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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. This is naturally a matter of opinion, but I think Dan Woren and Lisa's voice actress (Aline Leslie? Is that right?) were pretty good, but Tony Oliver's got too much of a "Golly-gee-whillikers" sound to his voice, and Reba West sounds like way TOO much of an airhead. Plus, Mari Iijima sounds cute without being annoying, and can actually SING. And even Dan Woren and Aline Leslie (that IS right, isn't it?) aren't a patch on Akira Kamiya and Mika Doi. Gloval's Russian accent was kind of ridiculous, in my view, and Sho Hayami as cool, smooth Max is way better than Jimmy Flinders' "wow, gosh, I'm a genius?" Max. This is kinda funny, because when you really look at it, I don't think there's a single "foreign" character in Macross. Yes, Minmay's supposed to be half-Chinese, Shammy supposed to be Finnish, Max is...what, French? Something like that. But everyone in the show strikes me as really Japanese. Yes, even Focker. So, in my view, maybe you're seeing something that isn't really there...? Or maybe I am. I dunno. To make up for the fact that Minmei "debuted" "Stage Lights Flashing" about three different times , once as the theme song for a kung-fu movie. Robotech has four Minmei songs, Macross has eight. You pays your money and you takes your choice. On THAT, we agree.
  2. Not sure if this counts as Macross news, really, but Mari Iijima is playing tonight at Genghis Cohen in L.A. (Fairfax and Melrose). Anyone else planning on going?
  3. But...but...he's the Rosa Parks of Robotech fandom!
  4. Good luck with that. This is my favorite: I'm waiting for Capt. Donovan to show show up and shout at her for "putting Macross fans on the back of the fan bus"...but I guess he only says that to Macross fans. "
  5. Probably a bad idea. Since I don't care one whit if Shadow Rising or the RLAM come out, and I don't care how many Robotech DVDs or Toynami Betas get sold. Besides, if I were a mod there, I'd probably ban anyone who acted dumb or couldn't spell. I kinda disagree there, too.
  6. On RobotechX earlier this evening, I asked him (direct quote): "Before you go off more about how Macross ripped off Yamato...erm, have you read Robotech Art 1?" (Since of course, Robotech Art 1 goes into the genesis of Macross and explains it all pretty well.) He replied (again, direct quote): "Oh man,you macross purist Nazis never leave well enuf alone.I can tell you are seto kaiba and the rest of those lunatic fringe buttholes at macross world's puppet so do yourself a favor and stop being their toilet paper okay? You are not wasting my time,you wasting yours and proving me right about you lunatic macross fans. And you macross Nazis always say Robotech can't do anything original..Well bigwest fails at originality too. have a nice day" Which I guess means "No, I haven't read Robotech Art 1." I've asked this question before, but it bears repeating: Why is it that I know more about Robotech than the Robotech fanboys do? It's really kinda sad.
  7. There are many scans peppered throughout this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=707753
  8. Crossbone Gundam is...not really what F-91 would've been (at least, I don't *think* it is). It's set ten years after F-91 and the main cast (the kids) is new. The secondary cast (the adults) is all from F-91: Seabook, Cecily, and Zabine. IIRC, the F-91 cast all kinda moves aside (in one way or another) by about volume 3 or 4 to let the main cast do their thing. What I'm more interested in is the two-voume F-91 novelization, but my Japanese is nowhere near good enough to read Tomino's rather florid prose yet.
  9. Chronicles hits 40! Mechanic Sheet * Macross 7 * VF-17T Nightmare Custom * Macross Frontier Civilian Vehicles * UN Forces Weapons Character Sheet * Maximilian Jenius * Exsedol Formo * People Aboard the Macross Timeline Sheet * The Decision of Two People (???) History Sheet * The interstellar Wedding World Guide Sheet * Super Long-Range Emigration Fleets * Propaganda Films (I'm excited about this one. ) Technology Sheet * Destroids Glossary Sheet * Nousjadeul-Ger ~ Vajra Extra Sheet * Games and Advanced Valkyrie 3 * Macross Crossover Live
  10. Yet, what it lacks in Battlestars, space battles, sexy Cylons, genocide, and Starbuck, it gains in high school drama, virtual raves, and the Italian Tauran mafia. Like I said, I'll see where it goes before committing to it one way or another. Ron Moore and David Eick have built up a cache of goodwill with me, though, so I'll willing to trust them for at least a season.
  11. That's what I thought...at least it seemed to be heading pretty organically towards its end. Seasons three and four may have had flaws, but (to me, at least) feeling rushed wasn't one of 'em. Still unsure about Caprica, after watching the pilot and the clip of episode 2. Still, it's clearly a serialized story, which always means it takes a while to set up, so I'll probably stick with it through the first season and see where it goes.
  12. A clip from episode 2: http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-sto...ts-frisky/full/ And Jamie Bamber kinda/sorta criticizes the show (and I kind of agree with him, if by "teeny," he means "too many teens"): http://www.digitalspy.com/cult/news/a19373...d-domestic.html (And erm...in the second link, they say BSG was "cancelled." That's not the case, is it? I thought the fourth season was INTENDED by the creators to be the final one...?)
  13. No, look at the Japanese: パッセル. That can be many things, but it can't be "Passero." "Rafale" is much easier, because he says his name is French for "Squall." And the French word is "Rafale" not "Raffaele." Besides, "Raffaele" wouldn't be spelled ラファール. (Where did you get those romanizations, anyway? And who told you they were correct?)
  14. Well, Memo said he "SCRATCHED YOU OFF THE BAD BOY LIST." Doesn't that make you feel special?
  15. But again...that's the website, that's not the work itself. A lot of the musicians and writers (and directors, and actors) are absolute jerks, people who I'd never want to sit down and have dinner with. And yet, I like their work. So Memo bans someone. So what? Memo is not Robotech. People can put aside their experience with the website and still enjoy their Shadow Chronicles DVD. There's something to be said for looking at a story as a story, and not bothering to get involved in the behind-the-scenes mayhem that often goes on. So many people want to be "insiders," and know all the goings on with the creative people (and the people who work for the creative people), but there's something to be gained from the outside view, as well. Knowing that Walt Disney was a total bastard does nothing to enhance my viewing experience while watching Pinocchio or Fantasia; likewise, knowing that RT.com takes a dim view of questioning does nothing for someone who just wants to enjoy Robotech. Frank Black was kind of an ass to me once, but I still love his music. The two things are completely separate in my eyes. So yeah...it's a wake up call about how the website is being run; it should have nothing to do with how the show is perceived by the viewer (although, that said, it certainly gives us a lot to chortle about...).
  16. Quite frankly, I think any Robotech actually SEEN by Blackrose was probably provided to her by Seto. She is, after all, the one who called Robotech "Baby's first Macross." Which is a brilliant name, by the way. If we're speaking in generalities, though, you might be right. Although I don't know if many people will renounce the franchise entirely just because they get banned from the website...
  17. Yeah, see...the difference is that the early Anne McCaffrey novels are actually, y'know...GOOD. Original BSG...well, I think Eugimon hit the nail on the head.
  18. I didn't bastardize it, I perfected it!
  19. No, I haven't seen Prelude. I can easily believe it's awful, however.
  20. Because when they do, it turns out to be stuff like the "Shapings" of Protoculture, goofy alien races, and Robotech 3000. Really, it's probably for the best that they use other people's designs and ideas...
  21. I tend to think the novels started more confusion than the fan-made RPG stuff. But ANYTHING can be a springboard for stupid assumptions.
  22. Gosh yes! It'd be AWESOME to see some kind of science-fiction update of Samurai armor! Someone should make a show out of that! Or even, better...how about space colonies separated by country of origin, and each one comes up with a giant robot that visually represents their cultural identity? Wouldn't that be cool, too?
  23. I dunno...maybe it's because I don't play RPGs, but for some reason, people grabbing mecha from non-Robotech sources for their Robotech RPGs doesn't bug me TOO much. At any rate, it bugs me less than youtube videos that take Macross Zero or Frontier footage and slap "Rick Hunter's Theme" or "Stage Lights, Flashing" on them. I've been thinking for a while that someone should take Sentinels or Shadow Chronicles footage, and put Macross or Mospeada music over it. Yes, Dr. Lazlo Zand pumped Lisa full of Protoculture-laced Invid blood. It makes her turn into a Robotech Master, which means there are now three Lisas. Rick's got his hands full taking care of three mutated Lisas, I can tell ya! It's all part of the wacky hijinx of "Robotech III: Rick 'n' Lisa...'n' Lisa...'n' Lisa." It's a half-hour laff factory for the whole family!
  24. Well..Megumi Ogata has kind of a deep voice, so she tends to get a lot of roles playing guys. Especially boys who are just on the brink of puberty. As for other male characters voiced by women, most little boys are...the only main characters I can think of off-hand though are Son Goku and Crayon Shin-chan.
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