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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I envy you for having the good faith to assume that a book with a cover like this... ...could be anything other than awful.
  2. Yes and no. I neglected to mention that I had to gnaw my own leg off to survive through the "Super Scouts Save the Baseball Camp" episode.
  3. He looks fit in a Greg Louganis sort of way, not a Robert E. Howard sort of way...
  4. "Mighty-thewed" is not a word that springs to mind when looking at that guy.
  5. I'll be honest...I have no idea how to reply to this, because it seems so disconnected from the Mari I've seen. I thin you should check out her website, poke around a bit...and maybe buy a CD if the spirit moves you. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  6. She DOES celebrate Macross...when she feels like it (which isn't terribly often). I've heard her sing "Do You Remember Love" and "An Angel's Paints" at her concerts, and occasionally she even talks about the show. Hell, the first time I saw her, Reba West was in the audience. But Mari's focus is on her music. She's a singer/songwriter first and anything else second (and a voice actress last of all). I feel pretty confident in saying that her own albums are nearer and dearer to her heart than Minmay is.
  7. What principle? "Macross v. Robotech" is probably not even a blip on her radar screen. Why should it be? I know she's seen some Robotech, but I doubt she really cares about it all that much, one way or another.
  8. I doubt it was part of any kind of contract. She often does convention appearances, for the same reason that a lot of performers do them: they pay pretty well for it, and it's a good excuse to travel (I met an actress on an airport taxi once who was in a few episodes of the original Star Trek, and now more or less makes a living by appearing at Trek conventions all around the US). Also she gets to perform, get her music out to some people who probably wouldn't have heard it otherwise, and sell a few CDs while she's at it. So who cares if the convention organizers are footing the bill, or if HG is? She gets to travel, she gets to talk, she gets to sing, she gets to meet people. What's so bad about that? It's actually a pretty interesting interview. As usual, there's a lot of "anything bad that happened wasn't my fault" coming out of Macek's mouth, but he does make some pretty good points. I could've done without the "We're hardcore otaku and yet we love Streamline's dubs!" hosts, however.
  9. Hmmm...I hate to say it, but I think you're absolutely wrong. The WTF-1 is not the Macross, as you've so often claimed. It's just another ship of the same type as the SDF-1.
  10. Yes. I understand that that's what Kawamori is saying. I said as much a page or two back.
  11. She probably doesn't, nor have I ever gotten the feeling that she'd care. She's been focused on her music pretty much her whole life. Macross was a mere detour that sometimes helps, sometimes hinders.
  12. Hmmm...you should see my Eva collection... Anyway, you've inspired me...all these pictures have been in this thread before, but I find that how the pictures are organized can greatly enhance their import. Truly, the sum is greater than the parts. So, I bring you... THE RANKA TRILOGY OF HURT
  13. Very nice! Kinda reminds me of May'n's sketch of Sheryl...
  14. - VF-1D - Glaug - Nousjadeul-Ger (maybe) - VF-1A (DYRL) - Nousjadeul-Ger (DYRL)
  15. Ghost Train has a good point (it would also mean that McDonald's is the world's greatest restaurant), but I'd also add that it just shows that the theory that Robotech somehow put anime on the world stage is mere hyperbole.
  16. You don't know Sketchley very well yet, do you?
  17. Is there a single source of Macross continuity that DOESN'T have inconsistencies...?
  18. It's on the bonus materials menu. Go down one, and then right. The BSG logo should appear. Press OK. It's really, really short.
  19. You might want to look at the rest of the post you quoted, instead of just taking one line out of context. To wit: So yeah, according to Macross Chronicle and all official Macross timelines, the TV series is real. Kawamori's idea contradicts that, of course. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
  20. And those novels should be used for verification why exactly...?
  21. ...Because seeing the INSIDE of someone's body is fine, it's seeing the OUTSIDE that's the problem.
  22. Maybe they're, um...space kilograms...
  23. I *still* maintain that the Senkousha wins hands down:
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