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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. So it's like a prostitute who marries well and is now a respectable society lady?
  2. Not really, but it's pretty clear that their marriage was on the mend. And Max at least shows up in a couple of the Frontier novels.
  3. As I understand it, back when it was Battledroids, Battletech was an attempt to build a crappy RPG around designs from Macross, Dougram, and Crusher Joe. In more recent years, it's turned into idiots championing the so-called "original" designs of Battletech over those lousy Japanese designs. They also seem to think that giant robots can be made somehow practical, which may be possible, but not by some chumps aping anime designs and saying they're totally original.
  4. Speaking frankly, as bad as Robotech fans are, I think Battletech fans are worse. Both insist that Japanese media shouldn't target the Japanese public, but Battletech fans are way more obnoxious about it.
  5. I guess approaching everything "with an air of confidence" isn't good enough, sometimes...
  6. Well, May'n is with Victor, and Macross is with Victor, so it shouldn't be a problem. If anything, the problem would be with her pre-Victor stuff (which may be why they're just here in re-recorded versions).
  7. Maybe because it's a duet...? Miracle Upper WL isn't there, either...
  8. More than that, the 0079-related stuff was only available on video tape and could be ordered only from AnimeVillage.com. So yeah, Wing was the first one on US television... But that's not what the article said.
  9. If your Japanese language skill isn't up to snuff, then yes, your opportunities are limited. But if that's the case, being a waiter at a restaurant that serves predominately Japanese customers probably isn't the best career plan.If your Japanese IS business-level, then you'll have plenty of opportunities.
  10. I don't understand this sentence... Can you explain?
  11. Good question... I don't think the Bird Human looks or acts much like the Vajra Queen, though...
  12. They mentioned it at the end of the series, that the Protoculture revered and basically deified the Vajra. So yeah, although they never come out and say it, I think, in-universe, the Glaug was inspired by the red Vajra and the Regult by the green Vajra.
  13. So I just ordered from Amazon possibly the rarest and most obscure bit of Macross history, which should resolve a long-standing question from the original series. It's something the original staff used in the creation of the show! I'm excited! Are you?
  14. I think it's great that Macross is helping you to expand your horizons.
  15. The Macross the Ride books, especially the Visual Guide Vol. 1.
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