunted!!!"
  21. I'm a little behind on it, if you must know. But my target date is still Misa's 20th birthday: March 3, 2010...and I should be able to make that deadline. I was kind of hoping I'd finish it (but not upload it) a few weeks before then, but I don't think that's likely. But hey...I'm nearly done with editing the subtitles for the series, so that'll free up some time.
  22. "They laughed at me at the academy! Said I was mad! But I'll show them! HA HA HA HA HA!!!"
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