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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. So, uh...last week is the distant past now?
  2. Hang on, THAT sounds familiar, considering that he once wrote this to me: Funny, eh?
  3. Of course I pretty much agree, except that I couldn't care less if the people posting here are Macross fans or not. HappyPenguins isn't a Macross fan; Zen72 isn't, either. Cory Holmes prefers Robotech. Wanzerfan seems to be incredibly hostile to the minimal amount of Macross that he's seen. Fifbeat was actually bragging for a while about not having seen Macross. Whamhammer wasn't the slightest bit interested in Macross. Hell, Pie Guy is even a member here. Would I want these people banned? Of course not. But that's because they get that this is a Macross site (well, most of them do. I still wonder about Wanzerfan sometimes), and not many of us are going to think of Carl Macek as a visionary creator, nor are we going to think (by and large) that tacking three separate anime shows together is a great recipe for artistic success. And they respect that. People like Captain Donovan and dougbendo (and, much earlier, Robotech Purist and B.o.K.) don't extend that respect. I don't think you HAVE to be a fan of Macross to contribute here, but you've gotta have respect for or tolerance of Macross fans. You're going to have to show some restraint, and some decorum. You're going to have to be kinda careful how you word things (if someone says, "I prefer Robotech," I don't think many would complain. But if they said "Robotech is obviously superior," well, them's fightin' words). So I don't care if Pizza is a Macross fan or not. I care more that his main contribution to Robotech fandom is going after people, shouting "You got served!" at them, telling them they should have sex with their dead dogs, advising suicide, and figuring that every poster who disagrees with him is either Seto in disguise or else HappyPenguins' lover. Most of the people at Robotech.com seem glad that he's gone, and he's hanging on at RobotechX by a very thin thread. He's been banned twice at each site. And just because he's mad at Memo, that suddenly means he knows how to behave, and has something to contribute? How does that logic work? Oh well. If he can restrain himself, problem solved. If he can't, the problem will also be solved.
  4. I've been going through the whole series again, this time with the commentary. I find I'm liking the "Ron Moore with David Eick" commentaries better than the Ron Moore solo commentaries. And I'm mildly surprised by how openly critical he is of certain scenes or certain episodes.
  5. Ha ha, yeah. Before, he was calling me a nazi and a son of a whore; now, he's just accusing me of having a big ego and "not taking responsibility" for my actions (???). Before, he was trying to get under Sighup's skin and playing the victim for being banned from RTX; now, he's trying to get under Memo's skin and playing the victim for being banned from RT.com. Yep, that's real progress, that is. Again, mostly, I just resent the notion that Macross World is the refugee camp for those banned from Robotech.com.
  6. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Legend of the Galactic Heroes is epic. Space Battleship Yamato is epic. Robotech is just long.
  7. No, I think Dynaman is right. After Star Wars, sci-fi films globally became more juvenile, clichéd, action-oriented, and dumbed-down.
  8. Accusing someone of lying about a friend with cancer, eh? That's pretty low.
  9. So what happened to March? I remember Seto saying something about him not having internet access, but that was a while ago. Has anyone talked to him?
  10. Most true, O Pete. I myself have been putting Masters Saga and New Generation mecha into my Macross role-playing games for more than a decade now, as well as making AMVs of Robotech, using Macross music. But thanks to you and Rhade, I've seen the error of my ways.
  11. Haven't you seen the infamous DYRL dub? Enjoy:
  12. http://www.hulu.com/super-dimension-fortress-macross Go down to "Activities" and click on "dicussions." But since Hulu is only available in the States, you may not be able to view it. So here's the best of the crop, all from the same guy: And in reply to someone who called Robotech a butchering of Macross: And a different user: And yet a third user: And that's only in the first couple of days! I foresee years of this tripe!!
  13. Any movie with Jennifer Connelly in it is, at the VERY least, worth seeing once.
  14. ...and then you've got the little outbreak happeneing (already!) at Hulu, where someone is already touting Robotech as THE ORIGINAL, and Macross just a superfluous retread of it.
  15. Yeah, I'm not getting anything. Has Mr. March forsaken us...?
  16. I've never heard that...the last I heard of him is that he performed Shammy's wedding...
  17. Don't worry, we have our own idiots as well. It's just that they're less likely to be in positions of authority.
  18. It's probably my own myopia. I find it hard to separate Robotech from all the baggage that comes with it. I still think the show itself isn't very good, however.
  19. What is this, Non-Sequitur Theatre...? By the way, looks like there's a lively discussion brewing in the comments section at Hulu...
  20. The thing is...I for one DO dislike Robotech ("hate" is kind of a strong word). I think it's cheap and amateurish, anything that's good about it was already present in the original, and it's been leeching off of Macross and its sequels for way too long now. I dislike the confusion that results when people mix up Macross and Robotech, and I've grown to intensely dislike having to set people straight about it. Harmony Gold's continuing actions are idiotic, no doubt, but THE SHOW ITSELF is lousy, and the smug attitude of its "creators" that they took a flawed product and made it presentable is insulting. So, if you want a Macross Purist / Robotech Hater, look no further. Here I am. But I'd never attack someone merely for liking Robotech (although I might question their taste), nor would I try to bring down anyone who likes Robotech. If someone says something colossally stupid, I'll laugh at it...not because they like Robotech, but because they said something colossally stupid. So I wouldn't say we're all as courteous about Robotech as you say (I'm not, at least), but I certainly hope we're not as nasty as Rhade would have it (or one guy on RTX, who figured that "Macross Elitists" were the ones who reported Robotech Genesis to HG). He should know that, since he has said on many occasions that he's been a member here for a long time, and has even posted (although none of us were smart enough to figure out his secret identity). In fact, I know he knows at least some of the goings on here, since he sent me a nice little PM last week: "I can tell you yet still display the "Do as we say,not as we do" treatment I expirienced from so many of you Macross fans.By the way,You chose to come after me by talking about me when I was not even there at mw.com because I supported Memo,You and alot of Macross fans were worse than I was with you.So I lowered myself to using Macross fan tactics. You were in the wrong too.You seen those threads,but you do not know what was said to me by Msgs and emails.Since you only on my sack and not taking responsibility for your actions means that you are still sore.Maybe your ego is big because you think you are Macross' herald because you translated some stuff,otherwise you could let this farce go." So I'm guessing he's read some of the stuff I've done. It's nice to be appreciated.
  21. Well...the Foundation books DO have the largest city imaginable...but it's already been stolen by George Lucas and its name was changed from "Trantor" to "Coruscant."
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpMCyA1Zf00
  23. Cripes. Again, WHY DO ROBOTECH FANS LOOK AT THIS THREAD AND THIS THREAD ONLY??? Captain Donovan said he looked in the "Movies and TV Series" forum, but couldn't understand what anyone was talking about (so he promptly ignored it). Dougbendo acts on his podcast like this thread is the only thread on the whole site (which is, apparently, why he thinks VFTF1 is the highest VIP here). So, to any Robotech fans who might be reading this, and think we're all harping on your favorite series too much, take a look around the place. Look at the toy forums, the model forums, the fanworks forums, the series forums...LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF WE TALK ABOUT THAT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MACROSS, AND NOTHING TO DO WITH ROBOTECH. You'll be glad you did.
  24. Nah, the thread's open...you just aren't logged in.
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